Clouds . . .
Hey guys, internet was barley working yesterday. I did go swimming but in a lake. . . It still was a pretty ok day :)

Now I'm about to go into town to meet Linda, where has she been lately? :O Haha. It's going to be great to see her and we're hopefully going to get back to our regular routine, shopping, sushi, shopping coffee shopping. Or something like that :) That's pretty much what I've got planned for the day. I'm going to look for a camera so they're might be some pictures for y'all later on ;) hopefully !
Todays outfit:

Jeans: ZARA, Cardigan: The GAP, Top:?, Bag: WERA of Stockholm

The sun is starting to pop out of the clouds :)
Sex & the City Mara
Hey guys, yes I'm still up I've been having a hard time sleeping lately when it's so light out. Right now I'm in the basement watching sex and the city, it's always a great escape. But I really should get some sleep.... in a bit.

Who wouldn't to be in her shoes ? dior and with Mr. Big and all . . .
Well God night dear readers,
I want to go swimming in the ocean. . .
I want to go swimming tomorrow but I don't who to take or where to go. . .

Anyways I've mostly been chillin' today checking old pictures and found this hilarious picture. It's from when we were out sailing 2007 in scotland and we had just made it over the north sea and dad is popping the champagne

Good times, good times
Up & Down
I've hade a lot of ups and downs this weekend but now I think I've come to a place where I can feel my absolute best. The reason why I'm keeping this update short is because the weather is like this and I don't feel like sitting in front of the laptop right now !

Bakin' weather !
A(fucking)MAZING !
I want to hear more of this kind of music from dear little miss Lady GaGa !
Just got home from work . . . .
Hey everyone, I just got home from work and I'm raging, no joke, I have never been this pissed in my whole life !

You want a piece of me? sorry you aint getting one . . .
Buuuuuuuut I don't want to take it out on you guys (like some other people often choose to do) so I'm just going to update when I am as happy as can be !
I did it !
Heeey , guess what ?! I managed to make dinner from scratch ! :D Sure I got some help from Jorgito but I was the one that did it all!

Tv dinner :), tasted pretty good. Ate it in front of the TV which is hung on the
wall of our half renovated basement, I can't wait until it is finnished !
Well I'm going to jump into the shower now, any thoughts about what I should do with the hair?
Let's have a vote shall we?
Tomorrow and Saturday I'm working. I'm going to be hosting the outside serving of Hard Rock Cafe. Which means I'll be welcoming guests, seating them where they please and where it's available and checking so everything else is ok in that area and I want to look my best. Right now I have absolutely nothing to do so I'm wondering if I should do something fun with hair. It's constant drag so help me out !

Shall I make it curly, wavy, put it up, braids or simply just straighten it?

Me with straight hair in Hyde Park, London

Curly hair, not the greatest picture , but yeah

Waves. . . .
Should I do one of these three or something else?
Help me please ! and no I'm not going to shave it all off, or half.
Morning duties
This is how I chose to spend my morning . . .

I might go do it again. . . just need a sip of something !
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
Just sitting here aint getting me nowhere so I'm going to go sleep. Good night everyone !

Back in the States . . .
Jeans wasn't the beast choice today, right the second when I opened up the door the clouds started clearing away. Mikael and I sat at Soho, one of the best in town in my opinion, and chatted for 3 hours, there was nothing stopping us! The sun was absolutely baking, and I had my blue jeans on. . . (HOOOT)

Well now I'm home had some pizza with my mom and sister. They're on their way to bed now but I'm watching one of my absolute favorite movies on tv. Coyote Ugly I used to love that movie when we lived back in the states. It makes me think of those great times, I want to go back so bad. Everything was easier back then, sure I was younger but still . . . Who ever said growing up and shitty decision making was easy ? Working, taking care of friends, being a good friend, daughter, sister, as long as trying to have a love life or whatever I should call it, I'm telling you it aint easy. It's fucking tiresome !

Me and my sister baking by the pool at the new apartment in Florida,
the pic is taken on our first day there in March.
Anyways I'm going to go and plan the weekend, I'm working Friday and Saturday and I'm home alone so might need to do some grocery shopping and shitty grown up things like that. What are my fellow readers doing over this lovely midsummer weekend?
Surprise !
Surprise you guys ! I spent the night at Lindas, like always. I'm always too lazy to drag my ass to the buss. . . Anyways we spent the day and night watching a whole lot of Sex & the City episodes and Pirates of the Caribbean while Linda did my nails :)

My pretty nails, thank you Linda !

