Let it be a mmmmmmmmens problem
I'm layin in bed topless trying to feel good about myself and not alone, but it is just on of those days of th month when it is really hard. I think I have a devil growing inside of me, a devil that is bleeding and stomping its hooves and goring its horns at my inner organs. My whole abdominal area is in killing pain, and just wants to lay in fetus position and cry. My head though is so stubborn and is telling my body that no good will come of crying, not crying for no reason. Never shed tears about the same thing twice my head is telling me, and that is what I shall do. This kind if pain is just weakness leaving the body. Whilst there is no one here to take care of me, yes you may call me bitter, cause I am. Why do I not have a man taking care of me is a question I ask myself on a daily basis. Now I'm going to take a serious painkiller cocktail, and probaly watch a movie that will only make me cry more and feel even worse about my self, but that is just how I rolll.