Ladies and gentlemen this is what an ocean...
Ladies and gentlemen this is what an ocean view looks like ! <3
At arlanda airport and I'm really tired I'...
At arlanda airport and I'm really tired I've been up since 3 a.m. can't wait to just get on a plane and sleep ! Bye bye guys, I'll try to update the best that I can :) <3
Finito !
I'm pretty much done and I'm heading over to Linda's now where I'm spending the night, shall be good :)

We're probably going to do some re-packing and shit. . . I'll try to update via my phone sometime tonight or tomorrow :) the laptop stays at home :(

Au revoir mes anges
This is how the packing is looking so far . . .

All the favorites
I finally brought the bag down from the attic so now it's time to go through everything again and then put pack it down into the bag :) haha
Do you believe it?
I'm up ! Well ok that's an exaggeration I'm awake but still in my bed. The sun is shining and I really just want to go to the beach but it'll have to wait until Sunday I guess.

My mouth hurts like a bitch this morning. I have some wisdom-teeth coming out so pretty much the whole back of my mouth is swollen. But it's nothing I can't think passed I hope :) because I have so much shit I have to get together today I simply have to think passed it!
Things I need to do today:
¤ 2 batches of laundry
¤ Bring the bag I'm packing everything in down from the attic
¤ Finnish packing all my clothes
¤ Start packing all the rest like shoes, cosmetics, chargers etc
¤ Shower and peel myself, all that. . .
¤ Paint my nails (I feel naked without them painted)
¤ Hem one of my dresses
¤ Pack a hand-luggage
¤ and I'm sure there are some things I forgot

Great my lips look swollen as well, well my stomach is yelling for some coffee,
and maybe something to eat
I hate waiting
I'm starting to get bored, I just painted my toe nails and I barely ever paint my toe nails. Well anyways I'v been googling around for a while and I found a picture of the apartment complex I'll be living at in the Gran Canaries. It looks great and I hope it really is. It's a kind of all access thing, we have access pools, beach, gym, shows during the night and things like that. Linda and I will try to use it all as much as we can ! :) The beach has sand imported from Bahamas? I've been to the Bahamas so I can see why they would want the sand but come on who transports sand across the Atlantic ocean? That better be a fine beach for all those CO2 gases that have been silled out, haha

Looks enjoyable don't you think? :)
Sorry y'all !
Sorry for the terrible update today but I've been really busy with packing and laundry and important things like that you know ;) Haha well I don't think I'm near finished yet, lucky I have tomorrow as well. . . I need to find a bag to put everything in to too. I'll fix all the cosmetics and things like that tomorrow I think . . .

Well well I think I need to do some further planning

That's how far I've gotten, there's a bunch more hanging from the roof than
you can see
Got to run to the bus in my favorite wellies !

Rainy morning
Hey, it's been raining all morning. It's nice, I don't really have anything against rain as long as it's not cold :) I don't have the problem like many others when it comes to their hair getting curly in the rain. Mine is naturally straight !

Linda and I have a last shopping and coffee date before we leave :) I'm going to look for some moisturizer and body shop things, I have to check what we have at home first but I love buying that kind of stuff :) Body Shop & Clinique are my favorite stores to wander around in :)

Well I should get dressed and going,
Not what I signed up for. . .
This is not what I signed up for when I did the yard work today in a sports-bra. . .

I fucking hate tan-lines ! Good thing I'm leaving for sunnier dimensions on saturday, that way it'll disappear in no time !
Your timing is impeccable
Sorry for the late update you guys but I've been on a mission. I've been trying to get the garden to look representable or at least decent. Both my parents are pretty much work-aholics and on the rare occasion that they're not working they're out sailing so they never give the garden any time. So this morning I decided to do something about this and now I've done a bit, mowed the lawn, trimmed the edges and washed the outdoor furniture. Now i really need to get started on my laundry that I have to do before the trip :) So I'm having a bit of a "house-wify day" (without the cooking of course ;) hahaha)

3 days left !!
Dia fantasitca
I just got home from Linda's we've been planning the trip for hours and talking about pretty much everything else as well :)

We walked around in town for a while, ate lunch and drank some coffee. Linda bought a bikini and a dress. After i cleaned my closet I've realized I'm all set for this trip so I saved my money (proud) and helped Linda find some things. But we did have some fun trying on crazy things and just goofing around.

The weirdest dress I have ever tried on I think it was a size: M and it was so
tight over the chest I couldn't breathe but below the waist it would've fit
Jennifer Lopez's ass x 2! And the hat, don't even ask

Why do they even have curtains at the changing rooms at Monki?

We ate lunch at our favorite Thai shack ! God that place is amazing, and the
chef is the funniest thai man I've ever met !

