I just woke up and it won't work . . .
I'm going to Italy today, now shut up and bring me some coffee . . .

like this but with out the icky foam . . .
Further and further away . . .
. . . back to sleep.

On my own like this. . .


or three doesn't matter, I still get by great !
This is what Palermo will kind of look like through our eyes in 24 hours ;)
Time is different, hours are changing, life is shifting . . .
I'm all done now, just hopped into bed . . . to get six hours of sleep and then get up again. It's daylight saving's tomorrow as well (?) so I'm getting up n hour earlier I believe !

So yeah I guess I should get some sleep then.
I'm leaving tomrrow ! :)

I'm as smooth as a babies butt now ! silky smooth :)
Do this, do that, f*ck it all . . .
I think i just finnished packing, finally ! Is all I have to say . . . I've painted my toe-nails bright red as well :) Now I'm about to jump into the shower and do everything I need to do in there. After that lotion, lotion, lotion !

a better picture of the nails :) aren't they gorgeous ?!

and a picture of me and my new bag that dad gave me today :)
Shower time !
update more later !

Right sleep. . .
. . . yeah I'm going to sleep.

Shame on me, shame on you
Heey everyone I'm home from work, for once I actually made it home in between school and work, but I decided I needed a power nap so I didn't really have time to update :( But I did take a picture of my outfit ;)

Well so now I'm in bed about to go to sleep, I have a full day planned for tomorrow. I'm going to go and get my nails done at one, but before that I need to go to the money exhchange place and get me some Euro's ;D. I'm doing acrylic nails so that's going to take a few hours and then Linda and I are going to meet up for a late lunch, proably at work :) and then I need to go home and pack. It feels like I've been packing so much lately that I loathe it, I really don't want to, it's soooo boring :( then again unpacking is worse. That's why I rarely unpack, hahaha. Besides packing I need to prep myself so I can look as gorgeous as possible for all the hot Italian hunks ;)
Anyways here is what I looked like today !

The t-shirt kind of set my mood ;)

check out my eye !
I'm off !
I'm leaving for Sicily in 50 hours, but for now I'm just going to school !

Looking a bit like this

now I'm going to ge me some coffee ;)
It's been more than 48 hours now, I'm still hanging in the same place. Where are you at ?
I'm going to bed now with just a few words of wisdom for y'all. Nothing in this cruel world is for free. For instance I had a great time at salsa, but that doesn't go un-punnished, now my foot has swelled up ! I hope I can work tomorrow :(

Well yeah so good night !

You made your bed, now lay in it

the fun is over for tonight !
Not everyone loves Acne, but I sure do !
What Acne does best, floor-length dresses, jeans and shoes ! With out a doubt, I'm mesmerized !

The cut of this dress is just incredible !

The spaghetti strap is back !

and the low cut back is still here !

They kind of shoes I just want to have to look at, put them on and just look at
them, they're too precious to wear out ! Hahaha

These on the other hand I would wear ! Believe mee

Acne jeans are my absolute favorite jeans, as you all should know by know ;)

I have both these jeans :)
I'm thinking of buying one of the dresses as a birthday present for myself! Even though they're expensive they're not like "badly" expensive to be Acne, you know what I mean ;) hahaha (but if you don't know what to buy me for my birthday, now you do ! hahaha )
I'm really tired now home after salsa, I had a great time though. It all went so well! Things worked as I wanted I felt hot, which makes things great :) a guy even appraoched me and talked to me on the bus, big like! He wasn't too shabby if I may say so ;)
I'm hoping to update before I go to sleep but if I don't you know where I'll be !
Chill Day
Hey everyone! I'm hoome but only for a bit as it is thursday and I have salsa :)

Linda and I woke up this morning snoozed for a while, then finally got up and had breakfast in the sun, was lovely ! (Except for the noise from construction work, but that's what you have to take when you central ;) haha ) Finally in school nothing much really happened, our last class english was cancelled and Linda and I felt it was too early to go home, so we went shopping... today as well, haha, big surprise ! I think I'm ready for Sicily now , hahaha :D
So here's the shopping from yesterday and today, I'm not wearing it, but I'll give you a closer look at it when I am :)

