Earlier today in school my breakfast decided it didn't want to stay within me anymore which meant I had an early homecoming today. Luckily I did manage to take an outfit picture before I left for school and here it is!

Apricot Jeans - Filipa K, top - ZARA, caridigan - Banana Republic, blazer - SALT
bag - Marc by Marc Jacobs, shoes - Åhlens
I've just been sleeping ever since I got home, it still feels like I have something deep done inside that shouldn't be there and it's really irritating because I want to go the closing of El Corzon tonight ! :'(
Any magic healers out there? contact meeee !
Good night . . . .
. . . and then another day went black and ticked on to be a new one.

Sleep tight everyone,
Guys, girls & gays heeree it is !!!
My camera has decieded to stop working, but here some mobile pictures of my new baby ! Nothing else woth mentioning has happened today in case you're wondering ;)

So simple and classic but yet so damn beautiful! I love it !
It's heeeere!

Hey Hoe, Let's go !
Wooow , it's already Monday !

I've been really busy since I last updated, but I have tried to make small mobile updates that hasn't worked.... On friday, I had school and then I went straight to work and after work we partied until dawn. On saturday I slept past noon and then went straight to work, after work on saturday we after-worked at work until closing and then I was given a ride home. Sunday I spent studying and then went for a movie night at a friends place, when I got home it was straight to bed. It was kind of past midnight and I had to get up at 6 A.M. I couldn't fall asleep so didn't sleep much at all....Today I had a three hour economy lecture, it was interesting but a bit long and when I got home I ofcourse fell asleep, hahah :) That's a very quick resumé of what I've done !
An now I'm here in bed about to watch a movie and sleep again, hehehe. I'm pretty damn excited about tomorrow because then my package is going to be delivered ! :D YAAAAAAY don't think I have much more to say right now...... so nighty night !
Here are some random pictures of me that I happen to like, they might not say alot to you, but to me they do !

Spring is on the way ! (2010)

Studying in the schoolyard, spring 2010

Luxury breakfast with Linda, fall 2010

Enjoying life and adventure summer 2009 in Shetland

Over and out !
Bonne Nuit

It's time to navigate towardsd the land of dreams . . .
The Thursday
Damn I overslept! Had 7 minutes to get to my bus this morning when I woke up, but I made it :) and wasn't late, you all should know how much I dislike late people by now. . . any ways short day in school then just hung out with Linda, Philip and Pelle in town, was nice :) and relaxing! Just chitchatting and talking alot of shit hahaha! Just the way it should be :)

Just now I oedered something that I have been eyeing for a loong time, and finally it will be MINE and I'm not telling you what it is until the package has arrived :D

I said is was starting to rain and everyone else said it was just a drizzle, and since I'm not fucking brittish I
don't enjoy "just a drizzle", but Pelle's umberlla calmed me down, and everyone else, hahaha.
(It's me and Pelle in the picture)
Trying to see the light
“Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.”
-Buddha![]() ![]() ♥ |
Me in the mornings

Not a word, talk to you all later. . .
Today tomorrow and for the rest of my life
I've been getting the feeling these last few days that I'm falling into a my annual fall depression, a bit a early this year but that can be due to some recent events happening.....

School isn't as it should be and it irritates me! Linda and I went out for lunch as usuall,we had thai and learnt the real name of the restaurant (I forgot it even quicker though....) we usually just call it "That-thai-placre-in-Arkaden" most people get it..... I've also taken a picture of what I think I'm wearing tomorrow, seeing as I might not have time to update because I start rather early. So here it all is !

My beautiful Linda at "that-thai-placre-in-Arkaden" :)

What I want to wear and then we'll see what mood I'm in and the what mood the weather
is in. . . .

There's also a half good picture of my pretty recently done nails :)
rainy outfit
i'm in school wearing this 

Things are changing
Things are changing at a rapid speed,
I'm doing my very best to keep up.
People change,
people even come and go.
Everything changes, especially this time of the year.
Habits change, the color of trees,
friends, habits, colors of the sky,
temperture, you name it !
Change is a great thing,
but it's hard and scary to get used to.
It is also something that will never change,
so why not just get used to it?
Change, I mean.

This is me changing the world
Good night world
I survived the night !

poor little girl, she can't sleep and there is no one here to kiss her good night

Back to reality !
Tomorrow school starts again, and I'm not the least bit excited as I usually am.... Sad.

I've been pampering myself all weekend to try to feel better not sure it its worked. Paid to get my hair and nails done, wanted to use my spa-day gift card but didn't want to exaggerate . . . So did some spa treatment here at home instead.
I guess I should go to sleep now seeing as I have to get up in the morning. We'll see if I have time to update then.

(the picture is from May)
Nighty night
It's been a couple of days . . .
I just wanted to show you all my new hair..... Not really in the mood of sharing anythingelse right now, some shit has happened, it's got to do with family so that's my priority right now. So you want to show affection? This is your time !
Sleep tight everyone.