London Warehouse top and Acne Jeans
Now I'm home but leaving again to go into town and have a fika with a friend.
Just go spend your night somewhere else !
Chimney sweepers woke me up this morning !

We're getting our basement renovated so there doing some stuff was a nice surprise seeing as I didn't have any clothes on when they rang the bell !
Anyways no I'm off for another driving lesson and after that to Linda's crib ! :)

Busy weekend and no internet!
Hey everyone sorry for the terrible update, just that I've barley been home this weekend. I've been at Lindas, working and Jorgito was in town. Was nice to see him, it's been a while. The internet here as home hasn't been working until now either.

I'm going to keep this update short because I'm in great pain right now... It feels like someone's stuck a knife on the side of my hip. I don't know why. . . .
I'll update as soon as I feel up for it !

Off to Linda's !
I'm off to Linda's ! Here's a todays outfit :)

Raybans, Vero Moda Denim shorts, Ralph Lauren jumper and to go with
that a pair of white converse :)
Early riser?
Hey I'm up! and I've already had a shower and a cup coffee and it's not even eleven o'clock :D. I feel so proud , haha. Now I'm going to bathe myself in lotion and body butter since I'm all dried up after Greece ! Later I'm going to Linda and see how she is doing. I don't know for how long I'll be there but we'll see :)

The dress is really just a scarf so don't get ahead of yourselves ;) (morning face)
Tomorrow I'm working, so I don't know what the update is going to look like, you'll just have to wait and see ;)
Shit it's early !
Yes I'm aware of the time and yes I'm up !

You wanna know why? For my birthday (which was in april) I got 12 driving lessons, so like a week ago I booked one them and here I am up with the sun, I've had my cup of coffee and now nothing can bring me down! I'm leaving in about ten min so I guess I better get going, but update later and tell you how it goes! :)

another night
Hey everyone I'm finally home with some food in my stomach. Linda and I ended taking a cup of coffee at this great place called cappuccino they have a huge outside serving in the heart of Gothenburg which is perfect on a day with weather like this. After that we spontaneously went to see if there were any good movies premiering soon and The Killers premiered today so we went for it! It was a really decent movie actually and the fact that Ashton Kutcher is in it didn't make it worse.

Now that I'm home I'm starting to get headache I've had the same kind of headaches a few nights in row now, it's pretty weird. . . It could be the fact that I have so much shit on my mind but I don't know.
Oh yeah, by the way it's decided that I'm going with Linda to the Gran Canaries in July! I can't fucking wait! So July 17th-31st I'm gone :D two weeks of heaven !!!

Suck it !
And thank you Linda and random guy for making my day perfecto !
Took some time !
It took sometime for me to figure out what to wear but now I'm finally done. It's probably the most boring outfit in the history of time when it comes to my taste, maybe not yours (caugh caugh) but at least I'm not naked. ;) Well I'll update later when I get home and maybe showoff something new. I really do suck at showing what I recently bought I've come to realize...

It's summer !
Anyways laters !
It's morning ! or noon?
Different people call this time of the day different things. I call it I just woke up time...

Like I said I just woke up and I'm painting my nails in front of the HUGE flatscreen tv that my dad came home with this weekend. Later I'm meeting up Linda in town for a fika and maybe a movie, we'll see :).
The nails need to dry and then I have to get myself something to eat, but if I know myself right I wont wait long enough. After that I just need to put some clothes on and get my ass in town !

A picture from yesterday when we ate at Hard Rock :)
Last day of school !

Banana Republic, naaah, say whaaat?

My choice of jewelery !
Finito !
Finally finished !
And I told y'all I'd show it to you


Yup, that's right I can sew !
Best song of the night:
Hey y'all, my laptop died before I had time to update this morning and I didn't have time to restart and charge it so you'll get that update now along with another one.

Todays outfit :

Levis shorts and half see-throu silk top

Make up natuerll style, Hair: to lazy to do anything about it

On top: Oversize sweater from Key West

To go with that my small Tommy Hilfiger purse.
Well now I'm home and just finished mowing the lawn. Mhmmmm that's right mowing the freakin' lawn. Hehe I'm doing everything i can to suck up to my parents so that they let me go to Gran Canaries with Linda :).
I'm craving a huge BBQ burger right now (I'm getting one in 30min) since I've barely ahd time to eat today, I had a coffee around lunch time and that took my hunger away. . .
Now I'm going to try to finish a project I started a few weeks ago, you're only getting a little hint of it right now and if I get done with it today you'll get to see the finished product ;)

