Waaaaazääp !
Heeeey y'all !

I'm home just chillin in the coach with Linda. We're going to drag our lazy asses into to in a bit to watch "Cortegen" which is a parade that the University Chalmers aranges ever valborg (last of april) here in Gothenburg :)

(internal joke, not everyone get's it....)
Valborg !

Todays outfit : ASK !!!
ay ay ay...
Me saying I'm going to tidy my room always ends the same ! I start picking up clothes from the floor go to the closet and start hanging one in and then when I'm looking for a new hanger I find something I haven't seen in "such a long time" take it out and try it on and then throw it on the floor.... That's me cleaning my room.... can you understand how room usually looks? I'm lucky if I can see the floor on the first floor. I rarley see the floor and my second floor either since I have friends sleeping over so often and they get to sleep on an extra matress next to my bed and furr rugg :)

Anyways this time my closet had a bunch of sailor chic close to offer, I LOVE SAILOR CHIC ! might have something to do with the fact that I am a sailor? hehe, I photographed two skirts that I looove.

Vintage leather skirt, bought somewhere in London

(needs to be ironed) cute white skirt from Gina Tricot a year ago . . .

an adorable chain belt I found at beyond retro a while back :)
Found this dress that I bought two years ago but it doesn't look as good on as it did before since my boobs have gotten bigger and waist smaller since last summer... sad story.... I'll have to see if I can get it fitted or something :)
Riiight I'm supposed to be tidying up !
Heeey birches ,

I've been home from school for a while now , had a bite to eat and watched some ANTM. Now it's time to get serious and tidy up my room and do some spannish ! weöpogtjhnmkb vweäljhmnrtkölsryk ..... Well well update later !

Naah I don't miss it . . . .
School Time !
gotta run to the bus !

Jeans: Acne
Cardigan: Bannan Republic
bonojour . . . .

Me and my brie-cheese !
Can I get a WOOT WOOT !?

Plural !
Geeeeez when did I update this much in one day last? No clue , haha anyways just got out of the shower and my whole body feels like a babies but ! Hehe, my hair too actually I used this extra strong conditioner which my hair has been in huge need of after the florida sun!

For those that didn't know I had my birthday while I was there, but it didn't feel like it haha. That's also why grandma left the money :) I haven't really celebrated my birthday, I mean I got cash to spend in florida but I haven't seen my family and friends which feels kind of weird. I was in town the other day and I saw a birthday cake and I said to Linda "ooooooh I want that cake for my birthday" and she was like "in eleven months?". That was when I realized that my birthday was over , hahah, sad but true. There's always a next year, then weäre talking PARTY !

Clinique instant facial and moisture surge does wonders to your face !
Thank You !
My grandma was here this weekend while I was out haveing fun Nina and Jorgito. And look what she left me ! :D Shopping!!!! , hehe no not really, but more money for Greeece baby !

Thank you grandma , I love you!
And oh yeah , I might be going to Greece the 29th of may already ! :D cross your fingers !
It's raining cats and dogs....
I wish it was raining MEN !

Hmmmmm..... (naughty naughty)
I'm off too school to kick some national test ASS !

Cap: Ralph Lauren
Shoes: Pink converse
not a spec of dust . . .
Can somebody please put this woman in an armani add or something?
I've always said that it's impossible to define perfection,
but this girl, damn, she's close !

there's nothin' wrong with that guy either, those are some good genes !
so you don't have to ask
no need to ask here's the answer , i'm naked in all my pictures even the ones where it looks like i'm wearing clothes !

i'm going to join the army one day (see i'm naked under all that , ooooh )
Je suis sans voix
Bonne nuit mes anges je vous aime tous
J'ai eu une parfaite fin de la semaine, vous savez

(my french might be getting a little rusty, pardon monsiouer roland
Pardon !
I'm sorry guys but I'm having a bit of a "bloggtorka" .... But I hope to be back very soon, I've had this cold ever since I got back from the states and it's sort of taking all of my energy !

El Viernes !
I think I was up a litle too late yesterday studying the script, but now I'm finally up and done. The sun is shining and I hope that'll get me in a better mood ASAP.... I'm working tonight so i don't know how the updating is going to work.

Jeans: Acne Tanktop: Mango Cardigan: New York Collection Jacket: ESPRIT
Look what I found !
Come to mama !

Back en la casa
Finally back home , made it to school just in time! I was still in a pretty bad mood almost the whole morning , the last class was P.E. and pretty hectic. When school was finally over we hit the town to get a bite to eat and do some shopping.
Opened the fridge when I got home , it's E M P T Y! So what's forr dinner? nada i guess. . . . but thanks to Blondinbella all I can think about is moules frittes! Anybody up for coming over with some? pretty please

Hey gay :)

I have to start working on my spanish script :'(
F*CK !
I fucking overslept so now I'm waiting for my coffee to be done and then I'm off to school !

GREAT day !
I had a very good day today ! Ended school at 12.10, after that stayed in town with Linda for some serious chillaxing on a perfect spring day! I'm basically just going to let the pictures speak for themselves.

Todays outfit,, finally rid of the leggings !

Brakefast right next to school

Ir's weird how happy a huge burning ball of fire can make you

After school and lunch (thai take-out)

Some Rocky Road for dessert

Buhu no room for Linda and Kajsa on the "Lion Stairs", we need our
space, trust me !
Dear readers. .. .
Dear readers, I love the comments (kind of) but if you do leave one I'd really appreciate a name !

That's it, don't have too much too write about right now, just did my nails and no I'm doing some math, update later !

Tuesday !
Outfit of the day:

Jumper: Ralph Lauren
Jeans: Levis
Belt: I got it from my grandma !
Shoes: White converse
Mood of the day:
Spring is here
Craving of the day:
Ice cream !

The coffee is done and I'm off to school !
sleepy time !
I seriously need to do something about my jetlag so I'm going to bed now ! Good night y'all !

How good isn't she ?
Monday = Back to school !
Hectic day today but still a great one !
I started school today once again, was looking forward to see everyone again :) Overslept though.... I'm still pretty jetlagged. I still got to school on time , on the minute ! Then I was told we didn't have english , greeeeat I was in schoool an hour and a half early ! So we just chilled out in the sun which was nice :) The rest of the day flowed on like it usually does, afterwards Linda and I went to get a "fika" at Espresso House (ofcourse) to catch up, met her brother aswell. That was kind of intresting (hehe) ! Finally home all I had time to do was take a quick bite to eat, change and then I was off to dance ! Now I'm tired but feelin' goooood.

Outfit of the day ! Gorgeous, hehe
Jeans: way to old for me to remember !
Piké: Fred Perry
Jumper: The GAP
Hand bag: somewhere in London close to Harrods....

Going to dance, it's freakin' hot in the studio !

My dinner, what the kitchen had to offer , and as far as I go when
it comes to cooking . . .
Something I forgot....
Before I left for Florida, the night I was out, I forgot to tell you guys that while Linda and I was waiting for the buss this fashion blogger came up to me asked me if she could take a picture of me cause loved my clothes and boots, I was very flattered and said ofcourse, ofcourse ! :)

Picture taken by Beata Klein !
Link to her blog: http://www.nattstad.se/BeataKlein?id=953830
I'm baaaaack !
I'm back inte the game don't you worry !