Happy new years

dinner is served!
New Years Eve!
Just giving you little hints
The days has been full of planning tomorrows events :) that's why I haven't updated yet. We also had our neighbors over on a "Glögg-party" with their little kids, such sweethearts ! But now they've gone home.
I just thought I'd show you the planned look for tomorrow, as promised ! I'm not sure of the belt yet, we'll see :)
Sparkle, sparkle, bling, bling but very classis, you'll see it all when it is
on tomorrow! It's got a kind of 30's vibe to it :)
Lazy eyes
I kind of fell asleep in the couch earlier, now I've taken some night-cough-syrup. . . I've sent all my nightly duty-full texts and I can already feel my eyelids getting heavy on me. I guess this is good night. I hope I sleep better and dream better dreams than I did last night . . .
can you see the heaviness of the lids? jeeez i'm gonna give'em a rest !
It's reciprocal
Dinner was delicious!
. . . now on the other hand I'm bored as hell. I don't know what to do might watch a movie later on since there's nothing good on TV. But I don't know what to watch. . . . :/ Or I'll just call Jorgito, he usually knows what I should do when I'm bored :)
Well well well tomorrow Linda and I are going grocery shopping for New Years and we're going to make the dessert :)
Poor little Linda's shoes that she wanted to buy were sold out today :( so now she has nothing to wear on her feet for New Years, please help her! She can't fit her normal sized into my tiny baby shoes :(
talking about shoes I saw these gorgeous shoes today that I was going to buy, but guess what! They don't make them in my size. . . . . pendejos
I miss summer, walking around in cute little outfits with a tan. . .
I'm going to do something else now, Adios !
Count down
I recently came home from town, I've been shopping and lunching with Nina :)
In a bit the family and I are going to enjoy a great home cooked meal since Emma is leaving tomorrow! She's first going to her boyfriend in Stockholm and then later back to Halmstad where she lives.
I just thought I'd show what I bought today :)
I finally found a full-length skirt. From H&M
and a cute headband that I'm going to wear on New Years Eve :)
We had thai for lunch , yummi, I was so full afterwards! I almost had
difficulties walking, hahaha. I always stuff myself when I eat out. . .
Tomorrow I thought I show you what I kind of planning on wearing New Years Eve. . . I found a couple of things :) I'm making a kind of look-book thing to decide. New Years is truly the time to dress up! I mean it's hard to over dress :D
i'm alive\awake
everything is in constant caps. Lock

Screw him, Scew her, Screw it, Simply Screwin' It
Call me crazy ass insomniac if you want to call me something. Sleep just doesn't do it for me anymore, I need something better. . . .
I'm heading out , be back later ! :)
Chitty - Chat
I just got home from Nina's work. I've been there entertaining her for the latest hours haha. Damn when we see each other we never stop talking! And we talk about everything, there's no shame or taboo but when customers walk in we go dead silent in a second, hahaha, and that really is for the best ! ;)
Now I have a big salmon down in the kitchen that is just waiting to be eaten !
We're both such hard working girls ;) !
I'm awake I just don't want to get up that's all . . . I hate waking up !
I want breakfast in bed, now !
Time for a night nap
The pills are popped
the bed is laid, I'm in the bed
I think it is time to sleep
see you next time
Pictures like this makes me wish I could play the guitar
Un peu shopping !
Are you ready to see today's investments?!
You better be because I can not wait to show you, hahaha :)
I found the perfect le petit black dress for New Years Eve, a lovely cardigan, leather gloves, and a down jacket :D
I'm going to accessorize it and stuff for new years, but that you can't see yet :)
Lovely dovely "boy-friend cardigan", Love it !
The gloves, I actually got a pair for christmas but they didn't fit so I
exchanged them for these :)
and the down jacket for UCB, I promise to wear it with pants though ;)
After a long and hard ;) 6 hours of shopping I couldn't be more satisfied. It's crazy how great a bit of shopping can feel!
At last I'm on my way home. Totally and ut...

At last I'm on my way home. Totally and utterly exhausted!
Hitting town !
I'm hitting town now ! We'll see how long I last ;)
Looking like this !
The story never ends
I just jumped into bed! I'm all cuddled up in my duvet and blankets, I'm not sleepy-tired yet but I'm guessing I will be in a couple of minutes.
I watched "The Switch" it's kind of a twisted version of The Back-up Plan. The same thing but the other way around, cute movie though. Perfect for those times you want to watch something but you don't know what...
Well now I guess it is time to do better things!
