This girl is ready to go out !

Another Pink & Orange investment !
Here's some shopping I've done that you haven't seen! Which outfit should I wear going out tonight? :)


By the way check out my new tan as well !
I'm going out tonight because it is Olivia's birthday :) and she is going to be celebrated at El Corazon, come by if you feel like it :D
Thank you and Good night !
I had an absolute great day and night today :)

This morning Linda and I went surprise Philip for his birthday we brought cake and presents (the presents were the two dolls, one bottle opener and one corkscrew :D) after that I went home for a while and just lied in the sun. Later on I got ready to go to philips for a BBQ and a brought dozen Bud's! We spent the night there and just chilled :)
Tomorrow Nina and I are going to the beach/ocean to get some real summer sun and feeling ! :)

There's nothing like cake in the morning! :)

Philip lives in the most amazing house with a incredible view, I absolutely love it !

The other pictures you've seen so here's me right now in bed saying good night !!
Sweet dreams !
how is this night going to end?

great day ! And it's going to be a great night !

Daisy Duke-in' it !
Here's todays outfit inspired by Daisy Duke and the Katy Perry song California Girlz, well I have to run now, see you all later ! :)

I'm up before people start eating lunch, progress ?! I think yes . . .
Hey everyone I'm up, I worked last night and got up at 8.30 only to get to know that we have had a break-in in our garage and a broken window of our car! That kind of thing just pisses me off like HELL!!

I'm happy though that I was last to bed and that I checked that all doors of the house were locked.... anyways dad is talking to all his police buddies about it now and nothing valuble was really stolen except my moms bike.
Today's a new day and Linda and I are getting ready to do something very special that I will tell you all about later today ;)

The weather is absolutely great today !!
What have I done ?!
I bet a few of you have been wondering what I've been doing these last few days. Let me tell you that they've consisted of looong and many work hours, cleaning here at home and I've also had a lot on my mind that I have not felt like sharing with everyone so that is why the updating has been bad. That's about it.

What am I doing right now? I'm in bed wearing nothing but glasses on this hot and humid night trying to find reasons to go to sleep. I love sleeping in during mornings bit going to sleep at night I often think is just a waste of time . . .

Take a guess of what people think I look like whn wearing glasses ! I've heard more than
once let me tell ya....
Hope you all sleep well,
good night
I'm out
don't listen to me after 2 A.M.

Thank you DW design !
Yesterday I had gotten a package sent home to me and I was so excited because I new exactly what it was, my DW purse ! My old friend Daniel Narvaez that I used to swim with back in the day has started designing and creating these amazing things with leather, mostly purses / leather pockets for credit cards or iPhones he's even done an encasment for iPad's !

Here's his blog:
And here are a few pictures of my necklace purse that I have absolutely fallen in love with !

I've been going through my warrobe to see what it matches with, and it matches with alot!
More than you might think :)

There's great room for about four cards and some bills, which is pretty much all you need,
credtidcard, ID, buss pass, something else and some money!

I always thought this was a kind of manly accessory but as you can see it matches great with
bohem-chic inspired jewellery :)
What isn't there to like about it ?! :)
You more often regret what you did not do than what you did
Oh my dear lord, it never stops. The fun, the craziness, the sleepless nights and the huge amount of hours spent in high heels but the memories we recieve will last for a lifetime !

Yesterdays plans were that me and Nina went out for dinner and had a glas of rosé. One glas turned into two and two glasses turned into two free refills and when the bar in the resturant was closing we were very welcome to stay and enjoy free shots with the bartender for a couple of hours and and when dawn came along we all went down to the marina to enjoy the sunrise whilst clinking champagne filled glasses :) Sounds dreamy doesn't it?

this pretty much summerizes our night I'd like to say !
. . . and now I've gotten a bunch of sleep and been grocery shopping!

