Time to shine !
I'm off to school for real today ! and later after that I'm going to work we'll see if I update more later on :)

And I'm wearing :

And best wishes to Prince William and the soon to be Princess Kate :)
Adios !
I'm ready, bring it on baby !
I'm ready for my next dose of medicine, I think it's going to work wonders on me tonight !

Cheerio !
I'm going to sleep like a princess Kate will become a royal one this weekend , I'll be party one if everything works out! Hahaha
Something bad always leads to something good . . .
No new nails for me today :(, she had to reschedule for Monday because she hadn't gotten her delivery. . . I'll just have to paint them again over the weekend.

I felt so sorry for myself that Linda said we should go shopping, so we did! and I found a playsuit that I fell in LOVE with, thank god for shopping ! It goes perfectly with a blazer I have, a pair of pumps I've never worn and my (for the moment) favorite nailpolish !
Oh well I'm completely worn out now I'm going to take some medicine and then hopefully sleep for a while :)

Imagine this with my REAL summertan ! oh holy mmmm I can't wait to use it properly !

. . . my hiny fits in there as well ! hahaha
It's a bit stripped down now but imagine it with the right accessories !!
Toodles !
What was meant to be a very planned day became a tad different. . .

Yesterday I had planned to go to school today . . . But no sir ! I was up coughing aaaaaall night, I might have gotten one hour of sleep , completely in the last three nights I've gotten 5 hours of sleep. So instead of going up to go to school this morning I got up to go see my doctor. She perscribed me a cough medicine that I'm going to pick up in a bit, might meet Linda for a coffee and then go get my nails re-done ! :) Finally is all I have to say, I've had them painted for a couple of days but took it off yesterday and oooh my it is time to get some new ones...

They looked ok while painted. . .

. . . but now oh my, they're still all intact but they've grown out too much !
We'll see what Lotta feels like doing when I getting there :) , I'm thinking
french with a twist ! You can also see the icky band-aid I got from the blood
Now I'm going to get me breakfast coffee and probably something to eat haven't had anything since lunch yesterday, and that left the same way as it went in last night . . .
We'll see if I have any today's outfit for y'all later. . . I'm not feeling extremely dressy so we'll see!
My doctor advised me to skip salsa class today as well, and I think it's for the better.
That's it for now,
I will survive
Heey everyone I've been sleeping on and off ever since I came home from school, which I think has done me good. I'm still staying home tomorrow though just so that I get better and not stay "half ok", I have to be well for this weekend, I really don't like being home sick during weekends. . .

I'm going to watch a movie now and hopefully fall asleep again :)

Cherry blossoms are so beautiful. . . it's a shame they don't stay like that all summer

Sushi in Vasa parken right by school, delicousness! Best sushi place in Gothenburg
is right by my school

A funny picture from sunday, Philip and I decided to do some wrestling. . . I'm completely
fearless when it's come to those kinds of things, hahahaha. Linda has got a new phone
so she's taking a lot of pictures for the moment which I think is great. Let's just hope it lasts ;)
And to answer Hanna, my Ray Bans are the largest modell of the classic pilot sunnies :)
the living dead. . .
I really do feel like the living dead today. You really do need your sleep/rest more than you think. I'm having sushi for lunch and then I'll be going home in the hope of being able to sleep.

I was wrong . . .
. . . the cough medicine didn't put me to sleep at all. It kept me awake shaking and sweating it was awfull ! I haven't slept one bit tonight, I've had nightmares whilst being awake and seing the sun rise at dawn :S . . .

Got to go to school now!
Nighty night
I just took some strong ass shit for my cough so I'll be out any minute now. Good night y'all !

Think before you act. . .

. . . because you might ruin our everything . . .

. . . if so you have no idea what I'm capable of.
Soon it's really here !
Great day today! I'm still a bit sick though, coughing and all drippy but that can't keep me indoors anymore :) Today has been an allday in town with my favorites Linda and Philip. There're both finally back, feels weird that I've been the only of us staying home this break. I seriously can not remember the last brake I stayed in Gothenburg the whole brake . . . Here are some pictures since I can't think of much more to say !

We sat there for a while I had a coffee and Linda & Philip had ice-cream I didn't
though since I have no apetite while I'm "sick". . .
Nina just called so I'm going out on walk with her in a few minutes :)
Stop keeping me awake . . . .