Hmm.... what can it be?
Almost !
OK, so I haven't gotten as far as vacuuming yet but check this out ! I can't freakin' believe my eyes , to EMPTY armchairs and an empty floor I can walk around just as I please with nothing in the way. Well go to run, need to see if my laundry is ready to tumble ready ! :)

After that some BBQ dinner :)
Hey guys,

I've decided to spend the day on trying to tidy my room. It's gone pretty well, I've emptied two suitcases from previous trips (I'm the worst packer & unpacker in the world, it's just so boring!) Two big suitcases are gone but the room still looks like shit. 95% of the clothes are clean as well so they just need to be folded or hung and put away . . .
I've still managed to fill two laundry bags that need to be handled later. I should really consider getting a maid I think, I never give myself time to clean, it happens like 4 times a year probably? My desk is stacked with old school material which I don't know if I should throw away or save.

You can't see the floor, but I can ! I mean the hardwood and not a sea of clothes
bags, shoes etc. I might pop some before and after pictures later if I finnish ;)
Well good morning I guess
Good morning dear blog , I just woke up in my own bed for a change. I'm according to my plans going to stay home all day as well, so I'll probably update later, and not show off my charming morning mood swings . . .

You better be kidding me
Hey everyone, what a day I have had !

First we had a cleaning day in school, that's why I had the slouchy outfit pretty much. Anyway cleaning turned into water and cleaning detergent war in the hallways. Great fun !
For P.E. we had athletics out at an arena in Mölndal which is kind of a nicer suburb to Gothenburg, it was pretty fun even though it was raining. After that Linda and I realized that we didn't have bus cards for that region so we couldn't come home back into town. Luckily my dad works nearby so we hillbillied our asses there and goofed around for a bit. Took awhile for us to figure out how the coffee machine worked, but it was all good :)
Now I'm home and trying to figure out what to do this weekend, I had some great plans but they were all crushed, so Linda and I are planning to do something fun :)

I really need to get myself a new camera so I can give you
guys some more current pictures.
That was your last strike !

Nothing too much
I don't really have too much to say today , but here's a crappy picture of todays outfit. I was kind of in a rush this morning !

Playsuit: H&M , Belt: DIESEL
Celebrate good times , COME ON !
Woooohoooo !!

I'm done wth all the schoolwork for this whole semester, it feels GREAT ! No more homework for 11 weeks! I'm going to celebrate by sleeping :D

An exhausted kiss for all y'all !!
Warm but Rainy !

Levis Shorts , Hunter wellies !
Anyone with lips like morphine?
Can you be immune to painkillers? Cause they're sure as hell not helping me !

bring me back . . .
That time of the month
Right now I just want to lie in a couch with a huge box of chocolate, strawberries, coffee, diet coke and a boyfriend. . .

Can I do that? NO !!! I have to read about the freakin la guerra civil in spain. I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ! Franco is dead by now and can't freakin find my spannish book and I can't be fucked to look for it either. And preterito indefinido y preterito imperfecto which only exists in spannish? It's not that easy to learn then, putati.
Oh wow the rumor is true I really do curse like a sailor, hehe. It all comes in a package I guess. Oh god the things I'd do to go out sailing now, the sun is just starting peer through the clouds after a full day of rain. . .
Just set sail towards the horizon during sunset ! The summer is on it's way

Todays outfit

I got a quick haircut afterschool today, feels great to get rid of the
split ends

pure freedom !
No way
What the hell am I doing back in Sweden?

Right now:
I look paler than I did leaving Greece. . .
It's raining outside
It's 8.45 and I'm up
I should be in school soon
I have three freakin' test this week

I could go on and on but I'm going yo spare you the time, just one of my morning moods I guess. . .
Going to sleep in a bit. . .
This how and where I've been doing my sleeping the past week. It's a bit different now, under a roof, with sheets and during night?! :S Oh dear. . .

Well well I have to snap back to reality now that I'm back in Sweden and because I have school tomorrow !
No ... I'm not dead . . . . . . just back from Greece and tanned !
Heeey everyone!

I'm back from an amazing week in Greece ! Hope you missed me (haha), I've had such an amazing time. It feels so weird to be back in reality again, but I only have one more stressful week of school, and then I'm probably working quite a bit this summer, go out sailing and hopefully do some more travelling.
I'm going to try and get some studying done, my sister is coming home from Halmstad where she studies at the Uni, she pretty much moving home for the summer I think !

At the beach

Out for dinner
Update later everyone !