new in !
I bought a new lipstick today that I saw in a cosmetics-add a few weeks ago and finally found! I've been on the hunt for it ever since !! It's called ZINFANDEL like the wine and I love it, haha as usual ;) I also ordered a baddazzledcase for my phone , and tomorrow I'm going to order UGG'S :D I've got a lot of deliveries coming soon !!

It's a bit more purple in real life :)
The evenin prayer is said,
but you can't shut your mouth,
the constant questions the constant ,
I have to know!
This all is going to drive my crazy some day,
for now I'm taking it day by day.
Doing what I can and want,
saying what I can and want.
I'm just blabbering on about bullshit,
my back is itching and toe throbbing,
I'm naked but not sure I want to be,
feels like the screen is scanning me,
I feel vulnerable when I'm naked and
all alone...... NOOOOOT, it's freedom
or maybe I do, I'm gonna shut up now.

Good night !