This was my dinner yesterday, it was pretty good ! a tenderloin kind of sanwich with
dijon mustard and raw egg yolk :)
Doings of June 20th
What have I done today? I got up and ordered take-out cause I'm so damn rich and lazy, next I talked to a person I hadn't talked in a long while, it felt like licking forbidden fruit. Later on I talked some shit and spilled a little of my f*cked little heart out as well as I got a tan whilst the sky was cloudy? I had spaghetti for dinner and on TV I saw a gang member be killed in way I've never anyone be killed before (something to keep in mind for future boyfriends/exes/assholes, haha) That pretty much sums up my day, what did you do?

This summer with my game face on,
I'm going to drink rosé like it's fucking water,
I'm gonna take a shot for every man who wants my number.
I'm going to wear my shortshort torn off shorts and push my boobs up
and shake all I have to shake !
This summer I'm going to run naked in the streets if I want
This summer is mine and I'm going to do what I want, got it?!
Now I'm in bed and I'm going to watch my beloved new TV and do other essential girls stuff!

How beautiful
Nighty night :)
I promised to let you know, so this is me letting you know .
Hey everyone I'm up and I'm going for brunch with a someone! :)

I miss this though , haha
sleep before crack of drawn
Well I'm in bed going to watch something good on my new tv! I got it today :) my sister gave it to me, thaaaank you Emma !

Good night ! :)
Crazy night !
After work yesterday, we had drinks! a bunch of drinks and woohoo it turned out to be crazy..... I don't know what more I can say, hahahahaha. I've got to take it easy for a couple of days now! but summer is here and I've heard it's gonna be full of party ;)

not in the mood . . .
. . . for anything. I'm going to wokr in a bit. Bye

The yesterday and night before !
Yesterday our school had a "Brännboll"-tournament and ofcourse my class won, just like we did with the volleyball tournament this christmas :) and after that the lovebirds Linda and Philip and Philip's friend Viktor went Hard Rock to eat dinner and when I got home at around 8 P.M. I fell asleep since I didn't get too much sleep the night before when I came home at 5 A.M., hehehe. But I had soo much fun that night so it was totally worth it ! :)

aaand here are some pictures ! :)

The winning team !

My arms were so stiff for some reason so I couldn't lift them higher than this , hahaha!

Me and Olivia from
Last day of school !

Picnic in the park !
Here are some pictures from today ! I'm currently getting ready to go out :)

The last pics I stole from Hannah's facebook! tihihi, thanks for a great day everyone :)
Shut down
I went to the gym today and now the lactic acid is telling my nerves to tell my brain to shut down pretty all muscles in my body. But it still feels goooood, feels like I've actually done something I think I did a little too much though since I was recently sick and I felt a bit dizzy after the work out. It was a OK though cause a personal trainer was looking at every wobbly step I took out of the gym and daaamn was he fiiiine! Hahaha

One thing that cracks me up in gyms though and makes it hard for me to concentrate is when men are lifting weights that they can barely handle and scream, moan and groan just like there about to have an orgasm (I swear to god I thought my ex was there today) and it feels like I'm the only one hearing it! No one else is even blinking in the direction..... Oh well I guess it helps for them I just find it hillarious, at least I get free entertainment! :)
Tomorrow it is time for BBQ picnic with the class, so I have a long sleep in which is good cause I'm going out later that night (yes outfit is decided thanks for the help on facebook) I might take some pictures, I might not we'll see I guess!
I just had a shower and now I'm going to let my hair self-dry (as always, secret to not getting split ends I'd say! and deep conditioning of course) and watch The Girls Next Door and get a completely f*cked up view on reality and womes bodies :)

(Definately worth watching the girl is awesome)
I think that says enough for right now. . . hahaha
Help me decide !
I'm going out tomorrow with a bunch from work not sure what to wear, I have two alternatives!

Victoria's secret dress with cardigan and black peep-toes

Strapless fuschia tube-top, blue suede skirt with the same cardigan
and corall suede sandiletto's ;)
I'm leanis towards number one since it's nicer to dance inte, any opinions 1 or 2?
Good night everyone . . .
Time is of the essence,
sleep is something we need to fit into that time I've heard.
I guess I should, just do it then, right?
I have other thing on my mind, like this. . .

