What a day !
My mom woke me up round tenish this morning, first I got a little pissed. But then she asked me if it was ok that I took 4 days off school to go to Florida , and I was like HELL YEAH ! That made my day even though I went to sleep again after that haha. But the tickets are bought :D
So the remaning part of the day I've spent in the couch feeling a little queezy. I've finally finnished to epilate my legs. God it can really hurt sometimes ! The first leg was fine but the second one was just killing me. But now I have silky (pale) legs atleast. Now I need to split a few potatoes in half and pop them in the oven. That'll be my contribute to dinner :)

I'll be staying in an apartment pretty close to this beautiful view
when I'm in Florida :)
So the remaning part of the day I've spent in the couch feeling a little queezy. I've finally finnished to epilate my legs. God it can really hurt sometimes ! The first leg was fine but the second one was just killing me. But now I have silky (pale) legs atleast. Now I need to split a few potatoes in half and pop them in the oven. That'll be my contribute to dinner :)

I'll be staying in an apartment pretty close to this beautiful view
when I'm in Florida :)
Still cold . . .
Just ate dinner (japanese) was actually yummi :). Now I'm lying on the couch watching som cheezy movie from the 90's. All I have for the night is a bag of Pic'n'Mix some Diet Coke and my cold that's getting worse. I want to watch a good movie , but I don't know which one :(
Shoppaholic has got a name . . .
I'm finally home from town. Feels like Ive been running around everywhere which I pretty much have ! I went into to town planning not to buy anything maybe just a lipstick. But came home with a freakin' furr coat !! I didn't mean to it just happend, and I'm supposed to be saving for Greece. . . (I get money on monday though that I have to save!!)
It's got leather on the sides( & pockets) and on the sleeves
Off to town
I'm on my way into town , just waiting for Nina to be finnished and take the buss with me !
Update later :)
The sun is shining and I'm off to school !
I can't upload pictures :(
The sun is shining and I'm off to school !
I can't upload pictures :(
So right now I'm watching Into the Blue , one thing that I find soooooo annoying is that in the beginning of the movie they were just snorkling, but when they were under water they were under for like three minutes a time ! That's just badly made and not wery thought through.
OMG, his arm just got stuck under a cannon , gtg !
OMG, his arm just got stuck under a cannon , gtg !
esatas aburrido !
Okaaaay bitches, I'm bored as hell I don't know what to do ! I'm sitting here dancing in my chair to the latest hits, but I think I'm gonna go make some fiiine dessert and watch a movie !
What do y'all do when you're bored?! I usally dance , but have been doing that for like the last two hours . . .
What do y'all do when you're bored?! I usally dance , but have been doing that for like the last two hours . . .
The things you do when you're bored , it's insane wayne !
just waiting for dryer times . . .
I'm sitting and waiting for my nailpolish to dry, so thought I'd update y'all a little on what's been going on.
After the bowling in Halmstad we were all in the mood for some hectic partying and that's what we got fo sho' ! Hectic is only one word for it. . .
After that I've been doing a lot of studying and just trying to catch up on most things. Dance-class started this monday it felt great to be back in the dancestudio ! There's just something about the atmosphere when you're in there with all the mirrors, beems, bars & poles (kidding).
So today has pretty darn good actually for a change, haha. Even though I started at ten past eight I still feel good. We had jepordy in science class today and I got three freakin' points ! I was so stoked, I was fourth best in the class :D , haha ( I mean me and natural science never really clicked). On my way home from school a woman complimented me on my furr-vest, it felt nice. I bought some take-out as well and ate when I got home and chillaxed for a while.
Now I've manage to find my floor which has been burried in clothes ever since like new-years day. I'd almost forgot what color it was. Oh what do you know my first coat is dry time for the next one ! :)
After the bowling in Halmstad we were all in the mood for some hectic partying and that's what we got fo sho' ! Hectic is only one word for it. . .
After that I've been doing a lot of studying and just trying to catch up on most things. Dance-class started this monday it felt great to be back in the dancestudio ! There's just something about the atmosphere when you're in there with all the mirrors, beems, bars & poles (kidding).
So today has pretty darn good actually for a change, haha. Even though I started at ten past eight I still feel good. We had jepordy in science class today and I got three freakin' points ! I was so stoked, I was fourth best in the class :D , haha ( I mean me and natural science never really clicked). On my way home from school a woman complimented me on my furr-vest, it felt nice. I bought some take-out as well and ate when I got home and chillaxed for a while.
Now I've manage to find my floor which has been burried in clothes ever since like new-years day. I'd almost forgot what color it was. Oh what do you know my first coat is dry time for the next one ! :)

I've got to get better at taking pictures, this one is from new years anyways. . . .
♥Ready 2 go out
We're just getting ready to go out , we're going to eat before doing some bowling and there is no one who has a car or any good busses here so we're gonna walk, haha :) I'm getting pretty hungry , so I'll be off !
Lots of Love to y'all !
Lots of Love to y'all !

