
Pretty boring day
Hey everybody!
I'm sorry to say that I don't have anything fun to tell you guys today. It's just been the usuall. So there wont be a big post today, if guys don't have any questions for me. So see you guys I'm just going to have a calm night doing nothing probably.
I'll take another please...!
Got up at ten this morning feeling much better than yesterday. I put some trainers on and fixed my face and hair a bit. Then I went downstairs and ate some breakfast. I also painted my nails my new beautiful nailpolis. I love it! I didn't have any school today because 5 times a year we have something called Students Own Choice, and I had street dance and didn't start until 12.30. When I finally got ot school it turned out that the dance teacher had gotten the flew, but luckily they had fixed a substitute. We had a blast dancing anyway, did a lot of solos which was fun! After dancing for a few hours I ended up at YTC with some friends and stayed for their lesson. Had a lot of fun, so I'll take another one of these days please! When I got home I studied for a bit and ended up here. Well I don't have much more to say now more than dudes leave some fucking comments so I have something to answer to!
Can't see the color very well but it's kind of disco purple called Fashionista from H&M
Talk to later ,
Busy busy busy = sick
Yesterday was such a busy day!
First I had school, a pretty regular day. Except that I think my school is so dirty and dusty that it makes me sick! So I'm going to have a chat with the principle about this whole thing. After school I had about a hour to get home to eat and get packed for the physical therapist and dance. I hurried off the buss and got of at Nordstan (northtown) and walked through the mall there. I had realized the day before that I wanted a purple nail polish so I just slipped into H&M and found a really nice one and a compact powder and an eyebrow shader. I think I've devolped a small shopping addiction, but atleast I paid for it in cash with the money left from Stockholm. Then I took the buss to Linnégatan where my physical therapist has his practice. But I had some extra time so popped into the "English Shop" which is a really cute little place that is right by the busstation when you get off at Prinsgatan. I popped in because it felt like I had a cold on the way. And the best cure for that is without a doubt Lemsip +, and you can only buy that in the UK. I've found so much stuff in that little shop that it's unreal. I'm thinking about bringing mom or something so we can do some grocery shopping there. But anyway they didn't have any Lemsip beacuse they were sadly not allowed to sell pharmacy items. So no miracle medicine for Kajsa. So I was off to Patrik my physicaltherapist. He told me that my shoulder was pretty much back to normal except that it's still overly flexible towards the back. So if somebody would push me from the front hard, my shoulder could get dislocated backwards. After the check-up we went through my gym schedule, and I got some new exercises, which took much longer time than I hoper it would. So when I was done I had exactly 30 minutes to get across town with the tram, run to the dance studio and get changed. I did it in 35 minutes so I was pretty chuffed!
Picture from the Winter dance residle
We've got a new dance teacher her name is Jane she's pretty famous around Gothenburg. We're going to be dancing to a song from Hairspray I think it's going to be really cute. When I got home I was dead tired, and my cold was getting worse! So I think I've realized once more that small cold + exercise = huge cold! So I've barley done anything except sleep today. Now I just finished a spaghetti and meatball dinner :) yummi !
Hope I haven't bored you all to death :)
Hey y'all
I got home from stockholm last night, I was so tired that I didn't even put up a tiny post. But I'm going to try to update you guys as good as I can.
Stockholm was great! I got up at 5 A.M. friday morning got myself ready and finished the packing that I hadn't finished the night before. Nina came and picked me up at 7, so had had plenty of time to get ready and I was ready for Stockholm. We arrived in Stockholm at about noon. We went to visit one of Nina's family friend that works at RIX FM (a radio station), so we got to see the studio and listen to her live and everything it was really cool! Then it turned out that Knappen and Hakim who have a moning show on NRJ worked on the same floor so we got to meet them, that was even cooler, haha ! It was also really awkward and embarrassing since they had done there famous wake up call on both of us, they all laughed like crazy when they found out. Unfortunately no one thought of taking any pictures while we were there so I don't have any.
