Updating !
What have I done in the last two weeks you might wonder !

Here's some of it:
¤ I've booked my ticket to Greece so I'm going there on Saturday ! :D
¤ Worked my ass off at Hard Rock Cafe as usuall
¤ Afterworked with people from worked and had a lot of fun !
¤ Hung out with Linda and Nina, "fikat" and BBQed :)
¤ Partied hard
¤ Been to Stockholm, spent a night in Jönköping since the car broke down in the middle of the highway...
That's pretty much what I've been up to lately, most of it has involved working and when I haven't been working I've been wanting to do something fun!
I've managed to get a cold these last few days, and luckily today and the next few days coming I'm not working so hopefully I'll be able to recover fully before I leave for Greece :) I'm so excited ! There's a lot I need to do before I leave though, shopping, laundry, packing, money exchange and all that . . . . and then there's all the Taking care of the house as well. Mowing the lawn, vacuuming in doors and watering all plants indoors and outdoors. It's not a huge hastle but it's more than i usually have to take care of.
And here are some pictures you haven't seen here on the blog before :

BBQ at Philips !

Cleaning the house, after Linda has trashed it !

BBQ here at home, to be honest I had trouble just opening the bag..... but the meat turned
out delicious!!

YMCA on the entrance bar at work! Turned out to be a real crowd pleaser :)

Sofia and I having an After Work at work :)
I'm still standing tall, don't you worry about me . . .

Would you look at that
I got the late shift at work today, so now I don't have much planned . . . I thought I'd might tidy the house a bit and then visit Nina since she is working right across the street from me. I think it has finally struck me that I am now living alone for quite some time ! It feels good yet still a bit lonely. Oh well some cleanig up in the kitchen wouldn't hurt I guess !

Here's what I'm wearing, the weather is pretty grey and wet today, so wellies to match with it

sorry peeps, i'm trying....
heey i'm on the bus on my way home from work and afterwork... earlier today i helped my parents get packed and when they left i had to hurry to work. i wanted to update my outfit cause i really liked it but didn't have time..... when i get home i have to go straight to bed since i might start early tomorrow or i might not, i'm supposed to call in at noon and check how busy it is (early at hard rock is between noon and one o'clock, hahha) but if i start "early" i'm working double shifts....

a small part of why the blog has been so "silent" lately . . .
i'm trying to do better, lot's of love
Busy girl . . . ( I managed to fall asleep before updating. . . )
I feel like I'm starting to become one of those bloggers who only update every other day if even that, and I don't like it! I'm just keeping really busy and enjoying the summer :)

Especially this week, since it's been the last week before my parents vacation so I've been trying to do things with them before they leave for 5 weeks. It's going to be sooo nice having the house to myself!! But I also have to do aaaall the chores and shit on my own now . . .
I'm going to try to do better , I promise! Last I updated was my about wednesday and the very busy day I had, but it was all worth it and I had so much fun :D woke up at a friends place on the thursday and it was pouring down outside so we staid in until are stomaches were growling at each other and we went out for breakfast at like 4 P.M. haha when I got home mom and I went grocery shopping and I did my best to fill the house with food that I can cook/heat up in the microwave or oven, haha. Today I've just worked and had dinner with mom and dad.
Woooow this has turned out to be a boring update..... and I don't have any pictures to show you :( give me a kick in the ass so I'll get better !

let's get started !
I've just been to the postoffice to pick up my new VISA card woooopwooop my old card was locked yesterday and I kind of freaked but it was just because the new one had been delivered. so now i'm on the buss about to meet linda for some sushi :) and then as I said yesterday work and el corazon tonight ! here's what i'm wearing during the day : 

New nails and new tales to tell !
For those of you who are wondering what I did yesterday can check my facebook and latest mobile uploads, it was a very spontaneous night out with Majlin. Today has been calmer I got up pretty early to go to Lotta and do my nails, after that Sofia and I met for a quick lunch. When Sofia went to work I went to meet up with Olivia and Max in Slottskogen (THE park to be in, haha) Charlie, Olivia's dog was there as well, so we just hung out for a while, talked and laughed. Later on we all had to go our seperate ways home, I ate dinner with the family and just took it easy.