Disturbing dishes . . .
My sister and I , woke up 12ish, got up a little later and made some waffles , (yummi!) After that we just chilled until Emma told me that the stores in this little town closes at 3 , so I got a move on and we were in there by 1.30. Emma did some necassary shopping and we got some coffee at Halmstad one and only Espresso House. Even though it was E-House it was nothing like the ones home in G-town! Now we're back home Emma is doing the dishes and I'm going to fix my nails, the chipped off tips aren't really rocking that much.
Tonight we're going bowling , it'll probably be awesome !
Tonight we're going bowling , it'll probably be awesome !
Still rocking my curly hair !
Me and my sister just finnished watching The Hangover, it's such a good movie ! It's the third time I'm watching it, still as funny as the first (atleast almost). But my sister is pretty dry , she bearly laughs ever at movies, she cracked up once though. We jus fixed the fold-out couch that I'll be sleeping on over the weekend so I guess lights are out in a few minutes, I'm getting pretty tired. . . More updates tomorrow !

In Halmstad !
Heey everyone !
So I just arrived in in Halmstad. My sis' is (try saying that 10-times fast, haha) out buying some take-out for tonight, we're just going to stay in :). Emma's happy because she passed her economy exam, so we're half celebrating that aswell. I haven't gotten internet to work on my laptop yet so well see if I manage later. Well anyway, have a great day mumchkins !
So I just arrived in in Halmstad. My sis' is (try saying that 10-times fast, haha) out buying some take-out for tonight, we're just going to stay in :). Emma's happy because she passed her economy exam, so we're half celebrating that aswell. I haven't gotten internet to work on my laptop yet so well see if I manage later. Well anyway, have a great day mumchkins !

Leaving town !
Okay so I'm going go visit my sister in Halmstad tomorrow and realized like a hour ago that I'm leaving directly after school which means I have to pack tonight ! So I've been panicing for like an hour now. . .
But I'm also getting up att six tomorrow so I need to go to bed now , nighty night !

But I'm also getting up att six tomorrow so I need to go to bed now , nighty night !
What've I forgotten?

Hectic day !
Aloha all readers!
I recently got home from Majlin a friend that lives out in the hood , not in ma hood but the hood (biskopsgården). I helped her dye and fix her hair. She was going for strawberry blond (from black), first time we bleached it turned out like a kind of redhead Donna in The 70's Show and then we put this kind of wash-out dyecolor in it so the end result was kind of reddishbrown. I got home at 7.30 hungry as hell so ate a oven mozzarella pizza that I extra cheese and ham on , hehe ;). Now I'm just slacking in the couch enjoying not having any homework !
I recently got home from Majlin a friend that lives out in the hood , not in ma hood but the hood (biskopsgården). I helped her dye and fix her hair. She was going for strawberry blond (from black), first time we bleached it turned out like a kind of redhead Donna in The 70's Show and then we put this kind of wash-out dyecolor in it so the end result was kind of reddishbrown. I got home at 7.30 hungry as hell so ate a oven mozzarella pizza that I extra cheese and ham on , hehe ;). Now I'm just slacking in the couch enjoying not having any homework !
horrible picture od me at Majlins place...

Me right now with curly hair !