All my love,
headin to grans!
I'm now on the express bus to grandmas after a farewell lunch for emma with the girls at work. I'm going to enjoy one or two days of pure relaxation :) I've got a chic magazine my lap and a chic-lit in my Hilfiger that should keep me occupied ! peeeace

I'm out of bed at last . . .
. . . was that reminder of your existence you gave me last night really necessary ?

Time for some coffe !

Le shopping !
Here I am again, what have I done? I had dinner and later on watched The Hangover part II it was just as funny as the first but after having seen the first one nothing was really very unexpected.

After that I really wanted to go to bed and sleep but my hair was screaming. I just had to sort out all the salt water dreads I had left from Greece so I did that and had a deep conditioning shower and now my hair is silky smooth just like the PJ's I'm wearing =) let us hope my hair stays this way until I go to the my hairdresser on friday (she hates trying to untagnle my birdsnest, also called hair)
I promised to show you the shopping I did earlier today so here it is !

A really cute top with lace at the top, couldn't get a great picture of the
detailing sadly :(

Every garment in this picture is new including the shades, the pants I've
talked about earlier, I adore this color combo! Don't you?!

The leather jackt and tunic, yes I know sad to be buying a leather jacket
already, but I'm going to neeed it sooner or later, and I fell in love with ít :)

Jumpsuit! Very retro, and the most comfortable thing ever :)

A new calender (finally!!) and a phone case since my screen is getting
all scratched up from having it loose in my purse.
So that's about it.... I really think it's kind of boring showing you all the these things at once, and the pictures are so shitty quality (?) I don't know what's up with my camera.... anyways I'm goint to try to show you the garments when I wear them for real for the first time when they're accessorized and matching everything else!
Tomorrow I'm going for lunch at work and then I'm heading to grandmas! I haven't seen her in so long and it is going to be nice to get out onto the countryside a bit before school starts even though I can only take the countryside in small doses now and then it's nice once in awhile :) maybe I can get rid of my damn cold and cough there as well..... oh shit it's getting late I guess I better sleep !

This is me last year at grandmas, in her kayak. and yes she paddles it herself as well !

And this is me right now in my silky PJ's and smudged face saying good night !
Peace ♥
Le bitch is back !
Hey girls, guys and gays!

Guess who's back?, yeah ok me, you probably got that already! hehe . . .
I got home saturday night EXHAUSTED since our boat left at 5.30 A.M. so why sleep? we thought and yeah so I guess you get it, hadn't slept, partied hard and so on...... I had a bit of a cold and cough as well which didn't really make things easier.
Every day on Naxos is pretty much the same you sleep until 11 then you're on the beach by noon, eat brunch and tan until about 7 P.M. go home shower and get ready for dinner and partying until 6 in the morning and then it all starts over again :)
Since I got home I've slept and done nothing really except for today when Linda and I had a pretty serious and spontanious shopping spree which I'll update more about in my next post :)
Now dinner and some Ellen Degeneres Show :D what better entertainment is there?! All the love and power to her !
Here are some picture from Greece there will ofcourse be some more in the coming days and weeks ;) like always, haha

Wow turned out to be alot.....
Peace out dinner is here !
life down here is good !
I'm in on my sixth day of constant having fun! we're at the beach at night and day, we're clubing and drinking all day and night. oooh waka waka is on time to get up on the bar and dance! love you all <3
excuse the picture but it's the only one I have on my phone!

Headin' towards Olivia in a bit !
I'm about to leave for Olivia's place, need to get something to eat first though, haven't had anything since breakfast :S and no drinking without food in the tummy! That never ends good . . .

Like I said I'll be going to Olivia because she's always so slow and then we're going Bryggeriet where Hanna and Sara from work are DJ'ing and then probably Corazon like all other wednedsays :) hahaha I'm going to take it easy tonight though! (and sleep at home (!)) because I want to save my energy for Greece :)
This is what I look like tonight :

Do you like it ? :)
Food it is ! and then I'm off :)
Monday shopping . . . 3 days left to Greece !
On monday I went to work to pick up my tips and eat lunch since Olivia was working, I did some shopping (things I needed for Greece + things I wanted for Greece, haha) I managed to do that in a couple of hours and then went back to Hard Rock since we had live music playing that night :) so I listned to that and had a frozen Strawberry Daiquiri to cool off since it was really hot :)

This is what I bought :

For all the beach parties in Greece ! :)

Passport case from Ordning&Reda, where I can fit my cards as well, and store it all in a
safe at the hotell.

BodyButter a big must after tanning :)

Yuuuummmi with extra lime ! :)

Me and Nina in Greece last year !

I really can't wait !
I've got to go and do some stuff now and then later tonight Olivia and I are going to make this town unsafe. haha
Go to to, ttyl !
breakfast on the padio in the sun :)