The rights in bed . . .
Yeah I know spank me , I suck at updating. But if you would seriously see my daily schedules you'd run into a wall just whilst trying to process it all. The hours a day I'm in school, studying, working having fun and doing important shit is insane. And lets not even discuss the hours a day that I sleep. Like take right now for instance it's appraoching 1 A.M. and I'm in bed writing an essay about humanitarian issues and rights that is supposed to be handed in on wednesday but tomrrow I won't have enough time to work on it. I might get a good 4 hours of sleep since I just had a shower and going to bed with wet hair means waking up with frizzball so I'll have to take care of that when I get up as well as trying to put my panties on the right way around.

Tomorrow I'll be getting up, going to school after that the gym then off for a driving lesson, meeting mom to go buy paint and new furniture for my room, try to get the old shit out of my room at the same time as doing an economy assignment, a spanish hand-in and this essay I'm writing right now.... Btw I'm finnished at school around 5P.M. so we're not talking about an early start either.
Now these humanitarian issues are just freaking me out, the way people can act somtimes, unfuckingbelievable. A little encouragement to on the blog wouldn't make me blog less either ;)
Here's the big question what kind of picture do you upload to a post like this?

With some black and white "thinking" photos of me and myself ofcourse
You all should sleep now, I'm craving cheese though. . . .