The two tops and ring is from M&Q and the skirt I bought yesterday from H&M, I don't think I'll wear any
of it at the same time, just a little FYI ;)
Well I'm off, se you all later !
I'm a f*ckin' Rockstar in my own way
I guess I just lost my husband
I don't know where he went
So I'm gonna spend my money
I'm not gonna pay his rent
I got a brand new attitude
And I'm gonna wear it tonight
I'm gonna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight
I don't know where he went
So I'm gonna spend my money
I'm not gonna pay his rent
I got a brand new attitude
And I'm gonna wear it tonight
I'm gonna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight
I'm alright, I'm just fine and you're a fool
So, so what, I am a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't want you tonight
So, so what, I am a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't want you tonight
You weren't there, you never were
You want it all but that's not fair
I gave you life, I gave my all
You we're there, you let me fall
You want it all but that's not fair
I gave you life, I gave my all
You we're there, you let me fall
Hahaha yeah well so I guess you all know what mood I'm in for the moment ;) Yeah and I guess I don't have too much to say about Linda's little update earlier, not much too correct there.
I'm off with just one thing to say, you can't always love everyone. So you three f*ck the hell off :)

Lot's of Love to everyone though, life is good and I'm in Palermo, Italy in 4 day ! and Patricia told me to bring me my fuck-me heels, so guess what?! I will !

gäst bloggar !!
TJENIS PENIS Linda häääär!
kajsa befinner sig inne i duschen och gör lite allt då som sakt ;)
tänkte berätta för er om hennes dag:
hon tog sig då till slut till gymmet där hon gymmade tillsammans med philip vilket gick superbra! sedan efter så satte dom sig på soho för att de väntade på att lilla jag skulle komma.. när jag väl kom så satt dom utomhus vilket var väldigt korkat eftersom det var lite kyrligt... som sakt när jag väl kom dit så satt dom där som små frusna gullungar(eller ah)....anywho later on så gick vi in på H&M där jag köpte ett linne och hon en tjol,sedan begick vi oss hemåt för lite kebabtalrik och för att slappa lite i soffan !
nu så sitter man hääär ensam och tråkar.. hur som hest så hörs vi säkert sen !
p.s kajsa kanske kommer till skolan med en stor bula på pannan och en fläskläpp....

kvinnan i egen hög person!
Look what I got ! :)
Look what I got ! :)
Breakfast !

Buenos Dias
Good morning everyone, I've been awake for a while but haven't gotten out of bed yet though. I'll do that in a second :) I'm hitting the gym later on so see ya after that I guess :)

This is what I look like after waking up :)
Sleep ?
Maybe it's time to sleep, I don't have school tomorrow/today but I am going to the gym !

What I sad might have been too harsh , but I think it to be said need to for things to actually get done and turn out the way I want for once . . .
midnight snack
i kind of forgot about dinner and just now decided to have a midnight snack. I checked what the fridge had to offer and was delighted :) cucumber, cheese and prosciotto, all delcious so I decided to put them together and i think it worked out really well :D I feel like I almost made food! you really should try it. . .

Slight change of plans. . .
. . . but for the better it seems ;) hahaha

As the American military has decided to take over the airport on Sicily (Trapani) we're landing at on Sunday (it's because of the revolution in Libya) Our flight is now instead flying to Palermo, and since our school doesn't want us so close to a military base hotel bookings are now being changed for us to stay in Palermo. Where the night life is soooo much better and there are so many more brain dead soccer players and maffiosos to party with :)

Kajsa during the day in Sicily. . .

. . . sketching some nude Italian hunk on these steps ;)

and Kajsa during the night in Palermo ! Hahaha
I enjoy long walks and cozy nights in front of the fireplace
Heeey, everyonesorry for not updating earlier but I felt I needed to sleep when I got home from school. Did not sleep too well last night, in fact I'm not sure I slept at all. . .