Btw tomorrow Linda and I are going to catch up and hopefully do some great shopping :) Maybe even plan New Years :) Hopefully , hahaha

New Years, last year ooooh we had some fun! Don't ask what Filip is doing, hahaha
La Familia
Everyone has left now, there are times where you just love you family entirely. Tonight was one of those times, we had so much fun. I laughed as much as I could between the coughs! Our humor is brutal but hilarious, my cousin is starting to grow up and get the jokes now though it's terrible!
I just found these beautiful pictures of my aunt (above) and cousin (below)
that were some of the people here today !
My baby cousin is turning 11 in two days, I remember the day she was born for god sakes! Hahaha it just shows how old and raggety I'm getting ;)
I'm thinking about a movie and some popcorn, we'll see how that goes. I'll let you know ;)
I'm gazing towards the future, we'll see who's laughing then . . .
Blogging from my new phone :D
Turkey Time !
We're hosting a roast turkey dinner today for close family ! I'm still a bit ill, my voice is pretty much back but as soon as I speak I cough. . . .
Well well Dad and I went for a super quick shopping trip and I myself bought a new phone :D I needed a new one since the old once braking more and more day to day.
This was my Christmas present to myself :)
I think I need to help out downstairs now !
Me and my new baby !
You give me fever . . .
I'm home from where we spent Christmas. It felt like I slept through the whole Christmas Eve, which I kind of did.... Well well now I'm home trying out some of the new presents in a bit were going to watch Alice in Wonderland on our 3D-TV, and eat tonnes of candy and drink Julmust till we pass out!
Lipstick is new, Flamenco by Clinique of course! and my laptop is standing on a LapPad with
a fan :)
Merry Christmas to you all !
It's Christmas Eve everyone ! :) (in Sweden it's today we celebrate) I'm surprisingly not like a child though, like I usually am. I don't know if it's because I'm growing up (HAHA) or if it's because I know that I'm good the way I am and just waiting for the future to take action, and that's nothing I can get today.
Today is still a very happy day and I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest :)
Now I'm going to finish my Lemsip so I hopefully can speak later on, hehe we'll see !
Todays look:
Cold, sickness & despair
You know that cold I was holding back all through my finals and last weeks of school?
It has now hit! I can barely speak because my throat is so dried out and even thinking about moving is making my head throb like crazy.
What gets me is how one day things can be as close t perfection as you get and next it feels like your standing all alone at the end of the world.
I'm home once again, this time, I don't know it almost feels good, like I'm in my comfort zone where nothing can touch me. Besides that I also feel strangled by all Christmas ornaments that are to be but up before the holy Christmas Eve. This is just me being tired I guess, I'm going to sleep now, maybe make christmas rimes before though, I haven't even gotten started . . .
This too shall pass he says, whilst sitting in doubt feeling it burn for the second time
En la Casa de Jorge !
Tooodiloooo everyone !
I'm at Jorge's place where I'm staying :) He's making some food I try to help before, well I actually did but then there wasn't much more I could do , hehe. So I ended up here by the computer, but still in the kitchen to be social :)
Later on tonight we might be going out, but nothings sure yet. . .
The trainride yesterday was pretty interesting, I arrives a hour late and stuff cause we were standing still for a hour! I also sat next to the radiator so after 3 hours I was sitting in just a tank-top and jeans faning my armpits and face with my Harpers Bazaar magazine instead of reading it.
well well I should probably get back to trying to help out now !
Adios everyone :)
I'm rolling towards stockholm now :) right...

I'm rolling towards stockholm now :) right now I'm sitting and trying to solve my soduko, my horoscope is telling me I'm going to get what I want hehehe sounds good to me :D in a bit I'm going to get me some breakfast. Lots of love to you all !
It's time !
I'm up and just about to leave for the central station! I'm bringing my laptop but I don't know if I'll have internet connection. I'm too much in a morning mood to be excited... well adios I guess! :)
I'm doing my make-up on the train when I get close to Stockholm !
Time to take a breath !
Finally I can calm down ! I'm all done with everything now :) I leave in 10 hours !
It all started with me waking up at 7 to go to school was in a bit of a hurry that's why I didn't update (sorry). I missed the bus as well since it was raining and all the snow on the sidewalk had turned into ICE! Which meant I had to use a extremely dangerous ice-skating technique to get to the bus-stop and lets just say it took some time.
Finally in school we didn't have any real classes, we just chilled and hung around in the class room, at 11.30 we skated out hinies to the gymnasium where there was the annual volleyball tournament, that the teachers have won every year since it started 9 years ago. It's also a dress-up competition. This year our team decided to be Santas little helpers :)
Well guess how it all ended?? OUR TEAM WON THE WHOLE F*CKING THING !!! :D:D:D:D We've made IHGR history , muhahahahaha !