I'm done !
and finally I can enjoy the sun ! It has been beautiful weather all these days I've been working :( but today when I'm finally off it still is luckily :D

So I'm doing my best to enjoy the sun :) Im going to do some sketching for Art & Design but the good thing about that is that I can do it in the sun !

This calls for some Bruno Mars :
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
I'm gonna kick my feet up then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gon' tell me I can't
I'll be lounging on the couch just chilling in my Snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
Oh yes, I said it, I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all, nothing at all
Tomorrow I'll wake up, do some P90X
Find a really nice girl, have some really nice sex
And she's gonna scream out
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/bruno-mars-lyrics/the-lazy-song-lyrics.html ]
This is great
(Oh my god, this is great)
Yeah, I might mess around
And get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait
Oh yes, I said it, I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all. . .
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
I'm gonna kick my feet up then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gon' tell me I can't
I'll be lounging on the couch just chilling in my Snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
Oh yes, I said it, I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all, nothing at all
Tomorrow I'll wake up, do some P90X
Find a really nice girl, have some really nice sex
And she's gonna scream out
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/bruno-mars-lyrics/the-lazy-song-lyrics.html ]
This is great
(Oh my god, this is great)
Yeah, I might mess around
And get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait
Oh yes, I said it, I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all. . .
At last . . . .
. . .. .. . . . I'm home from work and after work ;)

At present time I'm on my beloved couch in an empty house watching my beloved space cowboys. One with the body, one with the eyes, one with the voice and one with the charm. What more can a girl ask for? now you go ahead and pick and choose each man I mean !

Nooooow , I bet you wich you were here right now. . .
Time for work !
Well I'm off to work, hope it'll be better than yesterday !

Here are some more photobooth pictures for you all ;)

Buenos Días !
I'm still alive ! Well I am today atleast, yesterday I don't know about. I woke feeling a bit weird so stayed in bed pretty much until I had to leave for work at four. After starting work though I felt the fever creeping up on me and I got weeker and weeker. . . I made the whole shift though and when I got home I just had a shower and went to bed. Today I feel fine, I think, I starting at two so I better be fine! hahaha the only problem I have today is I have a kind whiskey/I-just-had-sex-voice and my breast are swollen as hell I feel like a G-cup or something, don't know really what to wear. . . . Oh well guess other people have bigger problems !

I guess you understand I can't show really how swollen. . .
But this is how I'm walking around !

Left the coutry side. . .
. . . for the better I think. I am now sitting in the dungeon at work looking at out the sun. I just had a bite to eat and I'm starting in a bit. I have four nights of work ahead of me ! and tomorrow is payday .... let's get started.

A walk in the country side. . . .
. . . . we just finnished a huuuge dinner and before that we had a long nice walk. I guess there's not much more to say or do now so we're just planing to have a cozy night in with a bunch of Will & Grace episodes (damn that show is good) and maybe have a glas of wine or two, hehe.

The sky was incredible and much brighter than in the photos, the view was great as well !

The sky was incredible and much brighter than in the photos, the view was great as well !
I guess that is it for now! Adios,
My apologies . . .
Heeey everyone, and sorry for lame ass updating ! I know that you're used to my at least one proper update per day but I am just enjoying being out here in the country side so damn much that I'm barely thinking about the blog or facebook. and no I haven't forgotten about you, not all. I'm just asking you to hold on until I can give you more interesting info about stuff :)
Well now it is showertime and later we're gong to take a long walk and hopefully I can take some nice photos for you to se later !
Here are some old ass pictures that you haven't seen from GC that I miss as much as Linda !

Well now it is showertime and later we're gong to take a long walk and hopefully I can take some nice photos for you to se later !
Here are some old ass pictures that you haven't seen from GC that I miss as much as Linda !

Good night
I love not sleeping alone, hahaha. I'm going to have a looong sleep in, I hope hehe. nighty night
the picture is from earlier today

Question: has it gone too far when even ol...
Question: has it gone too far when even old women are littering the streets? Forgot to tell you all that I have left the house to seek the person that gave me the ring...... Noooooot (secret: I know who did, but you don't ;)hahaha) I am on a bus that is taking me to a person that does not want to be mentioned here! Lots of love to you all <3
Oh dear. . .
. . . I just woke up with this on my finger. Where did it come from ?

You know what they say . . .
. . . people have big feet because they enjoy stomping on others, people have big noses because they lie alot. All I can say is what goes around comes around.