Oh dear.... yeh well this is what happens after Linda & Kajsa enters
a arts &crafts store.
Like usuall
Hey I'm in a bit of a hurry me and Linda are going into town because she needs to do shopping for the grand canaries, jeeeez it's only 4 days left! I think I'm all set I don't need to do any shopping what I know of at least ;)

Maybe that's why I've been grumpy
Haha if you only knew what I just did ! Weeeeeeell I'm going to hop on the roof and let the rain cool me down before I hit the sack :)

Who doesn't love that seen from Flashdance?
Nighty nighty all my loved ones. . .
Heat rash
We're finally done with my two closets turned out it was mostly just a mess and not too much I wanted to give away, but a bit :) Some things I thought were nice enough that I'm giving them to my baby cousin who isn't a baby anymore , haha. Well at least I got some shit out and now it's all organized :) It's been so hot today as well , by the end the clothes were just sticking to my body.


Some of it, most of this I threw out

This is going to some kind of charity, I'm looking at founds
and organisations right now. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Why don't swedish houses have A/C's? On the other hand I'm allergic to A/C but I can't fell it for the first 15minutes or so. . .
I think I'm going for a shower or something to cool down now !
Morning rituals
I just finished throwing some clothes in the laundry. I've also done one of my lovely morning rituals which involves me making french-toast with loads of cheese and making the daily soduko.

I hate waiting for food

Just a healthy american breakfast ;)
I think I'm going to fix my nails now, Linda is coming over later and we're hopefully going to clean and go through my wardrobe and see what I want to give away and give to charity and things like that. I've seen things in there that still has their price-tag on.
I'll update later I guess,
Que Viva España !
Spain won the world cup just like I've been hoping this whole world cup. Even though it was a brutal, nasty and boring game, THEY WON ! With one single goal scored, which took like 115 minutes. Still they won and it feels great that my instinct was right!

The champion Iniesta ! But I must say that without their goalkeeper Casillas
Spain most likely would've been fucked.
That's all for me I think I'm going to go sleep because I'm starting to grow a head-ache thanks to you and I don't have anything better to do.
Night night,
It's heating up !
I'm home from town now, we had some coffee at this really nice place right on the avenue and just talked away for like two hours basically. When we felt done there we walked passed Hard Rock so I just thought I'd stop by and we all ended up sharing a Nacho plate, haha we were all pretty hungry :)

Here are some pictures from today:

Now that girl can laugh !

Munchkin and me :)

Fighting over the first nacho or something?
I said it , and I meant it
I'm going to keep this very short because I'm shit-ass tired. I'm heading to town to meet a few friends, we're all saying bye bye to John (LJ) haha, since he's going to Italy for a while. Should be nice :)

Fred Perry halter neck top and Levis shorts, and I think I'm going with
one of my Tommy Hilfiger bags :)

At work, waiting for my food. I start in a...
At work, waiting for my food. I start in a bit :) <3
Try me
I'm hitting the town for a serious gossip session with Linda! Which is well needed I must say :) After that I'm hitting work we'll see if I manage a mobile update ;)

We all love summer !

To do or not to
In bed, thinking about getting up but I don't know. . .

You aint got no alibi.
I'm home and I'm tired. I'm in bed and I'm going to sleep now. I'm meeting Linda for some gossip before work tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. Good night !

Take off
Hey , I'm pretty much ready to go to work now, I'm meeting Eddie first for a bit. I don't really have anything to say, but I'll try to update later :)

Simply dressed, after all I'm just going to work :)
Good noon :)
I love sleeping late when you have no prior engagements :) But now I really need to get up, my body is craving a cup of coffee and then a long nice shower. I start work at five so need to be done with a few things before that, as well. I might need to do some grocery shopping, living alone is hard stuff. Or I'll just order take-out :) haha lucky that I at least get to eat delicious food at work!

One of those so called cute pictures "anonymous" took a while back.
Trust me there is nothing cute about my morning mood swings !
Like I said nightmares
I've spent the day doing barely anything. I've made some plans for the weekend and next week, but I'm working three nights in a row this weekend so it's only daytime plans. Now it's only 9 days until I leave for Gran Canary, it's unreal ! We're going to have so much fun :D and wooo child the tan I'll have when I get back !

Well anyways I think I'm going to try to make myself a cup of coffee and watch a movie. Any suggestions? I'm in the mood for something with a hot actor , I'm in the need for some eye-candy.

Or rather man candy, a hot Irish man. Hard to find but when
you do, oh dear . . .
Ignore the face
Here's the new dress I bought the other day, it's just the dress, my second-hand belt and the killer stilettos . . .

