Musing away . . .
Speculation of the night:

What is to say that something it beautiful or not? What defines beauty is their a correct answer or does it like so many other things have a thousand answers? It can be both abstract and substantial, whilst if someone would ask me how would you define beauty my first thought would a beautiful person (in my eyes that is) when it comes to outer looks, but then it never ends you can keep on thinking about so many answers. It could be just their presence that makes them beautiful. There are still so many things that are said to be beautiful but there is nothing defining it or proving that it really is beautiful. We use terms like "the weather is so beautiful today", "that woman is so beautiful", "the fountain in Rome we saw was incredibly beautiful"...... the list could go on forever.
The thing I find disturbing is that all the things that are described are very different and still they are described with the same word... is beautiful just a shitty word or are we just getting lazy at describing things? The dictionary lets us use it as an adjective, noun and inter-junction, it also has about 50 synonyms, should we start using other words instead? that defines the meaning of what we are describing better? Has the "beautiful" lost its meaning? Has it ever had a real meaning?
I could go on forever but now I think need some sleep....

I find Grace Kelly extraordinarily beautiful, but I can't think of anything more beautiful
than a sun set on an open sea either, but they are not the same thing !

In religion class, just got back from Espresso House where I sat with Lina for a while after Civics class. Now I'm going to try to get some work done in my essay !

It's a bit colder today, sadly...

Me right now
Study with computer in town !
I barley have any lessons today so I'm bringing my sweet laptop to school.... to try to study in town, might update from there later :)

Cap: Ralph Laren Top: Top Shop Jeans: Acne

Magic schoolbag that holds everything !
Copy cat , Copy cat , come out , come out where ever you are !
Today I have become an even stronger beleiver of Karma. Before gym class today I saw this old woman almost falling when she was walking down a really steep hill so I helped her down by holding her arm. And then on my way home from Espresso House I was running to the tram and this random guy holds the door open for me so that it won't leave and he wasn't even getting on it! Without that dude I would have missed it, so thank you dude. That's what I call KARMA ! either it was that or the fact that my panties where almost showing because my dress was gliding up when I was running, hahaha. Without that dude I would have missed it, so thank you dude.

But anywaaays I've been studying and writing my essay since I got home and I'm pretty sure I know almost everything about Judaism know , just ask me anything ! My brain is full, I can't think no more !

I'm starting to get a headache as well !
Aloha , Mahalo !
Good morning !

Can't promise that the update will be too good this week a have a shit-load of work to do before Greece ! ONLY 5 DAYS UNTIL I LEAVE NOW !

Dress from Victoria's Secret

I heard a rumor about white being the new black, so I liked and joined in !

I tried my best to dress down the dress
Bonne soir
Aloha babes I've had an awesome day , I've seemed to have alot of those lately, huh?

Anyway me and Linda layed out in the sun until like 6 o'clock and after that we went out for a walk, well Linda did I was on my rollerblades most of the time, hehe :) Felt like I was back in Florida we used to go out rollerblading all the time when we lived there. With the heat and everything today it was just great. Later on John and Phillip rolled by, we BBQ'd some bugers and marshmallows and just chilled.
Right now Linda and I are just laying in the coach watching Harry Potter and The Prisoner From Azkaban, we're probs hitting the sack in a bit :)

God I miss rollerblading on Flordias perfectly asfalted streets !
Nighty night y'all,
Saturday, house to myself
Buenos dias !

GREAT MORNING, I've been lying out on our lawn for about an hour studying and pumping some iTunes. Linda's coming over in a bit and we're probably going to keep on doing what I'm doing right now !

Hey y'all, sorry for not updating yesterday but I woke up 15 minutes before my buss left so all I had time for was put some clothes on and make my coffee and then I was off to.

After school, which didn't end until 16.30, I went home to Linda's place and ate some dinner. After that I was just too lazy to get my ass off the couch and go home so I spent the night there. Had a natonall exam in math today felt like it went really well, but we'll see :)
All we did in school was the test so after that Linda and I went to "Kungsparken" and chilled in the sun and studied some spannish :) Now I'm finally home and shit-ass tired for some reason so I think I'm going to take a nap !

Philip, me and John outside school the other day :)

Moi right now
Viva el sol
I'm out on the padio just enjoying the sun, going to Ninas dance residle later. So I'll update more tonight !

Doesn't look like the sun is shining , but it's baking !
Le soleil !