I haven't received any pictures from today, but this is what we looked like last year (we
weren't the same players today though) our theme was Beach 2010 ! Hahah
We won the best costume prize last year at least... But I liked winning the whole thing more :D
Afterwards Linda and I had planned to go ice-skating but we thought we'd done enough skating for the day so went and got some take-out sushi and brought to my new couch where we ate it and chilled for a few hours :) and slept haha Linda and I are so social when we're with each other ! Later on she went home and I jumped in the shower untagled my hair threw a cleansing mask on it worked like a charm , hehe :) and smelled GREAT !
Do you like my new foundation?
Other things I've done today is finished my packing and gotten my nails done :D
Now I'm just exhausted, damn I can't believe I wrote this much , haha. Well well I'll do my best to update before I leave tomorrow :)
Puta mierda
I just made the longest update ever and of course then my computer freezes and shuts down and nothing is saved :@ I'll just say good night and see you tomorrow.....
I'm hungry now !
I'm off to school for two tests and one presentation, wish me luck ! Damn I really can't be assed with all this . . .

Time to sleeeeeep . . . Z z z z z
Finally time for bed, I've studied biology and spanish today. I think I now know how explain the menstruation cycle in spanish ! Hahaha
Oh shit I'm tired!
Good night everyone, everyone!
Nap it!
I'm home and had some wok to eat, now time for a nap and then later, study study study !
El Colegio time !
I'm heading to school for all y'all non-international people !
It's enough
It's morning,
it's 06.55 A.M.,
I'm sitting listening to my "Turn me on" playlist on Spotify,
I'm only wearing my kimono and a pair of socks. . . .
Oh Jesus !
Dum Spiro, Spera
One year, changes, three kilos, four seems. . . back in a action
I'm just about to jump into bed I just thought I'd show y'all what I did yesterday while taking a break from studying. About a year ago I bought a pair of "wannabe" leather pants on sale, after one night out partying in them, they where way to big so I put them a side and kind of forgot about them...
But then about a month ago whilst going through all my pants I rediscovered them, tried them on and this time they where even bigger, since I've lost some weight in the latest year, and I thought what a shame since they're a pretty pair of decent pantalones ! So finally yesterday I got my thumb out of my ass and sat it in front of the sewing machine and tailored the pants for my new slim legs ! No the fit just like they should :) see . . . :
This is turning out to be a big update, at least picture wise.. . .well well like I said I'm heading for bed, I feel a bit mooshy. I had some glögg with my parents earlier and yeah well it's making me tired!
is that you calling?
Dios, ¿dónde esta?
I really can't concentrate I really don't like the feeling when you know you have to study otherwise you're screwed, that just makes me not want to study.
since I've updated last though, I've read about 10 pages biology and about 10 different blogs.
So if you want to get cloned or learn how to apply lip liner in the best way I'm your gal !
I just tried to get started with some spanish I have a test on wednesday, but our teacher has given us the weirdest exercises so I don't know what do. . . .
I'm incredibly bored please entertain me some more !
It's all over !
Bla bla bla bla, I just came home, Linda and I did some hyper shopping and ate some fastfood (O.o) after school. We talked about some of the weirdest things and I'm still all OVER.
The weirdest mood, I really need to study but I guess I'm finding every excuse I can not too...
Linda and I came to the conclusion earlier that I make a lot of different faces from time to time, and we started talking about that I should do them at the most inappropriate times and how incredibly funny it would be ! You probably don't see the humor in it, cause I can't say when I'd do it, HAHAHAHA. well well well Linda almost peed her panties ! :D
Some of Linda's and my moments caught on camera (luckily not the worst ones):
doesn't it all just turn you on?
Saint Lucia
11 days to Christmas, but all I need is 4 days and then I am satisfied !
All I want for christmas is you. . . . . Helloo cheezy, can I go back to sleep now?
Aaaaand Happy Birthday to my sister! 22 years old (young) today !! What do you get to do know?
Busy weekend and busy week coming up !
Hey everyone, I'm up and alive. As you might know I worked a 110 hours shift yesterday, turned out to be a bit more even. . . .
Well well I'm all fine now, I have a day full of studying in front of me, my coming week is totally crazy, just look at my calender!
I've got four things just for tomorrow !
Well yeah so I better get started !
10th of December !
What happens on the 10th of December? Sure there's the Nobel Prize ceremony but screw that it's Hard Rock Cafes birthday here in Gothenburg!!
How are we celebrating? By rushing to work straight after school of course! Hahaha :) I don't mind though I'm working in the lounge tonight. Not as many people to take care of ;)
So well yeah that's what my day is going to look like, school in a hour for math and Art & Design and then Hard work work!