After school Linda and I went for lunch went to our favorite thai-schack, yummi! and ate out in the sun :) spring is really on its way!! When I got home I fell asleep pretty much directly, and slept for about 3 hours and woke up with three missed calls and two texts, I love waking up like someone has missed me, hahaha. Anyways, two of the calls and one text was from my angel Nina, she wanted to go for a walk! We went for a looong walk, Nina, her little heart-breaker on a leash Miguel and I :) We talked a whole bunch of shit, gossiped and talked about the future. The future being this summer and 10 years from now, I'll be married with a bunch of kids and she'll be the cool auntie , hahahaha
I'm sorry I haven't taken any pictures, but haven't really been in the mood though . . . I'll try tomorrow since I got new batteries for my camera today ! :)
Here's a bunch of pictures of me and Nina instead, a trip down memory lane :

2007, ladies and gentlemen



2008 , Back in the day !

a year later. . .

another year later :)

cozy night in, this christmas . . .

the love child
I'm sorry Nina but facebook can wake some memories ;)
The start of something new . . .
I have basially always gotten out of bed on my own, alone. This morning though, I was alone in a new way, as if I was only getting up for myself and only to please myself. In one way I liked it, it made me feel strong and independant like I actually can do things for myself and one part felt hollow. That's the part that is still used to be f*cked over by you. The part the always leaned towards you is now trying to stand on its own for the first time in way too long!

I'm anxious to see what I can achieve, what I myself can do with my life.

She'll never be more than half the woman I am. . . It's true and you know it
I don't need your sympathy
There's nothing you can say or do for me
And I don't want a miracle
You'll never change for no-one
And I hear your reasons why
Where did you sleep last night?
And was she worth it, was she worth it?
Cause I'm strong enough to live without you
Strong enough and I quit crying
Long enough, now I'm strong enough
To know you gotta go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know you gotta go
There's nothing you can say or do for me
And I don't want a miracle
You'll never change for no-one
And I hear your reasons why
Where did you sleep last night?
And was she worth it, was she worth it?
Cause I'm strong enough to live without you
Strong enough and I quit crying
Long enough, now I'm strong enough
To know you gotta go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know you gotta go

Knew it, don't date a girl with a 6th sense it aint good for you. . .
A wise girl kisses but doesn't love,
listens but doesn't believe,
and leaves before she is left.
- Marilyn Monroe

I'd rather live like this than with a constantly anxious and broken heart . . .
Time to get started . . . !
I'm home from school, Linda and I have been talking about what to pack all day, haha :) On my way home I bought a pair of sunnies, since my old ones (same pilot model, but with real leather frame) mysteriously broke this summer (?) well anyways I bought a new pair, not real Ray Bans though since I'm hoping to get some for my birthday in two weeks ! :D I bought these since I wanted a pair for Sicily.... So well now I'm home and have to study for my International Relations test that I have tomorrow.
But I guess I'll update sometime later on as usual ;)

Got run . . .
. . . here's a quikie from me !

About that time, once again I guess
It's about that time once again, where I'm off to bed to sleep. I don't know what to say or what to think, so good night and talk more tomorrow !

I'll be back, just like you will . . .

Because I'm one of them freaks who enjoy watching people sleep. . .
Only weak, I mean only a week
In a weeks time I'm in my Sicily with one of my favorite girls in the world and a lot of great other ones as well! :)

Today I haven't done much at all, met nina for a bit while she was working, studied a tiny bit and now I'm sitting and planning what to bring to Italy, luandry and all that that just has to be done you know ;) and what bag to use since we're only allowed one . . . I've been looking around on to find inspiration, some with statements some without.

Doesn't seem like I'm going to need lot of clothes . . .
Ache, ok ?
I'm too tired to tell you about my day at work, and at this time if I tried it would probably just bore you, so another time probably! It turned out to be a 12 hour shift today, and when leaving the chef threw a Honey Citrus Salad in my hands, in doggy bag for me to bring home, so nice of him :) So now I've eaten that and jumped into bed and I can just feel one muscle shutting down after the other so I guess this is good night !

feeling all fresh and clean

could be. . . I could reeeeally use a massage ! any givers out there?

Over and out . . .
Just sad . . .
It's not even 9 A.M. on a saturday, I'm awake and heading out. Not heading to go home after some rad after party, out to go to work! I guess that's what life is like sometimes, damn I really need to go and buy me some coffee now . . .

I'm feeling all sloppy and shit, just cause I'm wearing a plain tank, regular jeans a oversize cardigan. Then again, it's not even 9 A.M. on a saturday !

I'm awake. . .
. . . and my plan worked!

Now shut the f*ck up
Make L O V E not war
I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask,
"Mother, what was war?"
-Eve Merriam

It's all just spinning. Like the Moon around Tellus
time to sleep I guess . . .

