Turn the other cheek

is what I'd do . . .
Good night everyone, time to sleep my throat is soar so I can't really speak see you all tomorrow. Will I wake up the same way I did this morning?
Valentino did it again !
Anne Hathaway looks amazing in this Valentino Red gown by Valentino!
Do or die
Morning tempors, hormone pills, things make me crazy. . .
I'm blonde, a bombshell ready explode, hot (I really am, I love my blankets and sheepskin slippers) and hungry!
time to make me some oven pizza!
Because I'm badass
C'mon sistah you got nothing on me
Today's look:
Bye bye, I can't believe you didn't tell me.
I'm thankful. . .
. . .for my ass and all the happiness it brings to the world
Right now it's morning and I'm thinking most of you should check number 1. in the latest post to understand what is going on.
Why should I be thankful about stuff when I wake up with a soar throat, I can't speak or swaollw. No, I can't SWALLOW stupid ass person that is going to misinterperate that. Time to get dressed, bye.
You tell me what to do
A lot of people say that every night before you go to bed you should think about at least three things you are thankful for...
Here are mine:
1. I'm thankful for the people who understand me, that I have to be an absolute bitch and just say what I need to say without taking it all personally sometimes. . .
2. I'm thankful for my family, even though I don't like to tell it to them, but I really am. They're just sometimes a bit too much like me or too much unlike me so I can't stand them at times
3. I'm thankful for chocolate, sex and coffee and for all the happiness it brings to the world
Gods gift to women, I've heard. . .

The wreck is off to work . . . .
Time to make some money! Got my nails done before the party as well, Adios
I was 2
**** is my truth serum
I've said too much tonight . . .
All plans that we had kind of failed... Bu...

All plans that we had kind of failed... But least I'm on my way to Hannah now, if I find the place that is. Got my outdoor party heels on, the stilletos for in door are in the bag! Seeeeee ya
Well I'm off to school
Some guy just arrived?! Well I'll leave him to my sister , heheh
I might look drugged but that is only beaceuse I haven't gotten my drug, coffee and ****
It always ends the same way. . .
. . . by us saying good night
Personne ne fait mieux que moi . . .
I do not care what you have to say or what is on your lips,
as it is usually just dirt , scam & embarassment
you think you are safe in your little bubble
but sooner or later you are going to bump into something that will make it pop,
what is going to save you then?
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
A Lady never confesses
To tell you about my day I hope wont bore you too much,
I woke up by Linda calling, she was wondering where I was cause she was waiting for me at the centralstation, she missed me and I missed my first class. . . It wasn't anything important though my second class that I made it just in time for, I regreted very soon that I came to. It was science, need I say more? The next class was economy where we had no teacher and did absolutley nothing... Last and final class was English where we discussed a book for half the class and listned to our extremely philosophical and ambitious teacher/professor talk and talk and talk. When school was over Linda and I behaved like real ladies and gossiped to the maximum, about things that will never be discussed by any other than our lips ;) I'm such a blabber mouth, Philip often calls me grotesc in some of my reactions, haha!
Since I got home I've finished a 1000 word essay with the topic being:
How is society affected by being either multi-ethic or homo-genus? and some swedish questions. . .
Oh yeah while stressing out this morning I lost a contact, so I wore my Prada frames to school and five guys commented on me looking like a pornstar in them. All I have to say to you is F*CK you and your manners, but thank you Majid for the "compliment"(?) hahaha :)
Are they really that porn starry?
maybe I should wear these specs to school next time, or what do you say?
Well anyways my plans for tomorrow and the weekend are either school or funeral. . . and then after that Linda's coming over to my place and we're going to get ready for Hannahs birthday bash :) then Linda is crashing at my place and on Saturday I'm working a 10h, should be good though I've missed everyone :)! Sunday hopefully I'll go out driving for a bit, since I think a driverslicnce should be priority for everyone, not having to always depend on public transportation! Less than six weeks to my birthday now :D I know what I'm getting at least a little (a drivers licence, hehehe)
That other half, we come in every order but always together !
Good night
I've had a pretty decent day, still tired until night time and then that's when I wake up. . . Linda and I started talking about our travelling spring/summer 2011 it'll be Paris/Sardinia in april, London/Sotland in May and Greece in June and maybe something last minute for a PARTY trip :) that's what we got so far :D
well good night !
I still think I'm better but don't you worry, I'll show you how seduce . . .
In school now. . .

