
So the whole spannish thing didn't go too well... We are supposed to write a resumé of Shrek " that we watched in spannish class in spannish ofcourse. I didn't really thinnk it was going to be this hard to write it, because in that case i wouldn't have waited until the last day to do it. Well I can only blame myself for being so lazy I guess.

And I've planned to keep on reading spannish in the gymnasium ( which is for those who don't know the school level i'm starting next term, it's a three year long education and then i go off to the university! ). I'm a language freak I want to learn so freakin' many different languages that I don't even think it's possible. Right now I have swedish, english, spannish and french so I want to learn them fluently and then I also want to learn italian and mandarine. We'll see how that goes, haha ! Oh yeah you guys probably don't know that I'm planning to attend the International High School of Gothenburg Region.  I'm going to read social science and then probaly world economics in the second year. At least the that's the plan. So i haven't planned that much for tomorrow just the regular, school and then go home. But Sandra, Maria and i are planning to go to out confirmation group and be leaders at the camp that they're having in not too long. Should be alot of fun I know our camp was loads of fun so I can't see why this one shouldn't be !

Hasta la vista fellow readers !


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