After that embarrassment we went to Gamla Stan (Old Town) we walked around there for a while, counting all the souvenir shops, we lost count after like 15 there were so many! Then we got into like kind of main town and started looking at clothes and all sorts of stuff. We ate some Chinese and checked into the hotel got ourselves ready, goofed around like idiots. And then is was off to Hovet ! It was freakin cold but we were so excited that we didn't care much. We met a lot of different people. But then after about an hour and a half we were inside and we had found out seats. Crossfire played for awhile, but then we had to wait another 45 minutes for Chris to come on. When he did everyone went crazy and it was all just so amazing!!! We barely slept anything that night, and it was breakfast at 8. So we got up ate breakfast, went back to bed and watched some TV. But later we realized we needed to get ready so we put some make-up on and hit the town once again, did some shopping and ate Indian food. After lunch we just jumped into the car and drove home to Gothenburg. It was a long ride, not very comfortable and I couldn't sleep. And to top it off when we were about an hour from Gothenburg a buss had hit a moose! So it took some to get passed that. But after that it was all fine and smooth.
Getting ready..
Ready to go !
The man of the night!
Turned out to be a late night with a bunch of girl talk :)!
Today I woke up at 2 P.M. , I think I needed to sleep a bit, haha! Especially since somebody kept me awake until 4.30 A.M.. Haven't done anything worth mentioning today. But we'll see I might throw in another post later into the in evening.
Packing ...!
So as soon as I got home from church I started packing. Because I'm leaving for Stocholm in the morning, to see Chris Brown live! Can't wait ! The hardest thing though is packing, it's so ahrd packing for just ine night, it's unbelievable. You never know what is enough and what is too much, but I think I'm done know, just hope the bag fits, haha ! :D
So now I'm sitting talking on the phone with Eddie, I'll probably go to sleep soon as well, after I've sneek peeked on a few blogs :).
Nighty night !
Home for a sec
I just got home from school , and I'm leaving in like half an hour again. I'm going to church. It's for the kids that are getting confirmed this year so I can go on their camp and boss them around as much as I like, haha :D ! Nothing much happend in school. First we had match , didn't get much but got some stuff done atleast. Then spannish whan I realized that my resumé was much shorter than everybody elses, not good. Then after that we had music and we finally got some stuff done on the song! We've got a melody and a refrain all the instruments work to it, so now we just have to come up with a few verses. Which is much easier said than done. Lunch and recess was just chilling didn't really do anything. After that social studies, didnät get very much done there either because poor Sandra is sick, so hope you feel better babes <3. Last lesson was swedish instead of english, because we have to get ready for the national test that we have in two weeks, it's the only test that i'm scared for because my swedish really sucks!
Picture from my confirmation last year.
Talk to you later dudes,
And I've planned to keep on reading spannish in the gymnasium ( which is for those who don't know the school level i'm starting next term, it's a three year long education and then i go off to the university! ). I'm a language freak I want to learn so freakin' many different languages that I don't even think it's possible. Right now I have swedish, english, spannish and french so I want to learn them fluently and then I also want to learn italian and mandarine. We'll see how that goes, haha ! Oh yeah you guys probably don't know that I'm planning to attend the International High School of Gothenburg Region. I'm going to read social science and then probaly world economics in the second year. At least the that's the plan. So i haven't planned that much for tomorrow just the regular, school and then go home. But Sandra, Maria and i are planning to go to out confirmation group and be leaders at the camp that they're having in not too long. Should be alot of fun I know our camp was loads of fun so I can't see why this one shouldn't be !
Hasta la vista fellow readers !
Hey Guys !
So to tell you about my day, today I haven't done that much. It started with me waking up bearly getting ready beacause I didn't have time or the will too. We were supposed to have Astronomy as our first lesson, but our teacher overslept so our lesson was just a classroom with 20 kids doing absolutley nothing! It was nice but I haven't even gotten started on the essay, luckily it's only supposed to be on 3-4 pages :). After that we had a swimming test with school so we had to take the buss in to town and then the tram. We had clothingswim and lifesaving today, it went pretty well even though it was such a drag carrying all the wet clothes home again! So well at least I'm home now and I have to get started on my resumé of Shrek 2 in spanning, should be intresting, haha !

Anyway talk to you later porbs ;)
you know you love