Haven't been my best today(as might have realized), because of various reasons. I just got home though a couple of us stayed at work to have a couple of drinks and have a good time, it helped they got my mind set on better things. Now though when I'm home, all alone, they're starting to come back, I'm just going to try to go to sleep now. So good night to all you good-hearted people, hope you'll sleep better than me.

Times of pure joy and relaxation . . .
This is where my mom and I are holding our...
This is where my mom and I are holding our party :)
I'm off !
I'm off to get me a latte, ribbon and put out placement cards for the seating, and see so that caterers are doing what they should ! :)

Look-book of tonight and look of right now !
Here is what I'm wearing at the big party tonight ! I'm in love with it all, haha, even though I haven't tried it all on at once ;) I'm going to start getting ready soon I think since I have to run by town and get a black satin ribbon to wear on my waist with the dress! I'll do my best to upload with a picture of how it all turns out before I leave :)

The dress that truly fits like it was made for me !

The accsessories , mmm red and gold !

.... and me right now running around in philips shirt with my hair looking
like a poodle ! :)
It was indeed a good day !
I'm home with curlers in my hair and wee bit droozy. . . Philip and I had a couple of glasses each at Soho, it was really nice :) Good night !

A lot of things can happen in 15 minutes. . . !
. . . such as new shoes and a getting asked to go to graduation prom !! It's been a good day so far and it's only going to get better and better :)

I've got to run again !! :)
Myself and I say good night

That's how we roll. . .
beat up . . .
Heey , I've been sitting here at my desk for about five hours studying for mybig economy test that I have tomorrow. My ass is starting hurt!, luckily dinner is arriving in about 5 mintues . . .

During the five hours I've managed to get a tattoo on my hand and black trim
on the nails. . ..
Talk to you all later !
Off to school . . . !
It's morgning and I'm awake.
I'm a woman and we women have a lot different sides and faces,
just as a warning for you all boys !

There are the black and white sides, colorfull, and oh so many more !
and then we say . . .
. . . good night !

. . . a lot of thougt in one post there. But what can I say I get promiscuous during night.
Now good night for real
Things that cheer me up . . .
. . . nagging at Philip on the facebook chat and looking a pictures of good times on facebook. Damn what woulf we all do with out facebook?!

Here are some goofy pictures of me and Linda from Sicily !

there's a memory in every single photo ! mmm good times. . .
And to my darling Nina who is leaving for LA tomorrow! I'll miss you babes . . . ♥ and say Hi to the states for me !

To my partner in crime I'll miss you , my brother from another mother!
wait, what?
been in a weird mood today, don't how many times i've said "what?".... well this is what i'm doing right now, it's going kind of well :). I bet you don't know how to do it though.... hahaha yeah ok back to studying !

effing tuesday
does this say enough about todays weather and my mood?

Time to go sleepy !

Though I'd tell you all what I've done today quickly. School as usuall and then we went and got an After School Linda, Philip, Pelle and I. . . I think we stayed a too long Linda and I also did a little shopping on our way home. When I got home there was only thing I had to focus and that was my essay for International Relations, which is finally done ! and the reason to why I haven't updated until now.

When Linda and I did the shopping I got a pair of shorts and a long-sleeved t-shirt. Here's a picture of the shorts that I really like :) (it's not the new shirt in the picture for all you retards)

It's not a perfect waist fit, cause then they don'tfit my ass
but I'll throw on a belt :)

I really like them! do you?
I'm probably not wearing them with that top though it was just so you can see the whole short :)
Spring is here and we're all loving it!

Small things . . .
. . . you do, that just really fucking annoy me !

What are my plans for easter holidays?

. . . now you know!
It just had to be mine
Finally it is mine ! ofcourse I'm talking about the dress from Acne that I've been eyeing for a couple of weeks :) otherwise today I've been in town with Linda, we've had coffee and done our economy home test.

Now I'm going to pick up some stuff from my floor and later celebrate things with som bubbly ;)
Here's my new love :

guess who is one happy girl ?!

Looong day !
Time to say good night !, big time . . . I start work at one tomorrow, today was good though! I'm hopefully going out or doing something after work tomorrow, if I have the energy after 10 hours of work ! we'll see.