If I was I a *(censored)*, just like you. . . .

that's what I'd say if I was a *(censored)*

FYI this what it looks like now days . . .
Here's me plan, yeah that's it what I thought. . . .
I'm home, I'm sorry I didn't give you picture of my outfit and all that but I didn't have time. Linda and I pretty much ran to the buss. . . Hopefully I will have a picture for you tomorrow/sunday ;). As I told you I'm working about 13 hours tomorrow so I'm not sure if I'll update properly or not, you'll just have to pop in and see ;)

Anywaaaays so here is my plan since I'm getting up in about 5 hours I'm thinking, since I sleep still like a baby and don't move unless something is in my way ( ;D ) I should keep my make-up as it is? Am I right or am I right? I mean why wouldn't it work. . . hahahaha I'm sure it will, but I'll still let you know how it works! btw all my make-up is allergy tested, no cheap shit ;)
Good night all of y'all favorite readers (which means everyone of you!)

my ex told me I shouldn't show so much skin, so here's for you. . .
It's already out there . . .
Heeey I'm up, I have been for a while..... been fixing the curls, chilling and now I'm just waiting for Linda. I might start on my make-up before her slow as gets here ;) I'm hungry, haven't eaten anything yet! I can't show much more than my curls right now, so here they are !

Right now I look like a blonde Diana Ross / lion but the curls are going to calm down in bit :)
It's already been said. . .

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.
M.K. Gandhi
... and he said it!
Bonne nuit , dormez bien mes anges, à demain . . .
Oh so classy. . .
I bet some of you wonder if I was serious in the previous post?! and yes I kind of was, economy is one of my favorite classes since it is something I can apply to the real world, it makes sense, it's logical and there's not too much reading (which I'm not too good at).It's also something I see myself working with in future. But then it's not as fun as a lot of other things, but for school yes !

For the moment I'm walking around with in underwear, curlers in my hair and stiletto's . . . Oh how glamorous and classy you're probably thinking ;) But it's only because I'm trying to decide what to wear to the party I'm going to tomorrow after work. . . The stiletto's are as far as I've gotten !, and the fact that I'm having curly hair. I'll let you know more tomorrow about that, and show you how it looks :)
It's going to be a hectic weekend for me even though I'm off from school tomorrow... I'm going to take a loooong sleep in and then Linda and I are brunching, I'm going to get ready for the party and go to work first, daaaaamn I'm going to look fine at work and then when I get off at around 23.00 I'm going to party for a few hours, go home and sleep for a few hours. I start work at 10.00 on saturday (?) the restaurant usually dosen't open until 12.00 but this a special case another girl and I are going to host a so called Linkin Park buffé, it's going to be an all day even for a ladies club. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, I'm scheduled to work 13 hours ! Sunday I'm just going to take is easy and study for my International Relations test. . . .
That's pretty much what my weekend looks like !

So this is basically what I look right now ;)
Not in the mood of taking pictures of me for once ! haha
I love economy !

waky waky
in school didn't sleep too well but it is the last school day of the week and we have a temp for the last class so should be fun :D hahaha I love having temps. for the moment I'm in science class listening my teacher to complain about everything and everyone. well here's my outfit of the day. . . it's slightly warm out today, which is very appreciated ! 

It's a hard knock life . . .
I barely made it home between school and work today, that's why I haven't updated today. I've gotten a lot of comments lately on, how people think it's strong of me to work as much as I do and achieve top grades in all my school-work, which maked me feel good about myself (but don't stop, hahaha). My outfit today wasn't very special, more than jeans and plain t-shirt but nothing worth showing really, you've kind of seen it before so why show it again right? I'm in a crazy mood had to much coffee at work I think, you're giving me a headache as well.... Yeah, I should probably just stop there !

Some picutres just to show you what mood I'm in, kind of.... Mrs.Jolie always does it best ! Always
Good night all y'all little reading my blog suckers !
Good morning, I think. . .
Time to get dressed I guess . . .

Good luck today
On my mind. . .
. . . in my mind.

Time to go on
Time for moi to go to sleep, yesterday night you got me from the front and from behind (haha naughty) for tonight you'll get to see me from both the sides !

