Le shopping !
Here I am again, what have I done? I had dinner and later on watched The Hangover part II it was just as funny as the first but after having seen the first one nothing was really very unexpected.

After that I really wanted to go to bed and sleep but my hair was screaming. I just had to sort out all the salt water dreads I had left from Greece so I did that and had a deep conditioning shower and now my hair is silky smooth just like the PJ's I'm wearing =) let us hope my hair stays this way until I go to the my hairdresser on friday (she hates trying to untagnle my birdsnest, also called hair)
I promised to show you the shopping I did earlier today so here it is !

A really cute top with lace at the top, couldn't get a great picture of the
detailing sadly :(

Every garment in this picture is new including the shades, the pants I've
talked about earlier, I adore this color combo! Don't you?!

The leather jackt and tunic, yes I know sad to be buying a leather jacket
already, but I'm going to neeed it sooner or later, and I fell in love with ít :)

Jumpsuit! Very retro, and the most comfortable thing ever :)

A new calender (finally!!) and a phone case since my screen is getting
all scratched up from having it loose in my purse.
So that's about it.... I really think it's kind of boring showing you all the these things at once, and the pictures are so shitty quality (?) I don't know what's up with my camera.... anyways I'm goint to try to show you the garments when I wear them for real for the first time when they're accessorized and matching everything else!
Tomorrow I'm going for lunch at work and then I'm heading to grandmas! I haven't seen her in so long and it is going to be nice to get out onto the countryside a bit before school starts even though I can only take the countryside in small doses now and then it's nice once in awhile :) maybe I can get rid of my damn cold and cough there as well..... oh shit it's getting late I guess I better sleep !

This is me last year at grandmas, in her kayak. and yes she paddles it herself as well !

And this is me right now in my silky PJ's and smudged face saying good night !
Peace ♥