Morning peeps !
Yeah so good morning everyone, you might be wondering why I'm update this early and let me tell me so do I ! The thing is I had trouble sleeping (as usual) and somehow I managed to get up an hour early and I arrive in school an hour early..... I didn't notice it until i actually was in school. Stressed? Maybe I don't know..... It's going to be a long fucking day as well, since when we finish classes today Linda and I have to write an essay on how you lend many in different companies and municipalities. Great.. Oh well nothing to do I have my coffee and I bought a breakfast roll, so I'm having my own little breakfast in the study area here in school.

So what else is going on my life, I'd like to tell you that I've met the love of my life we're engaged and soon to be married with a baby on the way. I guess I can keep dreaming about that though.... No that has not happend. I have on the other hand found a university/college I want to go to and I'm sending in my application tomorrow, so if all goes well I'm moving to London in January 2013!! :) Looking forward to that, I mean sure I love Sweden but I don't see my self settling down here and starting my own independant life here. London will be a good start I think :) what else?? School is over in like two weeks and christmas is in like three.... I have a bunch of school work to do before then and I haven't bought a single christmas present yet!!
I don't know what more to say so here are some pictures instead:

Here's me and my chubby little cheeks in London 2009

So cool ! I really miss those sunnie though...

And to end things off, I just want to tell you all that I will be greater, you'll just have to
wait and see!!