Each time we face our fear we gain strangth, courage and
confidence in the doing.
Us as individuals is our biggest fear. . .
The day in some pictures. . .
The day didn't really turn out as I planned I kind of overslept so never got the chance to pack any gym clothes. I also ended up not having any class after my history test, so I ended at 10.30. . . Linda, Philip and I chilled in school for a while and then we went to out favorite café and waited for two hours for the sun to appear on the outside serving, but let me tell you. It was so worth it ! A hour or so later, Linda and I went for a shopping-hunt, find something to wear in Sicily :) Linda finally found a pair of shorts and a found a cool top! When I got home I tidied my room it's almost done now, it feel like it's taken forever, I've found a lot of stuff though. I'll show you pictures below....

Get ready...

waiting for the sun !

when I got home I found all these in different corners...

I folded all my t-shirts

Some of my bags that I emptied out, didn't find my lipstick though :(

The shoes I wear the most ( 5 pairs of ~45) and my belts all tidied up

I've felt like such a house-wife today, can't say I like it. I've cleaned and
done laundry, almost cooked as well. . .

The top I bought, you can wear it in a lot of different ways which I like :)
The shorts I also "made", cut off a pair of jeans since they had some holes
in the crotch :O , hahaha

I bought this lace top/bustier a couple of weeks ago which is great for
wearing under a loose and oversize top during the summer :)
That should be all for now I believe! I'm going to watch Cocktail now, back in the day when Tom Cruise was hot ;) there's just something about bartenders.....
Last night made sense . . .

Early nighter. . .
Well i'm at least in bed, going to read through some of my history and then sleep I think because I am kind of tired actually. . . I got bored of my hair earlier so I straightned it, now at least it looks like I've made an effort lets just hope it lasts until tomorrow ;)

Tomorrow's plans are, shool, gym and tutor Nina a bit :) when I get home I'm going to do my best to tidy my room. At the moment I avoid it as much as possible since it is such a mess! One of the main reasons I need to tidy is because I've lost two of my favorite lipsticks......

Good night everyone , hope you sleep well !
Ho intenzione di Sicilia !
I think I've studied enough now. . .

So I've been googling around and found some nice pictures of the place we're staying at in Italy. . .

The hotel, looks kind of good seeing as the school is paying for it :)

Erice near Trapani is where we're staying, don't know more about it than it apparently
looks like this :)

Seems like a beautiful town !

... and this man is going to be bringing me my morning coffe every morning ! ;)
Wanting the un-getable
I want to update about something juicy gossip or something great that's happend, but nothing has really. All I can really say is that I need study for my history test that I have tomorrow, so I guess I'll do that and try to update with something more interesting later. . .

( We did get some more information about our trip to Sicily though, but nothing that concerns you guys ;) )

One each girls ! ;)
Is there anything sexier than a man speaking a foreign language like
Italian, spanish of French? I got to say though the sexiest accent
when speaking English though has got to be Italian !
Mmmmmhf ;)
Good night

"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you."

"I get by with a little help from my friends."

Sunday's really aren't good for anything more than doing pretty much nothing.

Today I've basically just hung out in the store where Nina works, after she closed up she wantes to tanning and we decided to go a little "sunday crazy" so I jumped in next to her.... We had some laughs at least. Later on we went back here and watched some MTV just like back in the day. That pretty much sums up my day !

And to make this update a bit more interesting here's a beautiful picture of Linda and me in Edinburgh last october, never seen before ;)

You suck, when told to

So here's to everything, coming down to nothing.
Here's to silence that cuts me to the core.

I have a few words, but I feel they are too harsh for everyone take a part of. . .
Don't worry. . .
. . . I'm alive and heading to work !

I'm HoOoOome !!
Well I'm home at last, have you missed me? (HAHA) Yeah we're about to do some spanish homework, noooooot. We're in the fold-out sofa and couldn't be more happy by tonights event, it was great great great great great they really out did themselves. I came home with a full outfit, panties and mascara, what more do I need? Here are the two and only pictures we took.... later on there might come some mingle photographer photos, you knooooow ;)

Free is free, what more can I say?
Adios all my loverbird readers getting up at 6 !
I'm coming to get you !
Naaah kidding I'll update better when I have time !
For times like these
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain.
- Vivian Greene

This is how. . .
I want to wake up .

need I really say more?

You give me this, I'll give you that. . .
Todays' outfit:

And guess what, it's snowing outside ! yaay. . .
Yeah ok I'm off to school for one class and then I'm coming home for a nap, I'm already looking forward to it !
Time to . . .
say nighty night !

