Night in the shadows
I'm having one of those lonely nights,
one of those nights when you just sit and think about everything,
just thinking, not over analyzing as a lot of people tend to do.
Just thinking.
Thinking about everything from,
these are some of the questions in my head right now:
who will I marry? what should I wear tomorrow? how many kids will I give natural birth to? do I need a pair of nude colored heels? should I shop a little here at home or a lot in London? who will be the next guy I fuck? should I buy 50 pairs of socks in the same color so they all match when I've done the laundry? should I go on some kind of a diet? what should I do with my nails?
am I sleepy tired or just tired from the gym? do I want bigger boobs? should I wear glasses more often?
Now you see the kind of things that are going through my mind? People, these are not questions for you to answer. It's just what's going through my mind, and how I am as a person.
Yes I do feel lonely for the moment, but it's the kind of lonely that makes me stronger and feel better about myself in the long. The kind of lonely that helps me grow as person, I make good and bad decisions. In the end though, they are all good since I always learn something even though it
might not have been the best idea to start with.

I see myself in some way in all these picture, and yes they are all black and withe, suits me perfectly right now. Boring? I think not.
Bonne nuit mes anges,