That's about it, good night !
Today's outfit !

Today has been a pretty good day, met a couple of hot guys. Not for long enough though . . .
school is soon over !

Every night . . .
Basically every night I happen to glance at the time exactly when it is 00:07 and immediatly I think of James Bond (I know he is 007, but still) does this mean something? Am I going to marry a James Bond and be one of them very glam bond-gals? I hope so :)

A girl can always dream . . .

What's a relationship without a little drama? ;) you know what they say, ........ is the best!
Good night everyone, sweet deams, I've already had all my sweet dreams I think hahaha ;)
Summer wants and "must haves" !
What have I been doing all day? Well you're about to find out, hahaha

1. The two dresses are extremely cute I'd say daytime dresses that goes great with both flats, wedges and heels.
2. This blue dress I think is lovely for a late warm summer night out of drinking rosé with sunkissed skin. It matches great with a hotpink cluth, the number 6 shoes and orange lips :) my absolute dream outfit right now !
3. Cute easy and plain purse to match with for example the number 1, dresses.
4. Great colored belt that can be matched with all dresses and would also look lovely with a white suitpant.
5. Everyday wedges more comfortable than stiletto's and has a bit of the trendy clog look !
6. Absolute to die for heels, all you men out there you want one of the keys to my heart? Get me these shoes !!
7. Very cool and trendy flats, for those days/people you/who don't feel like wearing heels ;) I wouldn't mind them at aaaaall....
8. Pretty damn beautiful shoes with leather straps. Leather goes sooo well with all these colors.
(all these item are from
Other things I wouldn't mind in my wardrobe this summer :

Not the top just the pant, I love where they're cut !

The pink clutch I was talking about earlier

Beautiful dress, sooo dreamy !
Well there you go this is what I often do one boring sundays, do you want to see more of it?
Look who's baaack !

Not much to say, I mean I've been sick! Haven't done shit, but now I'm going to work at least

I'm gonns getcha someday !
The shush
The sun is as low as it gets these summer days, the pavement is still warm from the rays of the sun, the grass is damp I can feel it between my toes. It's just you and me tonight what do you say?
Let's do something' fuckin' wild !

On the sixth day he rose again
Hey all you loved ones, I'm doing better for each hour that goes by now I think. I was out for a tiny walk around that house today and I felt free, it might sound weird but I don't know what is was it just felt great. That's something I've been feeling more and more lately, freedom and I absolutely love it ! It makes me happy inside and out and there is no better feeling :)

Tonight dad and I are going to have a daddy and daughter night with some real american food, BBQ chili ribs and ofcourse some fries, later we're probably going to watch a movie and eat some more sloppy shit! :) Then tomorrow he's going to my sister and mom in Halmstad to help my sister to pack up since she is moving to Stockholm this weekend. So big surprise, I have the whole house to myself once again!

Every now and then,
when the world sits just right,
a gentle breath of heaven
fills my soul with delight...
~Hazelmarie ‘Mattie’ Elliott, A Breath of Heaven
when the world sits just right,
a gentle breath of heaven
fills my soul with delight...
~Hazelmarie ‘Mattie’ Elliott, A Breath of Heaven
Just to inform y'all
I'm not dead ! just f*cking half way there, naah it's not that bad anymore but it has been. I woke with a fever yesterday and thought I could deal with it so I went to school stayed for an hour and then tumbled my way home. Yesterday night I had a 40C fever and thought I was going to die pretty much everything in my whole body ached. Today I've only been out of bed twice to go to the bathroom, I am feeling a bit better though, but I can't eat. I can never eat when I'm sick so I always loose a bunch of weight but not in the places I want...... This sucks I called in sick at work for my shift tomorrow, hopefully I can work saturday!

