Christmas time, Oh Santa baby
Christmas Eve has passed and therefor also all the stress. It was a nice day, with family, great food, laughter and alcohol. The annual christmas fever has hit me, but that's no surprise, cheers Santa!! A bottle of Bailey's made the fever feel almost non-excistent for a while though. I was the youngest present at this little family get-to-together, seeing as sister is celebrating christmas with her fiancés family, and therefore I was brutally spoiled with presents :) Not that I'm complaining but looking at my pile and everyone else's I felt almost ashamed. The best present though I got two days ago and it was my acceptance letter to West London College !! Boooooooyah , haha apparently I don't even need to finish my last term of highschool since my grades are high enough and I've taken enough courses I need but I still will finish it though :)

Christmas Eve might be over, but there is still a lot to come. Tomorrow sister and her Martin is coming down and Boxing Day is turkey day ! My eyes don't want to stay open anymore, I will upload photo's from today tomorrow I believe because I'm off!! no school and no studying, feels so weird haha :)

the mystery remains

One happy, naked and drunk Kajsa wishing she was Marilyn Monroe and dreaming big
hence the smile babe.
Good Night everyone !