Me right now with curly hair !
I should never have gotten up this morning.
I just spent about the last half hour writing about what a bad/unlucky day I had, and then my freakin' computer closes down firefox for some fucking reason, so if you want to know what happend ask me. Comprende ?!
I still love you though !
I still love you though !
Good morning ?!
I'm not a morning person...... but anyways good morning ! I'm off to scholl in 20, we didn't have any breakfast at home so I got some extra time over. I'll have to buy something extra when I by my coffee at Sleven. . .
I have absolutly no comment on my clothing, my only excuse is that it's
not even 7A.M. yet....
not even 7A.M. yet....
feelin' the rythm
I finnished the science (as fast as possible, not really my favorite subject) while watching So you think you can dance.
God I miss dancing !
My regular dance lessons start on monday , really can't wait! But I want to try something new. I've been doing jazz for like three or fours now, sure I love it and all but I want to do something different as well, like fusion-jazz, street-jazz or plain street or some funk. The thing is that I'm not sure what I really want to try, but one thing that's sure is that to the fall I'm doing something new! I can't wait :)
Time for bed mumchkins!
God I miss dancing !
My regular dance lessons start on monday , really can't wait! But I want to try something new. I've been doing jazz for like three or fours now, sure I love it and all but I want to do something different as well, like fusion-jazz, street-jazz or plain street or some funk. The thing is that I'm not sure what I really want to try, but one thing that's sure is that to the fall I'm doing something new! I can't wait :)
Time for bed mumchkins!
Dancing has paid of a little bit over the years. . .
Sorry y'all
Hey me angels petit :)
I know I know my update latley has completley sucked , wendsday last week I had such a bad day and the other days I haven't really done anything special. The highlight of the weekend was dinner at grandmas. So really not that much to blog about. . .
Right now I just finnished a spannish essay so all I have in my head is pretérto imperfecto , ay ay ay Dios mio ! And I just got reminded that I have to write a whole text about our visit to the natural history museum of science last week for science , so I better be off.
I'm bringing the laptop to school tomorrow so might pop something on up here tomorrow then !
I know I know my update latley has completley sucked , wendsday last week I had such a bad day and the other days I haven't really done anything special. The highlight of the weekend was dinner at grandmas. So really not that much to blog about. . .
Right now I just finnished a spannish essay so all I have in my head is pretérto imperfecto , ay ay ay Dios mio ! And I just got reminded that I have to write a whole text about our visit to the natural history museum of science last week for science , so I better be off.
I'm bringing the laptop to school tomorrow so might pop something on up here tomorrow then !
me at grandmas . . .
@ School
In civics!

