Time to get going !
Heey wassap people ?!

Just thought I needed to do a little update :) So what's happend since i updated last time? Well I worked all weekend long as usual . . . and then on sunday it was staffparty time. Some crazy shit went down that night, that is all I have to say! Since then its pretty much just been school and the gym. Here are some pictures I've taken the last couple of days :

It snowed on saturday and it's been freezing ever since, so the snow is still on the ground!

We hung out in the changing room for a while after work on saturday an then I had one beer
and later went home.

this is what I looked liked going to the staffparty

It was a beautiful venue, right by the river :)

Starbucks also opened right by my buss stop in town, they had some trouble spelling
my name though . . .
I guess that's pretty much it for now, I have to study for my psycology test I have on friday. Can't think of anything more boring to do . . . .
Laters ,