This is what I woke up to, pretty beautiful, huh?
and this is what I look like on such a big day as this one :) !
It's on its way !
I miss Florida, it's one of the few places I can really relax!
Bad updating today, but I have some studying to do since I'm working Friday-Saturday ! I can't do everything on Sunday. . . . I'll try to update beofore I fall asleep.
Lately Late
When I got home after salsa, I realized I had economics homework to do. So I ordered in some pizza watched Jamie Oliver in Stockholm (great episode!) and then I watched Salt, Angelina Jolie never seizes to amaze me! She's incredible in that movie, I think I died a little on the inside when I saw her. Damn she's . . . . . (I have no words)
you can not deny her beauty !
Then finally when it was about eleven o'clock I decided to do my economics. And now I'm done or at least done enough, hehe. It's just too much ! Now I'm going to sleep a bit I think, there's a day tomorrow as well ;)
I wouldn't mind getting my nights sleep in a place like this !
Good night everyone !
I finally finished the damn book! I'm on t...

I finally finished the damn book! I'm on the bus on my home from salsa, I didn't get a ride today :( I'll be home soon though, just really bored I hate riding the bus...
Another morning, I'm up and alive. I don't want to be, but I am. Mornings are the worst, especially this one, I woke up this headache and a little too late. . . Not the best combo !
The three C's wouldn't hurt now!
The outfit
What is my problem?,
I can't even try to to sleep! I have s many thin going on in my head right now,
it's like a carnival with a 100 merry-go-rounds with neon light going on 24/7 in my head.
When is it going to end?
it's beautiful, isn't it?
Incroyablement Provoquant
While writing my wishlist, which I only do because I'm sick of getting PJ's with pink ponnys on them from my dad, and such things so it's only guide lines for my dear, a bit lost, handsome father.
Anyways while writing it I realized all I really want for Christmas is to have all my loved ones here by my side on Christmas Eve. Yes I'm sure it might sound cheesy, but most of them are spread out around the country and others around the world. So there's not going to be a Christmas exactly the way Kajsa wants it, but then on the other hand that wouldn't be a real Christmas would it, with all the loved ones and no one to miss?
It's all just a big blur
I'm going to bed now to sleep and think some more . . . Good night everyone !
Christmas Wish List !
For the last couple of hours I've been trying to make a Christmas wishlist, it's really hard! There's basically only one thing I want/need which is a new phone, since my screenlock doesn't work on the one I have right now. I've called all kinds of people, spent loads of cash on facebook and other really unnecessary things because of it! Maybe I can get a phone where I can update the blog better than now ;)
Anyways the list consists more of things I need than want, well I'm not going going to lie I want them as well. . . but the things on the list are things like a new phone, a visit to the hairdresser, new pair of pants for work, new pair of boots since the ones I have now are not taking the snow very well, a new winter jacket that takes heavy snowfall, the one I have now I've had for 3 years....
Now time to do something intelligent !
Here's some pictures from Christmas 2 years ago:
Just any regular Christmas in the Hellman household
What's hiding in the Christmas tree?
I had some really nice locks!
Have I told you. . . ?
I LOVE our new couch !
I had a hard time looking good trying to lie normally in a couch, since...
... this is usually how I lie in a couch, or some of the following, hehe
Outfit: Acne Jeans, Ralph Lauren t-shirt
Yup , I like the couch. . .
I never said I was normal. Right now I'm just overly tired , I've been laughing so hard at everything today, so this is just a part of me not gotten enough sleep in too long. . .
Soooooooooo I'm going to have a nap. I'm really hungry though. . . who needs food? who needs sleep? pffft not me. . .
Less Average
Nothing has happened yet. . . A half nights sleep and no news? God I feel sorry for the mother, it's stubborn little sucker she's giving birth to. Just like herself though, it's a beautiful kind of stubbornness.
Well I'm already kind of late when it comes to getting fixed for school!
we've got the same amount of clothes on. . . it's kind of cold on my side. . .
The time, so called waiting!
A new life is on it's way and I'm more ecstatic than I think a lot others are! There's just something about babies when it comes to me. I just love them! They can bring me to tears, just by being so adorable, I think it's because I want one for my own so damn much. Timing is everything though!
Should be time for me to try to sleep now, speaking of time, since I absolutely can not take two sleepless nights in a row. . . .
harsh times . . . .
this is me with the cutest baby I've ever seen !
One Rough Night. . .
I cannot say I've slept too well, but at least I'm up and alive. I'm in big need of the 3 C's though but it's all on it's way I guess. I hope you all had a better night than me . . .