Sponge Bob & Hooters
Nighty night y'all. I spent the last hours in the sofa watching some plain old TV and drinking a cup of tea. I'm turning in early today for a change so I can get up bright and early tomorrow (even though it's still dark out when I get up , haha I'm so funny!)
Tonights outfit (PJ's!) Sponge Bob breifs from the Nikelodeon store
& HOOTERS tank from HOOTERS !
& HOOTERS tank from HOOTERS !
Estoy lista !
Estoy lista son los deberes de el español ! I'm done with the spanish homework now :) turns out that I forgot to bring home the notes from science so can't do the reports, hehe "too bad" (noooot). I'm going to check the tv-guide and see if something fun is on tonight otherwise I'll finnish the newest season of America's next petit model :)
Damn it! I just googled to get this picture and found out who the winner is -.-'
Home at last
I'm finally home, after about two and a half hours of trying to finnish the Civics project. We're not completley finnished since it's not that easy finding out how much it costs for a nine year old to play soccer in Skara . . . But we did as much as we could until we started to loose our temper, haha.
Right now I'm eating my chinese-leftovers from yesterday and I'm going to start with my spanish homework. Might even do some science laboration reports I don't know when they're supposed to be handed in. They're probably already past due-date but they've got to be done sooner or later.
I woke up 20minutes before my buss left this morning so I'm pretty much a mess when it comes to my hair, make-up, planning and almost everything else. I better wake up tomorrow because I start school at 8.10, so I'm getting up at 6!
Right now I'm eating my chinese-leftovers from yesterday and I'm going to start with my spanish homework. Might even do some science laboration reports I don't know when they're supposed to be handed in. They're probably already past due-date but they've got to be done sooner or later.
I woke up 20minutes before my buss left this morning so I'm pretty much a mess when it comes to my hair, make-up, planning and almost everything else. I better wake up tomorrow because I start school at 8.10, so I'm getting up at 6!
It's always nice to come home to some chinese. . .
@ Condecci
Out "fikaing" with Linda and trying to do our Civics, homeconsument assignment , the numbers have to be handed in tomorrow but it's not it's not going too well. . .
Linda's giving you the evil eye. . . .
Swedish is not my thing. . .
I've finally finnished the swedish homework that I have been avoiding all day. I have this rule, no bloging before I'm finnished with homework, so that dosen't take up my time. But there's so much other stuff you can do instead of homework! Like for instance before I did the homework I cleaned the kitchen, did some laundry, thought about making some food but never did, watched almost three hours of tv while doing my nails. When the parentals got home we ordered some chinese for dinner, after that I was forced to to homework. But now I'm finally finnished!
Nooow I just have to reveiw this religion project that we did last semester and have a presentation on tomorrow, take a shower, eat some ice-cream probably and do something about my hair before I go to bed. Otherwise I'll end upp looking like a troll in the morning!
Nooow I just have to reveiw this religion project that we did last semester and have a presentation on tomorrow, take a shower, eat some ice-cream probably and do something about my hair before I go to bed. Otherwise I'll end upp looking like a troll in the morning!
Purple tippy-tips (nailpolish fashionista @ H&M) and som glitter that you
can't see in the picture. I lost my chap-stick somewhere
today so my lips are basically falling off. Can't winter
ber over soon??
can't see in the picture. I lost my chap-stick somewhere
today so my lips are basically falling off. Can't winter
ber over soon??
Le weekend
Hey y'all females & shemales (you got to be since you're reading my blog ;) )
Nothing really worth to mention has happend this weekend. Yesterday I went to the Ninja and we chillaxed until her parents got home at 8.30 P.M. Then we got ready and went into town, met up the guys we were going to watch the movie with , they were pretty decent blokes :). Anyways we watched "Instängd 2" I don't know what the english title is, it was scary as hell and I'm never watching a horror movie again! I've said that everytime I've seen one but still. . .
Nothing bigger than Nina getting a new lamp has happend today either, so school tomorrow !
Nothing really worth to mention has happend this weekend. Yesterday I went to the Ninja and we chillaxed until her parents got home at 8.30 P.M. Then we got ready and went into town, met up the guys we were going to watch the movie with , they were pretty decent blokes :). Anyways we watched "Instängd 2" I don't know what the english title is, it was scary as hell and I'm never watching a horror movie again! I've said that everytime I've seen one but still. . .
Nothing bigger than Nina getting a new lamp has happend today either, so school tomorrow !
You just got to love my paint skills. . .
Fake ID's and topless girls. . .
This night ended up without any plans as planned. So just been eating shrimp and baguettes and drinking julmust, haha, while watching Let's Dance. I've seen better seasons I must say. . .