and this is what I look like
Well I'm not sleeping that's for sure

I'm feeling rather fresh and glamorous lieing here in bed, with my new nails, tan and silk/cotton blend pyjamas (yes I'm wearing PJ's it's effing cold here in sweden!) I'm bored call me or text me if you have my number !
Jetlagging with my new stuff !
Hey sorry for the bad update bad. but I'm pretty jetlagged so've been sleeping on and off pretty much since I got home today. Also uploaded some pictures on facebook for those of you that are friends with me ;) I just thought I'd pop up a post before I go to bed to try to sleep for real, even though my body is set to it being in 6 P.M. but I'm usually a pretty good sleeper so I think I'll be fine :)
Here are some of my vacation investments :)
*censored because of puffy jetlag eyes*
*censored because of puffy jetlag eyes*
The watch is bought at Heathrow, where I spent toomany hours !
The tunic and scarf is also new, that and the hat was bought in St. Barts where the
picture is taken
Guess who's baaack ?!
Hey everyone I'm home and exhausted. . . . after 30 hours of flying, and 38 hours barely any sleep I'm going to jump into bed. I have to get up at like 6 tomorrow to go to school, yaaay . . . .
I'll be home monday/tuesday !
Sleep showering . . .
Cuase now I'm in New York ! At the hotel t...

Cuase now I'm in New York ! At the hotel tired as fuck, haven't slept shit. Waiting for some room service and then I'm going to sleep like I did in my mama's belly. Love from the Big Apple !
Now at Heathrow, the plane for JFK leaves ...

Now at Heathrow, the plane for JFK leaves in one and a halfhour :)
Everyone's running around changing money, ...

Everyone's running around changing money, buying liqour and stressing about everything. I'm just sitting here drinking my coffee getting some breakfast. I wonder if the others know they've changed gate....
airplane outfit
I'm ooooff
The car will be here in about 10 mintues to pick us up. I have a slight headache but could be because of what happened yesterday...
Well I don't have much to say like most mornings.
But I do hope that all you that are staying Sweden over the break have a good time, I really do! :)
I'll miss you all (most of you)
A kiss to you all! Picture taken in greece last year, haha
Am I happy or am I sad? It's always really hard to tell when it comes to me, not even I myself can tell. All I know is that this vacation is going to be good for me, it's going to allow me relax, think about other things than stress and all that shit the comes along. Love, life and living is just going to be put into one over the coming week which I think is exactly what I need, some time away from everything . . .
learn from your mistakes
this could be me and . . . . . in 10 years, or someone else only time can tell,
and I'm living for the now, now
When I come back I feel like going crazy, who's with me ?!
Peace out with some Loove
At last . . . .
Finally I'm done with I hope everything! I've packed everything on the list that I made in the past days, bathed, scrubbed, exfoliated, showered and yeah all that ;). To be honest I don't feel too well though, I was in accident today after school, I guess you can call it that, and I've been a bit shaken up since then. . . .
Soo my intinerary for the coming days:
The car picks us up at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning ( I don't know if I'll do a proper update then). Plane leaves at 11.30, we're bringing a lot of equipment and stuff so we need to be there early to check in and stuff + since I'm traveling with dad I get VIP lounge access which is kind of sweet = free food, snacks, sofas and a beautiful/cool view :) haha we touch down at Heathrow to later change for a plane towards New York City. We're going to spend the night in New York, hopefully a dinner out :) and the next morning we take off for St. Maarten, which has the coolest airport ever ! Hahaha. When we've finally arrived we're meeting up with some friends on their boat, the boat we're going to cruise around on. Where ever the wind takes us we'll go :) But most likely around St. Barts since it's very close and an old swedish colony so it could be cool going there! I'll be gone for ten days...
I'm not bringing my laptop so I don't know how the updating will look. Internet access isn't very common either, but I'll try to send a MMS-update for guys a little now and then :) just keep you a little updated!
I hope to be blacker than this when I come back :)
Snow, f*ck off !
. . . I don't want you anymore.
Oh god my muscles are staring to disappear one by one, feels good, feels like I've made an effort !
this how I ended up after I got home. . .
Good niiight !
New stuff !
Finally home and I've had a nap, still a bit tired though, hehe! I bought a new bikini top for the caribbean and two face masks today, one of which I'm going to use in a bit before I jump in the shower. I had a great workout at the gym today, I'm exhausted ! :)
the color's are much brighter in real life, perfect for where I'm going ! :) do you like it?
one deep cleansing mask that I'm using today, and a sugar scrub for the
day before I leave :)
No I am delibaratly going to hurt myself, a woman as I am !