(no make-up) the dress has small "pouff" shoulders but they didn't really stick
in a photo
So far I'm pretty much loving this day because I can lay inside in the coach with a good conscience while it's still raining outside. . . That's what's up !
Over and out
solo dos
Here are two pictures from yesterday we ate lunch at Soho Linda, Joel and I :)

Linda and I had some serious problems eating her salami & brie cheese bagel

But Joel loved his ciabatta , haha !
I dream nightmares about you
Hey guys we had the busiest night in the history of Hard Rock Cafe in Gothenburg yesterday I must say. Damn it was intense. Everyone wanted to see the Spai-Germany game (Spain won 1-0 just like I said they would !) We had food customers filling all the bars and the sportsbar was so packed we couldn't move, so was the entrance and in front of all the big screens. Anways I just woke up and I can hear the rain poring down outside so I'm not going anywhere in awhile I think my bed feels like the perfect place to be right now, my body is pretty tired.

If I only knew how to make an omelet. . . . in bed !
I hope to update later with some pictures from yesterday and the dress I bought !
In a bit of a rush but here's todays' outfit. I'll try to take many pictures in town today and upload them tomorrow ! :)

Who the fuck
Who the fuck starts working at 7 o'clock in the morning? This morning at 7.15 A.M. A bunch of roofers woke me up. It turns out that my neighbors from across the street are getting a new roof, so I was woken up by the sound of hammering on metal, roofing tile crashing on containers and men yelling at each other. It made me get up and go sleep in my parents bed, where I woke up at eleven. Now I'm just doing my regular morning routines and I have to paint my nails before I hit the town with Linda :)

This picture is taken at eleven by that time they've taken all the roof-tiles
away. . . and thrown on a container on the ground. Bastardos !
I'll try to update before I leave !
Give it a rest
Heey guys, they called Hard Rock called me and wanted me to work tonight while Linda and I was shopping so I recently got home!

I'm pretty tired so I'm going to keep this short, but I had a nice day after an anxiety-attack morning, I just didn't want to stay home, haha. I bought a new dress and I'll try to post a picture of it tomorrow before I hit towm for real FO REAL with Linda tomorrow :). I'm working tomorrow night as well so I don't really know how the update is going to look but I'll do my best for you guys ;).

After a lot of not knowing what to do this morning this is how it turned out.
Coffee, Shakespeare and sun :)
Anyways I hope you all had a nice night !
(mobileblogging) Late breakfast in Kungspa...
(mobileblogging) Late breakfast in Kungsparken waiting for Linda :)
Check it out !

You're going t be getting more than lousy web cam pictures from now on ! :D
I'm just trying the blogg function thorugh...
I'm just trying the blogg function thorugh my phone !
Take it out !
Heey , I'm back home again and waiting for my take out. Nobody is home to make any food, that's when take-out is the way to go! I just love they way food tastes when it comes from a take-out carton box (haha!)

Well well I don't have too much plannes for the evening more than the date I have with the TV, I guess. But I'm pretty tired so I don't really have any complaints about that :)

I've got a hell of a lot of Selmas in my wallet now, haha !
Oh, say can you see . . .
Happy 4th of July all americans !

I'm just going to work for a bit to pick up my tips and see when I'm working next time :)
Independent Woman
Ok guys, I'm done! Ready to go to work,, I hope it's a little better than yesterday because then we mostly had drunk old men that didn't know what to do ! Some refused to pay others couldn't walk the rest couldn't talk. But there's a game and everything so hopefully it's cheery people :)

Smiling and I mean it, I'm in a good mood today !

The top I've made partly on my own and skirt is from Ahlens City
Better get my work clothes in the bag and get going I'm eating before I start !
Another one
Heeey , I'm just about to hop in the shower and get myself fixed for work. I got a text from this sweet guy at work that offered to cover my shift today since it's such nice weather today. But I really don't have a problem with working once in awhile it just makes me feel good about myself so I said thanks, but no thanks :).
I'll give you gauys a update before I leave for work as well ! :)
(the comment I left late last night is nothing you need to worry about, just a minor misunderstanding between a friend and me, it's all sorted now ! )
I'll give you gauys a update before I leave for work as well ! :)
(the comment I left late last night is nothing you need to worry about, just a minor misunderstanding between a friend and me, it's all sorted now ! )
Quick Update
Hey guys , I just got home from work, it's been a hectic day and it's taken hard on my body . . .

Well I just thought I'd say that I'm alive and everything is pretty good. I just had a shower and I'm having a wind-down and then I'm hitting the sack, I'm working tomorrow as well. Life is hard but it's sooo worth it in the end when you get to spoil yourself !
I've ordered a camera and hopefully I'll have it by monday ! :D

Eres perra falsa patética
SATC, what else?
Hey everyone, surprise surprise I'm crashng at Lindas place tonight ! We've spent the day in town catching up, trying to put together her closet from IKEA, making dinner (my own specialty) and watching Sex & the City. What else is there to do?

You just got to love IKEAS motto , do it yourself !

You just got to love IKEAS motto , do it yourself !