I think we can all see that Kajsa did not have great night. . .
It hurts because I'm too afraid to loose you. . .
yes that is the time . . .
It's true, it's what they say. . .
There are no words
I'm home,
think I've died and come back to life,
it's snowing again,
I'm wearing clothes in bed,
my head is throbbing,
feet are aching,
my lips are chapped,
I'm cold ...
. . . and you're not here and he won't be there.
I've had a extremely fun but also hectic day ! They called me at work while I was in school and wanted me to work, so I only had time to hurry home and get my work clothes.
The end of of it all was horribly scary though.... but I'm ok now, I got a ride home.
This brunette just landed in London, for a über-shopping trip, it was her birthday present.
I spent most of the day telling where to go shopping and what to see and what not and
all that ! I hope you have fun Hiva la Diva :D <3
World Culture Day !
Oh my Lord what an exhausting day it's been! I've been laying the couch pretty much paralyzed since I got home. Pictures are popping up and facebook constantly so for those of you that are friends with me feel free to watch them there. For those who are not friends with me, add me, Kajsa Hellman. It's as simple as that!
And foror those of you who don't know what I'm talking about at all inform you shortly. We've been working with a project called World Culture Day in school for almost two months, we got to pick a country and culture that we wanted to represent and later on then exhibit, which was done today! Linda and I we're Cuba :) We where one of the smallest groups, but I think we managed really well!
Here are a few pictures stolen from Linda on FB, hehe, just to give you an idea of it all :)
A small over-view of the place and a Bollywood performance
Linda and I did our best to represent :)
Litltle John was there for a bit as well
Viva La Cuba !
Almost all ready to go !
I'm pretty much ready to leave the house, believe it or not. . . ! I'm making my coffee right now, it's freakishly dark outside..... I want my coffee. I'm a bit surprised I woke up this morning and actually GOT up! We'll it would've been my ass if I wasn't there today, hehehe.
Now I'm just waiting for the car to pick me up!
I feel like such an America-Latina-soccer-mom, which is kind of
good in a way I guess. . . It's only my travelling outfit!
No excuses !
I'm expecting to fall asleep as soon as I come home, but you never know what happens! :)
Da Vinci code-ing it !
Tiredness taking the control
Hey everyone, I thought I'd update before I fall in some deep, well needed sleep!
Damn what a day it's been, we had to hand in our posters for the big project we're presenting tomrrow by 1.30 A.M. today. We were done in time, on the minute. Anyways after that our next class started at 2, so Linda and I had to run to the restaurant and eat and then back again. In science which was our last class, we watched a documentary about In Vitro Fertilization, it was interesting I guess. Some babies were born, I cried a bit and the school was out and that was it.
Linda and I took the buss to a grocery store, to buy some ingredients for the food we have now made for tomorrows presentation. One thing I was supposed to buy was chicken breast fillets, but on all the bags it said either 80% or 90% chicken. Then my question is, What The F*ck is the remaining 10-20% ?!?! It all ended in me not buying any chicken. After that I hurried home threw some kebab down my throat and ran off to salsa.
By the time I got home I was a ice-cube since it's like -13 Celsius outside!?! SO I jumped in the shower And when I got out it was time to make Congri ! Congri is a Cuban bean and rice dish. I started chopping all the veggies and things need, after a while I started realizing what I'd gotten myself into, for f*cks sake I can't even make rice, (cook rice, boil rice?) It took me two freakin hours to finish. The worst thing is I don't think it tastes anything like what it's supposed to! At least it's something to give the greedy little suckers. . .
I just want to apologize on before hand to all Cubanos out there! (and I hope you don't come taste my food)
Now I'm in bed rocking the SnoopDog cornrows (best way for me to get fluffy hair) and struggling to keep my eyes open ! eeeek my hand still stink garlic. . . I'm never cooking again it's no joke! I'm not the chirpiest bird right now as you might have realized already. . .
I found this picture on google, when I typed in congri, and it kind of
looks like what I made. . . .
. . . see . . . but. . .
the only congri I've ever eaten looks like this. . . Like I said I'm never
cooking again! and Jorge not a word
This is my list of things to remember for the exhibition tomorrow. . .
Some things aren't on there I just remembered them now!
Excuse me if I'm only talking gibberish but I'm seriously lacking sleep and I'm not making it better for myself seeing as I have to get up at 5.30 A.M. tomorrow!
Good night!
1 2 3
I got up at seven this morning, only to the result of my first class being cancelled. . . But I'm off to school now in a bit anyways !
Here's he result of me having too much time in the morning !
It's getting worn out !