Well good night then :)

Just a little bit of what god gave me. . .
the rest I've earned myself,
I consider both a blessing though.
Breakfast at Le Pain Francais

It's a new day, it's a new life

Good night everyone, it's big time for me to sleep now !
Happy Birthday to you as well, it's a new day/year for you,
what fucked up shit are you going to achieve now? :)
Summer inspo !
Linda and I did a mini shopping on our way home from school, just for a little summer inspiration! A bought a bustier top thing (it was on sale, so I just had to get it! Otherwise I wouldn't have, I think, hahaha) and a pair of beautiful shoes that I just fell in love with :)

My boobs don't fit perfectly, the cup is a bit small, but I'll manage, I hope,
hahahaha. Here's few different outfits with the top

The shoooooes ! Corall suede, what's there not to love?
Time for some salsa in my new shoes in a bit! Not these shoes, hahaha
the today
my parents and I just came home from a lovely three course italian dinner and I've had too good of a day to sit down and start my laptop. I've been in school as usual, afterwards we went to work and had a brithday brownie and I picked up my tips, lets just say it was some gooood tips :) I've taken a few pictures today of what I've gotten and so on. this morning my parents gave me a pair of earings, new salsa shoes, a pair of ray bans and about a yearly income for some people, hihihihi (which I'm saving) :). when i got home from school I had flowers waiting for aswell. thank you ! <3

Good night ! time for me to sleep like a princess :)
My time to shine

In just a heart-beat I'm a year older. . .
Time to sleep, good night mes angels
Tomorrow it is !
Tomorrow's my birthday ! :D I'm so happy, it wasn't until today when I got some "Happy Birthday"s that I realized that, it really is my birthday tomorrow, hihihihi! It's my moms as well and I got her present home today that I ordered a couple of days ago :) I got her a specially designed silver pendant that says "Mamma" and a heart, Ninas mom made it :) She's a jewellery designer ! pretty cool . . .

I got a birthday card with some money in it today as well, thank you to my great uncle Olle :)
Now I'm going to take a shower and treat myself for a bit and have a cup of tea and so on !
I'll update more before bed !

The present for my mommy !

Fuck yeah it's my birthday !!! (in less than two hours)

The look of today
I'm leaving school now... this is what I look like !

Don't talk to me in the morning. . .
. . . because that's when I rage and say everything
you asked me never to tell the world.

Sleep with one eye open, shut it now !
Everything I have to say I think has already been said...
Well the rest you do not want to hear.
Bullshit, laughter, blood, sweat, tears, love and smiles is what makes life what it is...

Now shut up and stare, cause there's nothing you can say to hurt me anymore.
Your loss. . .
The day and night
Resumé of the day, school as usuall, lunch we had thai ! :), last class was history and I took a power nap to get some energy for the gym. The gym went really well even though my shorts turned out to have become too big? on my way home I sinned a bit, as you already know... after I got home I talked to a couple of people, picked up some clothes off the floor and then Nina called and we went out for a couple of hours :) God I love that girl and that she lives so close. . . well we talked about most stuff which is pretty much all blogcensored, hahaha ! Sorry ;)

Now I'm on the couch and about to jump into the shower in a bit...
Here's a picture bomb from Sicily !

mmmm, good times !

our lovely teacher Maria !

look what we got/found/borrowed/stole

who's that, hahha

it's still with us !
The sins I perform....

Monday, April 4th
I'm off to school with not mch to say more than I'm going to gym afterwards.

Rough copy of today's outfit

up close. . . .
Kajsa says. . .
good night !

Thank you Matilda for the beautiful pictures !
out of the house
I'm leaving now, first for school and after that work !

I guees I'll update before I'm out later night or with my phone . . .
This is what I look like, loving the new tan I must say !

This time it's good night

I couldn't do too much shopping while in Italy since my bag was already pretty much over-weight and I was wearing three outfits, so this is what I got and I'm very satisfied with it !

A VERY red and juicy lipstick from YSL, and a gold bracelette with a big heart :)wearing both for my B-day
party !
I'm baaack, as always ;)
I am back as always, tired as hell though. But what did you expect? Laate party nights, loong days, sun, shopping, eating :) EVERYTHING , I couldn't be happier !

I think I should really sleep now but I can upload a few photos for you all first :)

We just had to get into the water!

one of the first nights

Mondello, 30 minutes from Palermo a very cute little town with a beautyfull beach

Our piazza where we chilled in the sun until it went down, when it was gone it was time to go back to our
four star hotel ;)and get ready for dinner :)