Finally get to use the chinos I bought and cut off last year :)
The pain we women go through . . . !
It's insane the pain we women go through to look nice and fresh! Like just now I epilated my legs, my legs are sttill buzzing now 10 minutes later. Feeling each hair being pulled out one by own is just such an excrusiating feeling, my hands get sweaty my face red, my whole bodies tensed up..... And all just so I can wear shorts tomorrow.... jeeez why even bother?

Sure looks nice on the box but what you didn't know you were paying 1500kr
for is salami legs (red spots) all over for 4-8 hours after using it !
I'm going to bed in a bit ! Good night loved ones
G R E A T day !
Best day in a very long time ! I'll give it to you in pictures :)

Linda wanted the camera really bad !

So she could take gorgeous colse ups like these ....

My breakfast smoothie on the tram

We had no teacher in relgion so it looked like this the first 20 minutes
of the class

and then , txty txt . . .

10 minutes later (Lindas cool converse)

Last 45 minutes of the class !
After the religion class a.k.a the tanning session ( the weather has been f*cking amazing! ) we went to go grab a bite to eat. After school I met up with Eddie and we took a "fika" after that we did some shopping and then went to his place. I chilled there for a while and watched some How I Met Your Mother, it never gets old ! Around eight he drove me home and now I've done some spannish homework, I'm waiting to get some help with the rest :)

Eddies brother hung this beautiful piece of art work in the car... !
I'm off to school for some civics !

Outfit number one for the morning

20 minutes later

12 days !
In twelve days I'm in this paradise with my best friend Nina !

Aloha !
Hey you guys !

Sorry for the terribly bad update but I haven't had any internet or service on my phone this weekend which has been an experience, but I think it went really well ! But that's the life of a sailor and I aint complaining.
We got home yesterday evening (my parents, Linda and I). On wensday night we moared up on a little island very close to our main harbour, we just chilled there and spent the night. On thursday morning we set sail to Denmark. We then moared up at a little cute island called Läsö where we spent the rest of the weekend :) Linda and I had some great times, we even went swimming! I'm not even going to tell you what temperature it was cause it was FREEZING. Here are some pictures from our weekend :

it looks so warm and nice !

a few raindrops fell...

one busted Kajsa at the pub...
Today little miss Linda didn't come to school because she'd gotten a cold, that charmota! ooops.... hehe not my fault hehe. But I managed to get to school and home on my own surprisingly ! I had an art presentation about Leonardo da Vinci today which went pretty well, I guess I could've been more prepared but I think it still went pretty well. I also found out that I scored jackpot on all my english national exams, highest grades on all of them :D. That's pretty much it for me for now I think

not todays outfit but had the same t-shirt another grey cardigan and
disgusting latex leggings that I think I'm getting a rash from now so
I'm going to go change inte some slacks :)
On my way to sleven to get some props for the Nationall Exams :)

How it usually looks when I've been there....

What I look like today, my face is kind of tired after all the make-up testerday !

Acne , My absolute favorite jeans designer !
A quicky...
Just a quick update before I jump into bed. I've got national exams in math tomorrow, IIIICCCCH !

Anyways here are three pictures from the dance residle today!

haha it looks like I'm dry humping someone !
In school ... still...
My swedish class is over but I'm still in school cause Linda is fixing my hair for the dance-residle for tonight so I don't get it all in my face. :)

I'm too white for this in a way, but still....
Martes , D-day !
Morning babes ! I've had two cancelled classes today which means that I start at 1.30, but I'm meeting Linda in town at 12 for some breakfast maybe :). Anyway I've been bored for a while so here's som todays outfit :

tummy flash = spring fashion I've been told, and i like it :)

*bleeep* txt's are rolling in :)

big puffy hair ! you'll see the end result tonight :) to bored to put on make-up aswell

this is what I'll be looking like if you see me in town !
Je ne se pas
Hey y'all I've had a very calm but stressfull day I haven't done too much I guess, but I've had a hell of a lot of shit on my mind ! damn , tension headache almost all day.