not in the mood . . .
Wise words spoken . . .
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
So you and your bullshit parade can just go to hell
Once again...
.. it's the same old story over and over again, good night my dear readers and thank you for actually reading everything I write! I hope you all sleep well, I think I will my eyelids are all heavy and hard to keep up, and no it's not because of a shit load of mascara it's because I'm tired !
How would I really like to fall asleep now? on a certain someones chest . . . oh well, you'd never keep still anyways so I guess it's best it is only for the best I sleep on my own.
Tomorrow is a full day ! Have a bit of a sleep in morning, lovely, two or three classes, after that I'm going to the gym and after that I need to stop by work, to really announce that I'm gone for a couple of days. I also need to pick up my work clothes since I was too lazy to carry them home on Saturday. I might stay for some coffee or something if I feel like it! :)
Time to let the eyelids fall for real, hope you all sleep well
as you can see my eyes are a bit droopy. . . it looks like I'm waiting for something though doesn't it ?
The light gets stronger, day by day
Never allow a person to tell you No who doesn't have the power to say Yes.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
daddy don't get me pepperspray for my birthday, these will work much better !
Dinner/appetizer? We'll see

It looks delicious doesn't it ! :) I took a nap when I got home from school and when I woke up I realized I had forgotten to eat lunch. So this is what the kitchen had to offer, mmm mm it was soo good. the avocado was perfectly ripe. To be exact it ias avocado, mini creme fraiche (I don't like when you can taste the fat...) and some shrimp on top :) try it! :D I have some math to do know
Where'd them curls come from ?!
I'm heading to town for a weird day of school !
Time to . . .
. . . say good night ! Hopefully I'll dream some warm, hot, sexy dreams . . .
if you only knew. . . .
*Sex * Love * Shoes*
Since I got home from school I've been watching the sexy dancing in Burlesque and staired myself blind at the beautiful creations by Christian Louboutin . . . Damn that man knows how to design breathetaking shoes! If any man got me a pair of Louboutin's I'd marry him in a heartbeat (a bit exaggerated, but you get where I'm going with this!) Shoes are one of the top 5 things a man can get for his lady, want to know the rest? I'll only mention them if reguested ;)
They make my heart race, let's see if you can make it better?
Let us agree to disagree
I see lights shining in new places, broken hearts everywhere
I no longer know what's more tempting
Am I in charge, will you do what I say and command?
I do know ine thing right now.... I'm going to school !
I feel a bit gray in the morning that's why the pictures are gray
Time to sleep. . .
This whole charade is about to become alot messier than before, I believe . . .
Sorry for lame update I hope I'll do better tomorrow!
You never know what you've gotten yourself into until you try to get out
it's a shame I have none. . . or is it ?
please do so . . .
Good night I've been napping on and off ever since I got home from school pretty much... tomorrow I'm working!
a girl told me today I look like her... she f*cking hot so thank you! would you agree or
Oh so that's why
I'm up and alive just don't really feel like talking to anyone . . . Like most mornings so just get off my case !
The positives of wearing a bikini,
- no " I don't know what to wear" - mornings,
- there are only two pieces, one if you're on the right side of the world, and you can mix them however you like!
- I'm always happy in one! I can't wait for the Caribbean . . .
Things are happening in my life right now that I don't feel obliged to tell you all about in detail. I can tell you a few small things, just so you don't think I'm some cranky bitch walking around acting weird for no reason. I have lost a family member in the passed week, a young one not even 20. Death is something I've never understood, wanted to come close to or talked about. My love-life don't even mention it, don't talk about it cause I don't even know what's going on there. School is going well as always but I'm bored with good, I want better but I don't have the energy for doing it. Work is great as always as well, energy conceiving but fun and I like it! and then the people that don't understand me, don't like me, eyeball me, whatever, that's just something that annoys. Which is so unnecessary!
While most of this is putting me down, getting me in a bad, dragging my energy from me and everything I do, truth be told I do have great friends, and I mean GREAT friends that support me even if they don't know what has happened or what is really going on. I'm very restricted when it come to telling people about certain things since I have always dealt with trust issues. . .
I guess what I want to say is thank you to all my beloved friends, you know who you are ! Prayers, hugs and kisses for all in need of it
Me at my happiest, back in Florida with not a single thing to worry about !
Chillin at Condecco and studying with my b...

