January 19th
One early morning, a huge coffee, two classes, a baguette lunch, a make-up session, a photo shoot themed "Little Black Dress", a picking up of glasses, a gym work-out, a take-out dinner, a marriage porposal, a movie and a hour of studying I am finally in bed! It has been a long and hectic day as you can see, but it has all just mostly been fun :) The photoshoot went well I think, I'm just waiting to see the finished photos ! Alright should sleep, I want to try to hit the gym tomorrow again after school and then also I need to fix some stuff with my travel agent before work !

Here are some pictures of moi today, nothing special just todays outfit pretty much!

One of my very favorite "casual chic" outfits! Simple longsleeved sailors striped jumper, torn Levi's jeans,
fo-furr coat, hat to hide tiredness or the no-make-up face matched with a pair of high heeled laced booties !

One tired face after three hours of shooting and a hour work out

two hours later . . .

. . . and now ! Highlt recomend this book people, read it and you'll laugh and cry.
Good night and thank you for reading querido,