The beat-up look of today...
I'm pretty low on life for the moment but don't you worry loved ones I'll be back enjoying it in no time !

Like taken right off my lips
There was a time
I thought, that you did everything right
No lies, no wrong
Boy I, must've been outta my mind
So when I think of the time that I almost loved you
You showed your ass and I saw the real you
Thank God you blew it
Thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
So baby good lookin' out
I wanted you bad
I'm so through with it
Cuz honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I'm gon' always be the best thing you never had
I bet it sucks to be you right now
So sad, you're hurt
Boo hoo, oh, did you expect me to care?
You don't deserve my tears
I guess that's why they ain't there
When I think that there was a time that I almost loved you
You showed your ass and I saw the real you
Thank God you blew it
Thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
Baby good lookin' out
I wanted you bad
I'm so through with it
Cuz honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
I said, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I'll never be the best thing you never had
Oh baby I bet sucks to be you right now
I know you want me back
It's time to face the facts
That I'm the one that's got away
Lord knows that it would take another place, another time, another world, another life
Thank God I found the good in goodbye
I used to want you so bad
I'm so through it that
Cuz honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I will always be the, best thing you never had.
Best thing you never had!
I used to want you so bad
I'm so through it that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oh you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oh I will never be the best thing you never had
Oh baby, I bet it sucks to be you right now . . .
This is the kind of week I'll be having . . .
I think you all get the hint !

Let's do this shit !

The night
We expected thunder and terror,
what we got was
beautiful lit up skies and the music of nature.

There is just something beautiful with thunder and lightning,
the sky can finally make some noise and make us use another one of our senses.
I wish this was today

All though the weather has been great and I've been running around in my booty shorts I've just been home, not on the beach. I miss the beach so much, I hope to go there soon, now I have to sleep I'm getting up in 5 hours !

this is what I've been wearing all day
Good night everyone !
Prom pictures !
All pictures are from the picnic we had before, and all pictures are taken by me favorite photographer Linda Kasra!

And that's about it! Do you like my outfit? I loved it and the night was a great success I had a great time so thank you everyone ! :)
Dinner at work ith my sister :)

How you have never seen me before. . .
I've been out in the garden tanning all day (and studying) and I couldn't help notice that our lawn looked like a wreck so I tool matters into my own hands moed the freakin thing! two hours later I'm back in my sun chair, all grassy , hahaha :) what have you all been up to today?

On the third day she fell asleep before dawn . . .
Hey I'm home from work. It was extremely intense today, full resturant for 5 hours and understaffed I think you get it so I won't go on about it, hahaha. I'm too tired to give you all that long update I promised, it was going to be about prom and a bunch of pictures, but that you'll get when I wake up instead! For now I'll just give you today's outfit and facelook, so that way you'll have to pop in later on as well ;)

Here we goo

That last few days weather has been exactly the way I like it!! Great temperature
for my favorite clothes :)

Sleep tight everyone !!
Going to work. . .
. . . and when I come home I have a big update for you all !

One reason
The only reason why I haven't gotten out of bed yet is beacause, there is nothing in the kitchen I want to eat or drink. No coffee, no croissants, salami or brie no good bread for that matter either. Looks like I'm going to have go shopping seeing as I have the house to myself until monday night. Or does anyone want to do it for me? pretty please . . . .

This is as far I can see myselg going, right now !
I'm sorry for bad updating but I've been trying to catch up on my sleep and since I have no school until tuesday next week I thought why not start today!

Yesterday I was in town all day until I went to fix my nails and then I bought some take out dinner, had a glass of red and by ten P.M. I was out and got up now :) Here's how my nails turned out, Lotta it the best !

Orange and Pink glitter, who's surprised? hahah
Today it's kind of cloudy so I'm thinking I might stay home and get ahead on my studying sad as it might sound. But soon that part is over, hopefully .....
Prom tomorrow! who's excited? :D
jealous as fuck !

breakfast is served!

I'm on my way