But know I'm just sitting dreaming away till the summer. First summer of the decade bitches! It's got to be a big one. I've got a lot of hopes and wiches for it, we'll se how much of it that actually comes true. Like going to Greece with the Ninja, (pretty please, mom&dad)! I fucking can't wait until I'm eighteen, so I can decide thing for myself. Getting a fake ID dosen't really attract me, because then what's so great and fun with turning 18? you get to tear your fake ID? I've got 1 year and 4 months to think it all over. . .
So I was just cruising the world wide web , when I stumbled in on the latest Victoria's Secret swimwear collection, it's nothing you'd really go tanning in but they're all just such beautiful creations! There was this one special peice that drew my attention, and I think a lot of others as well, a topless bathingsuit(?!). Nothing I would really wear but I LOVE the fact that the topless fashion is coming back. I really HATE it when you get strap marks from the bikini tops. Especially halterneck tops, iiiieck! and when you wear tube-top bikinis and then V-neck dresses?! it just dosen't work. If guys get to walk around without tops why shouldn't we girls be, without being judged or tramp-stamped? All I hope is that I'm not the only one tearing my top off this summer , hahaha (that would be a little awkward).
But know I'm just sitting dreaming away till the summer. First summer of the decade bitches! It's got to be a big one. I've got a lot of hopes and wiches for it, we'll se how much of it that actually comes true. Like going to Greece with the Ninja, (pretty please, mom&dad)! I fucking can't wait until I'm eighteen, so I can decide thing for myself. Getting a fake ID dosen't really attract me, because then what's so great and fun with turning 18? you get to tear your fake ID? I've got 1 year and 4 months to think it all over. . .
So I was just cruising the world wide web , when I stumbled in on the latest Victoria's Secret swimwear collection, it's nothing you'd really go tanning in but they're all just such beautiful creations! There was this one special peice that drew my attention, and I think a lot of others as well, a topless bathingsuit(?!). Nothing I would really wear but I LOVE the fact that the topless fashion is coming back. I really HATE it when you get strap marks from the bikini tops. Especially halterneck tops, iiiieck! and when you wear tube-top bikinis and then V-neck dresses?! it just dosen't work. If guys get to walk around without tops why shouldn't we girls be, without being judged or tramp-stamped? All I hope is that I'm not the only one tearing my top off this summer , hahaha (that would be a little awkward).
Gorgeous, but maybe not for tanning?
Hilarious shit !
Oh dear... I've gotten some comments of people who dislike me and hate me , it's doesn't bother me because everyone dislikes some people. The reason why these people don't like me, I don't know. That's why I joke about it all since I guess there is nothing I can do about these people that don't like me. But the funny part about this whole thing is that TWO people have stepped forward about being this ONE person that has commented anonmously hmmmm... So whatever keep hating on me, I haven't done anything to deserve it though. I haven't really offended you personally in any way, so if you think it's fair whatever.
Like all other blogers say "no one is forcing you to read my blog" and it's so true !
So today has been a pretty decent day besides the -13C, embarassing myself and the failing my swedish test part. Linda and I skipped bamba and went to Espresso House instead , lovely I must say. It feels so weird that it's the weekend already, we've only been in school for two days ! The only thing planned for this weekend is that I'm hitting the movies with Ninja Nina and two other dudes tomorrow, hope it'll be fun :).
Next up is grill-cheese and a cup of tea. Hahaha I'm such a mix of cultures I know !
Like all other blogers say "no one is forcing you to read my blog" and it's so true !
So today has been a pretty decent day besides the -13C, embarassing myself and the failing my swedish test part. Linda and I skipped bamba and went to Espresso House instead , lovely I must say. It feels so weird that it's the weekend already, we've only been in school for two days ! The only thing planned for this weekend is that I'm hitting the movies with Ninja Nina and two other dudes tomorrow, hope it'll be fun :).
Next up is grill-cheese and a cup of tea. Hahaha I'm such a mix of cultures I know !
Feelin' a little soggy, I'm not used to getting up at 6 A.M. anymore!
Today was the first day of school after christmas. It's never my day when I'm in school but this day is topping the charts !
First of all it's been SOOO cold all day and my body aint made for that! I had to run to the tram , and I spilt some coffee on the way. Then it turns out that like everyone except me got an iPhone for christmas and I wanted one so bad so everone started teasing me. At P.E. I fell facedown , I don't even know how ! but anyways my gympants kind of like tore and now have hole in them and a bruise on my knee that stings like crazy. The rest of the day turned out pretty good, except that I'm hungry like hell and no one is making me any food :(
First of all it's been SOOO cold all day and my body aint made for that! I had to run to the tram , and I spilt some coffee on the way. Then it turns out that like everyone except me got an iPhone for christmas and I wanted one so bad so everone started teasing me. At P.E. I fell facedown , I don't even know how ! but anyways my gympants kind of like tore and now have hole in them and a bruise on my knee that stings like crazy. The rest of the day turned out pretty good, except that I'm hungry like hell and no one is making me any food :(
My pants . . . :(