Tomorrow is another full day! Lunching with Linda before going to work, then party at Corazon and later on crashing at Olivia's place :) Can't say I'm craving to go out and party but I guess I'll be up for it tomorrow!

Aren't they pretty? :)
One of very few reasons to look forward to the fall . . .
I'm beside myself and after seeing these pictures I'm sooooo excited for Versace launching their line at H&M. What I want the most right now is the silver dress and the strappy heels !

Donatella Versace I can't wait !!
Feelin' like Barbie
I'm heading to work been out in the garden chillin' all day, now it's time to earn some dough to spend !

Time to go to "bed" . . .

The day
Today has been spent mostly in bed listening to the rain tap on my skylight whilst watching movies. After getting up I've been cleaning up around the house as aunt and uncle are coming over for dinner, should be nice.

This picture always makes me smile, I want to go to my grandmas and go paddling again!
The picture is taken last year when Linda and I was there :)
For the moment I'm just caught in such an aaaaawe over what Ms. Beyonce Knowles is capable of, just check this out !!!
( I know I'm not the first to post it)
She really is something else, more than amazing!
Now someone just ticked me off, if you don't appreciate what I do, f*ck off. It's as simple as that, got it?
Night peeps !
Here's the story. . .

Got home real late yesterday completely exhausted from having a great day and night, woke up real late this morning/2 P.M. and got invited to a late hard rock lunch that lead into going home to Olivia and later going to having a beer night just me, Olivia and Max from work and some other "cool dudes" now I'm home once again exhausted with some real agitated parents who claim they never get to see me when the fact is that they're away more nights than I am just that our timings don't clash. That's all !
Picture from yesterday :

Good night !
the look of marstrand

Marstrand here I come !
The plans Linda and I made today were about going to marstrand ! We are going tomorrow (technically today) we're only spending the day there but it is going to be a long one :) full of sun, sea, sailing and good food & drinks ! I'm really excited I haven't been there this year yet. We were supposed to take our sailboat but the winds are coming from the complete wrong direction so bus and ferry it is. It's going to be packed !

I should probably go to sleep seeing as I need to get up at like eight !
I hope everyone is enjoying these summer days as much as I am :)

The picture is from when I was in Marstrand two years ago with Felicia, good times!
I miss real hardcore sailing, this is me in 2008 racing Gratia in
the Norcis Seglats

scraping the hull. . .

and about to climb the rigg !
That was a quick trip down memory lane, now good night !
at soho making plans for tomorrow :)

nightly mobile update
yesterday was spent by serving food for hungry metallica fans for about ten hours. after everyone got off their shift we celebrated the concert weekend from hell being over with the last of the beer we had in the house. today i've been trying recover but all god has given me is severe blood loss, one time a month pains and mood swings. tomorrow i'm hoping to spend in a park with linda eating sushi and laughing our knickers off.... I hope all goes well. good night everyone 

Concert days and shopping !
Wednesday night was fun all lot of crazy stuff happened that night I must say, haha . . .

On thursday Hard Rock hosted a pre-party for Iron Maiden fanclub, where I helped out to host and bartended a bit :) they were all kind of a crazy bunch of misifts, hahaha. Friday was the day of the concert and holy wow Iron Maiden has a lot of fans. I was hostess on the terass and at a certain point we had a waiting list of almost two pages ! I had to work eight hours straight because there was no way I could have a break. Let me just tell you that burger I ate when I finally had my break was the best burger I've ever had!
Today I had a loooong sleep in and then I went into town to meet Linda to have lunch and do some summer-sales shopping :) Later when we got home we made dinner and ate it in the garden ! Now we're just eating junk in the folded out sofa :)
Photo time :

Linda's and my bags !

Really cute pair of shorts :)

The softest shirt ever and I liked the words on it , I also got a pair of
gold sandals but haven't photographed them.

Nacho dinner, my specialty !

Our current situation :)
Now I'm about to jump into the shower !