Hey-ho lets go !

What have I been up to? Studying, been to the gym, practiced driving and fixing with my room :)
More fun stuff that has happens lately that you don't know:
¤ We ordered our graduation hats in school on friday ! yaaaay :D

This is pretty much what mine will look like :)
¤ I worked 13 hours on saturday, started at 5 P.M. and closed in the nightclub

Old picture from work, sweden was playing a soccer game that night !
¤ Yesterday I booked a trip to Edinburgh , I'm going the 26th of October :)

Last year in Edinburgh, not a great picture I know !
¤Tomorrow I have no school, so I'm going to Lindas place and we're going to make tacos and watch movies :)
¤ On Saturday I'm going to Västerås to watch the Swedish Championships in bodybuilding !
¤ I'v gotten a new SIM-card for my phone so now I can surf and text shitloads :D
Now I don't know what to write anymore so I guess that is it !
We'll see if I update before I fall asleep :)