Night in the shadows

I'm having one of those lonely nights,
one of those nights when you just sit and think about everything,
just thinking, not over analyzing as a lot of people tend to do.

Just thinking.

Thinking about everything from,
these are some of the questions in my head right now:
who will I marry? what should I wear tomorrow? how many kids will I give natural birth to? do I need a pair of nude colored heels? should I shop a little here at home or a lot in London? who will be the next guy I fuck? should I buy 50 pairs of socks in the same color so they all match when I've done the laundry? should I go on some kind of a diet? what should I do with my nails?
am I sleepy tired or just tired from the gym? do I want bigger boobs? should I wear glasses more often?

Now you see the kind of things that are going through my mind? People, these are not questions for you to answer. It's just what's going through my mind, and how I am as a person.

Yes I do feel lonely for the moment, but it's the kind of lonely that makes me stronger and feel better about myself in the long. The kind of lonely that helps me grow as person, I make good and bad decisions. In the end though, they are all good since I always learn something even though it
might not have been the best idea to start with.

I see myself in some way in all these picture, and yes they are all black and withe, suits me perfectly right now. Boring? I think not.

Bonne nuit mes anges,

xX Sleep tight Xx

Time to get going !

Heey wassap people ?!

Just thought I needed to do a little update :) So what's happend since i updated last time? Well I worked all weekend long as usual . . . and then on sunday it was staffparty time. Some crazy shit went down that night, that is all I have to say! Since then its pretty much just been school and the gym. Here are some pictures I've taken the last couple of days :

It snowed on saturday and it's been freezing ever since, so the snow is still on the ground!

We hung out in the changing room for a while after work on saturday an then I had one beer
and later went home.

this is what I looked liked going to the staffparty

It was a beautiful venue, right by the river :)

Starbucks also opened right by my buss stop in town, they had some trouble spelling
my name though . . .

I guess that's pretty much it for now, I have to study for my psycology test I have on friday. Can't think of anything more boring to do . . . .

Laters ,

January 19th

One early morning, a huge coffee, two classes, a baguette lunch, a make-up session, a photo shoot themed "Little Black Dress", a picking up of glasses, a gym work-out, a take-out dinner, a marriage porposal, a movie and a hour of studying I am finally in bed! It has been a long and hectic day as you can see, but it has all just mostly been fun :) The photoshoot went well I think, I'm just waiting to see the finished photos ! Alright should sleep, I want to try to hit the gym tomorrow again after school and then also I need to fix some stuff with my travel agent before work !

Here are some pictures of moi today, nothing special just todays outfit pretty much!

One of my very favorite "casual chic" outfits! Simple longsleeved sailors striped jumper, torn Levi's jeans,
fo-furr coat, hat to hide tiredness or the no-make-up face matched with a pair of high heeled laced booties !

One tired face after three hours of shooting and a hour work out

two hours later  . . .

. . .  and now ! Highlt recomend this book people, read it and you'll laugh and cry.

Good night and thank you for reading querido,

Saving the Dates

Just thought I'd let you know that I'm great! Better than you think probably, things are really working out for me :)

Here's a brief version of my agenda for this spring:

February 13th, I'm going to London to check things with Uni and see so that everything are in order, the College is located on Oxford Street so I'm guessing that I'll be doing A LOT of shopping as well! I'm also going to meet someone there which I'm quite excited about :) (the dating nerves have already kicked in)

April 6th, birthday time !! I'm turning 19, the most boring digit ever.

April 11th, (5 days after my mom's and my birtday) we're going to Paris, an early present from Dad :) I'll be doing some shopping there as well, of course. Might be going there a second time with the Art & Design course in school.

May 11th, I'm going to Turkey with a bunch of people in my class :D it's as a graduation trip, pre-partying and get a tan before the real graduation !!

May 31st,  GRADUATION !!!!!!!!!!!

As you all can see I have a lot to look forward to and I couldn't be more excited !! Gotta sleep, I have to get up at 6 A.M. and after school I have to go the eye-doctor and later the gym, Beach 2012 here I come ! :)

Nighty night !

2012 the year everything will happen !

I'm so excited and I just can't hie it,

I'm about to lose controll and I think I like it !

So much stuff is going down this year it's just unbelievale!! I'm going to Paris (twice?!), London, Turkey and hopefully the states!! You know how I love to travel ;) and on top of all that I'm graduating, moving abroad (well ok moving January 2013, but still) and I'm going to meet the man of my dreams of course. Should really go to sleep I've gotten a habit of oversleeping . . .  I'll do my best to update more frrequently !

Peace & Love !


This is how exciting times are right now . . . slipped and fell at work, great times !

Gotta get out !

Been home studying all day, and now I just need to get out ! Going to run into town and see what it has to offer :)
I knitted that headband a few days ago ! :) Like it? I love it

New years in pictures


I think the pictures pretty much speak for themselves, there are another 90 of them on facebook! Enjoy :)

Welcoming a new year !

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