Hahahaha pisseån , you just got to love Gothenburg !
Oh yeah , little miss. pain-in-the-ass bitch , I know who you are , so eeeh I don't know, watch it ?! love you too. . .

Hahahaha pisseån , you just got to love Gothenburg !
Oh yeah , little miss. pain-in-the-ass bitch , I know who you are , so eeeh I don't know, watch it ?! love you too. . .
Helping out . . .
Just thought I'd right something quick before I go into town with Nina Ninja. It's fucking freezing out today aswell like -11 or something ? not cool . . . After town, I've got to hurry home and get to dinner at my grandmas , yaaay !
I might help my ex look for a bracelet or something for his girlfriend, cause that's just what I do.
Talk later ♥
I might help my ex look for a bracelet or something for his girlfriend, cause that's just what I do.
Talk later ♥
Chilly day . . .
Today has been such a go with the flow day. Woke up tenish but didn't get up until like twelveish went for a shower. I don't like to blow dry my hair, it was bearly dry at half past two when I couldn't stand waiting anymore so got myself fixed to go to town. I wanted to get out of the house so badly because we're redoing our basement so work has been going on constantly and the electricity has been turned on and of and shit. . . .
In town I got some Espresso House and sat that for awhile and just chilled. Then I left for what was supposed to be windowshopping but it was so fucking cold so I ended up goinginsaide and buying some stuff anyway. Like earrings and a pair of shoes ! I just couldnt resist it's been so long , hehe. Found this extremly perfect jacket at Beyond Retro but it was a little too expensive , seeing as I wasn't supposed to be shopping in the first place. So I'm a little chuffed that I didn't even call mom or try it on ! haha oh dear I should really stop now.
In town I got some Espresso House and sat that for awhile and just chilled. Then I left for what was supposed to be windowshopping but it was so fucking cold so I ended up goinginsaide and buying some stuff anyway. Like earrings and a pair of shoes ! I just couldnt resist it's been so long , hehe. Found this extremly perfect jacket at Beyond Retro but it was a little too expensive , seeing as I wasn't supposed to be shopping in the first place. So I'm a little chuffed that I didn't even call mom or try it on ! haha oh dear I should really stop now.
Hehe, my room's kind of a mess. (the white-out...)
I need a break . . .
I need a break from this break, it's killing me. Today I've been let's call it "sick" so I've just been lieing in the sofa sleeping mostly. That's the reason for the poor update. . . So nothing much to say . Talk to you when something really happens. :)
And to all you "haters" out there cut the crap I've already heard it and yes my writing skills are better in english than swedish , so just BOOOYAH and eff off , love ya 2 ;)
And to all you "haters" out there cut the crap I've already heard it and yes my writing skills are better in english than swedish , so just BOOOYAH and eff off , love ya 2 ;)
Commercials crack me up !
I was just watching this really cute movie, with Nicole Kidman can't remember the name. . . but ! During commercials I started laughing so hard, I don't know if they did it on purpose or not (to get to the point...) They started out with an advert about a match-making internet sight, after that was a advert about pregnancy tests, then fertility test and then pampers , HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA !
Oh dear, I need to get back to school or something. . ..
Mentally ill.....
I think I have a serious condition of something,
I don't know what though . . .
This morning I hated life (to exaggerate. . . ) but then my very own angel made me get up and come into to town with her. After a tripple espresso, a walk in the harbour, one blinddate invite, and some shopping I'm the happiest girl on earth !! Now this can't be right! (right?) Well anyways I'm good, but home alone, still it's cool I have my new speakersystem in my room =). . . .
I don't know what though . . .
This morning I hated life (to exaggerate. . . ) but then my very own angel made me get up and come into to town with her. After a tripple espresso, a walk in the harbour, one blinddate invite, and some shopping I'm the happiest girl on earth !! Now this can't be right! (right?) Well anyways I'm good, but home alone, still it's cool I have my new speakersystem in my room =). . . .
It really is sad how a cheap shirt can make you feel so good. . .
Lazyass . . .
I've been doing like nothing today (as usual) . Watched a movie , watched some tv , I've let tiny things get to me (fuck you) until my angel Nina said that I had to ge up and do something so I'm fixed and gorgeous only to mess with your (his) mind , hahaha !
So what's happening? No clue ! Nina needs to do some shopping and I need some EspressoHouse badly! That's what we've got planned so far :) Sounds like fun doesn't it ?!
So what's happening? No clue ! Nina needs to do some shopping and I need some EspressoHouse badly! That's what we've got planned so far :) Sounds like fun doesn't it ?!
I looked like a sack of potatoes a hour ago. . .
Just some randon shizzzz. . .
I have done absolutly nada of any importance today. I woke up at four to start with then I got up ate some cake from yesterday. Watched some movies, ordered home some kebab and then when back to bed which is where I'm at right now.
So I was watching this show about extremly gifted kids the other day and there was this two year old who had an IQ of 172 and was a member in mensa. This got me wondering how high my IQ was since a lot of people think I'm stupid and others extremly smart. I googled mensa IQ test and did the swedish version but when I was finnished it turned out that I had to pay 50kr to get the result, so I thought fuck that. . . Then I found something that said FREE iq test , so I clicked and did it. I got 141, my first reaction was "shit I'm so stupid, a two yearold has 30points higher IQ than me". But after that I googled "average IQ for a 16 year old" and it showed 113 give or take ten points. I thought no way, THEN I saw that it only takes 140 to be a member of mensa?! This can't be right. . .
So I was watching this show about extremly gifted kids the other day and there was this two year old who had an IQ of 172 and was a member in mensa. This got me wondering how high my IQ was since a lot of people think I'm stupid and others extremly smart. I googled mensa IQ test and did the swedish version but when I was finnished it turned out that I had to pay 50kr to get the result, so I thought fuck that. . . Then I found something that said FREE iq test , so I clicked and did it. I got 141, my first reaction was "shit I'm so stupid, a two yearold has 30points higher IQ than me". But after that I googled "average IQ for a 16 year old" and it showed 113 give or take ten points. I thought no way, THEN I saw that it only takes 140 to be a member of mensa?! This can't be right. . .
It dosen't say congratulations or anything. . .