Chillin at Condecco and studying with my bitches !
About nothing. . .
I don't know what happened last night.... All I know is that I'm still tired as hell and want to go back to bed! The latest input, I don't know what to say more than it's always nice to get someone else's input, right? Yeh ok I'm blabbering.... I'm leaving for school in 20 min.....
Me last night . . .
me now? Do not disturb.....
Ligger här naken
Ligger här naken i sängen jag sover i just nu, den e lite hård men ändå riktigt skön. som ni förstår är det inte kajsa som skriver detta inlägg utan det är en främling som har haft en hektisk dag och inte har nån lust att skriva detta, men som den goaa mannen jag är så gör jag det iaf.
Mami som jag brukar kalla henne, har däckat och så fort hon kom hem från jobbet så alla vet om det, hon jobbar på nått ställe på avenyn och har haft en minst lika jobbig dag som jag! dock har vi avreagerat oss ordentligt och behöver därför få oss en god natts sömn och inga"mitt i natten samtal"!! tack :)
so long suckers and have i good one <3
(det bästa på en kvinno kropp)

sen en het bild i svart vit som kajsa alltid gör...lr hur grabbar ;) vi gillar sånt! Det gör iaf jag :) puss på er och puss på dig med kajsa du är störst bäst å vackrast :)
Damn you and you're horse
What I want, I shall receive
mmm, yes please
Life's a bitch If you're rich
I'm heading to work, catch ya later !
Wednesday, pink lips
This is what I look like, I'm heading to school now and tonight I'm working!
Starting to get hungry, I wonder what Seven Eleven has to offer today :)
Sans sommeil
new color !

Wishful thinking
You will never have what I have had, have or will have.
All things don't happen for a reason
We have lost you, we will never physically see you again in this life
though the memory of you will always be there
you will forever be in our memories, hearts and prayers.
Sleep tight dear
Get over yourself
I overslept badly this morning.... Only had two classes though one where watched Hotel Rwanda, good movie but the whole story is horrible with the genocide and everything, almost everyone cried! The next class we discussed the French Revolution and how it started. After that we were done it was only 11 o'clock, so the gang went to Espresso House. The gang being Linda, Philip, Big John and I, later on Joel and Pelle came along. We ate lunch and had some coffee we sat there for about three hours, haha.
On my way home I couldn't resist buy two cute shirt/tunics that I want to being to the Caribbean :) very light and easy perfect when sailing to just throw over the bikini !
Here they are:
John took this cool picture of me at EH with my phone
my camera battery died so took this one with my phone....
Do you like?
Now I'm watching La Femme Nikita with dad, blog ya later!