Right now I'm in bed about to try to finnish my swedish short story.... nada motivation , nada creativity , nada strength to do shit like that & and in swedish? come on.... ! it doesn't get worse than that in my case. The thing is when I write things in swedish (since I'm so used to writing in english) it comes out like it's been through a translating machine from swedish to english , my swedish teacher has even said it to me. I write in english but in swedish (?) Okay I don't know if you get it , but it's really frustrating ! Let's just leave it at that.....
I'm sitting here in bed with cornrails in my hair, since I need to have BIG hair tomorrow at my dance residle. I'm going to sleep with them and tease the hair til it's huge enough tomorrow :) I'll hopefully take som awesome photos with the hair and the make-up all together :)

Since I aint going to let you see me with cornrails here's a picture of one
of my favorite T-shirts, it's the perfect "I don't know what to wear" top :)
It's bought in Stockholm in a little store called Colorez, but I think they have
a web shop as well though :)
Voy a la escuela !
Hey y'all , I'm off to school just thought I'd pop a todays outfit up here :)

En la casa
Hey everyone, I'm finally home. I've been out helping my dear parents with the boat all day. It's been sunny but windy but the boat is finally ready to sail :) ! Which we're going to do this weekend, it's going to be a long weekend and we might even be going to Denmark. Linda's coming with me aswell :) Anyways being out in the boat always gives me time to think about things some more serious, others not. Here are a few things:

¤ Anorexia really is a disease and not a state of mind
¤ If I die tomorrow I've still done a lot of things
¤ People look much fatter from above (I was up in the mast fixing some stuff)
¤ Corn is really not my thing
¤ Native Americans have such beautiful hair (ALL OF THEM!)
¤ I'm really not attracted to "clean & gorgeous" guys.....

Seemed like the boatyard guys had never seen a chic in those kind of
work pants before, personally I think I look like shit...
Finally home....
I'm finally home from work..... and tired as can be, shit, at ten or something I started to realize that I hadn't slept enough last night, the last few hours it felt like I was sleep walking. We were pretty much full all day as well since there's this huge speedway event going on.

Just got out of the shower and now I'm going to bed, clean as a baby :)

Sorry Nina my Love that I couldn't go shopping with you today ♥ but since I worked today it just means more money for Greece! only three weeks left !
Coming at your mouth with your bla bla bla
Morgning mes anges

Yes I wake up pretty late at weekends. Especially when I've worked the night before, for those who don't know I work at the Hard Rock Cafe in Gothenburg. Yesterday was so mch fun, I got to do a little bit of everything, the part of where all of us waitresses danced on the bar to YMCA was probably the most fun part :) ! (it's tradition at Hard Rock Cafe)
Well anyways now I'm up and just had my morning coffee, I'm going to get ready and meet Nina in town. Maybe do some Greece shopping ! and definatly planning , only three weeks left ! :D (iiiiiiiihhhhh) hahaha.

Yesterdays outfit, since I'm not wearing anything yet, hehe
Shit my boss just called and I'm working at three today !
What happens at Linda's satys at Linda's ....

Anyways I've been home for a while now , sleeping most of the time but alsoo taking a bite to eat. I just started with my spanish homework so I'm going to continue with that I guess. Sorry for the lame update but I don't always have a computer in hand , any questions? Just leave a comment and I'll answer as quick as possible !

Me right now
Capririño !
Capririño ! that's pretty much all I have to say !

TTYL bithes (mes anges)

TTYL bithes (mes anges)
Mornings still don't like me
My body is not made for waking up at 6 ! which is why I never manage to get up at 6.... but still.
Well now I'm up and all done, faster than usuall, weird, hmmm. Well anyways here's today's outfit and then I'm off to do my national test, yippie , it's only engligh A so I guess I have nothing to worry about.

This is has happy I get in the morning

Full outfit of the day. any questions? just leave comment
Bye Bye
Need some sleep
OK dear readers , I need some sleep I've been laughing so hard at this person for a while now that I really need to go to bed. The funniest thing is when people don't know they're funny ! Anyways national test tomorrow, bright and early !

The best sleep is the one during swedish lessons !
Off to shake some ASS !
I'm off to dance dress re-hersal , that's not the full outfit but a small taste of it.....

The hair is getting BIGGER, lips REDDER, i'm wearing a TIGHT leather jacket , and som serious SOMKEY eyes ;)
Update when I'm home
( To Hanna: the glasses are bought in Miami (; )
Monday May 3rd
Mornings are the time for multitasking !

Drying my top and do ing make-up

Fixing my hair and still drying top....

Pretty much done...

LOVE the lacing in the back !

Bye bye my buss leaves in 5 min !