Saving the Dates
Just thought I'd let you know that I'm great! Better than you think probably, things are really working out for me :)

Here's a brief version of my agenda for this spring:
February 13th, I'm going to London to check things with Uni and see so that everything are in order, the College is located on Oxford Street so I'm guessing that I'll be doing A LOT of shopping as well! I'm also going to meet someone there which I'm quite excited about :) (the dating nerves have already kicked in)
April 6th, birthday time !! I'm turning 19, the most boring digit ever.
April 11th, (5 days after my mom's and my birtday) we're going to Paris, an early present from Dad :) I'll be doing some shopping there as well, of course. Might be going there a second time with the Art & Design course in school.
May 11th, I'm going to Turkey with a bunch of people in my class :D it's as a graduation trip, pre-partying and get a tan before the real graduation !!
May 31st, GRADUATION !!!!!!!!!!!
As you all can see I have a lot to look forward to and I couldn't be more excited !! Gotta sleep, I have to get up at 6 A.M. and after school I have to go the eye-doctor and later the gym, Beach 2012 here I come ! :)

Nighty night !