Will you be there for me in Italy ?
Time for a miovie and some sleep !
The day . . .
was a good day !

After waking up and getting ourselves fixed Linda and I went into town for some shopping and "fika" :) I bought my birthday dress :D I'm wearing it for the big party me and my mom are having together ! it's only four week until my birthday, I can't wait :) I also bought another really casual dress. I haven't taken any pictures yet though, hopefully I'll do it tomorrow. Don't know it I want to show you the birthday dress just yet though ;) After a while Linda went back home and I went to work to eat with the girls there and then start my shift.
Work was crazy, we were showing two hockey matches in the sports bar on the 4th floor and the Champions League game in the restaurant (2nd floor, kitchens on 1st), so there has been a lot of stair climbing today. Had to take over the expo for a while as well, it was completely insane!
I also found out that we're going to Sicily with my Art & Design class :D, not Paris as we were hoping but Sicily is much warmer this time of the year :) so 27th-31st I'll be in ITALIA !!!!! suck on that ;)
(I didn't takeanypictures today, shame on me I know)

Looks kind of nice doesn't it ? ;)

The rumor has that these hot men come crawling through the rocks at night ;)
I'm up!

she's on a mission

f*cked up day. . .

lunch times

Tough Love
I'm heading towards school... my hair is still wet from showering yesterday! Yaay..... well going to the gym after school and then home and to Linda's

See you later

Lookin a little something like this....
C'mon you can do better than that. . .
So offensive

July ?
Contain yourself
Home in bed, naked, newly showered and fresh. Been at Lindas place most of the day, had multiple foodgasms, affairs with Ben & Jerry, watched about 10 episodes of Sex and the City, and walked the dog in the sun watching the sun set! With other words a f*cking good day :)

I'm going back tomorrow for a special night ;) haha no school in tuesday !
Now I'm going to watch Sweden's best and most loved comedy show, Solsidan, you just got to love it.

This is my shower buddy, what do you think? ;)
Good night !
I love this

headin out

Dosen't work, as it should . . .
I have no words so I'm going to let these words speak for me. . .

yes... it's withing me right now, all at once.
Good night,
Time to Rock n Roll
Running by Nina's work first for some quick gossip and then I'm off :)

Is spring really coming ?
Hey you guys sorry for not updating yesterday. . .

I started at 8 though which meant too early for Kajsa to make an update that would actually say something. School was fine nothing much really happend, accept that i got a MVG ( an A) on my art assignment where we plastered our own faces and than got to paint them andd stuff. We also got to know that we are going on a trip we just don't when and where yet !, haha

Outfit of the day in spanish class (?)

My beautiful face !
It was a little tough working yesterday seeing as I still have a bit of cold, but still it was all good :) So far today I haven't gotten more done than my nails, again, hahaha. I get bored easily, that's why I'm scared of getting a tatoo, oh well we'll see :)
Time to get ready for work !

Goldfinger ;) haha with some black trim
Oh yeah by the way a small weather update, it's sunny as hell, +5/6 degrees and I can see grass in our backyard, barely any snow left at all ! :D Spring is truly on it's way
I have a dream/ a plan
and it's a damn good one . . .

That aint gonna cut it
I'm exhausted after today. Didn't make the salsa though still don't feel well enough :(, I'll be there next week, and then I'm going to a Fashion show/event after as well with Linda :D can't wait !

Soo right now I'm studying this script I have to know by heart for spanish tomorrow. I'm playing a spanish mother... I can't say it's my forté all the spannish mothers I've met so far in my life have scared the shit out of me !! Haha (no offence) well at least I'm good at acting ;)
See you all tomorrow !

Beautiful mother by day and . . .

one sexy bombshell by night, just like I'm going to be ;D haha
Night !
my only joy right now

Thursday, going Mondo Bongo
I'm up, even though I'm in some kind of fever trans I'm feeling ok. Much thanks to my saviour of the day, Lemsip. . .

So what am I doing right now? Mostly swaying around in my kimono like a Hippie that doesn't know her own name. . . I'm in an ok morning mood, I still wouldn't talk to me though.
I'm trying to post one of my favorite songs here but it's not working . . . . oh well here's a link
Control your mind
Time to say nood night, I apparently still have fever. I won't tomorrw though. . . Well I better not, so good night and see y'all tomorrow !

You heard me, you know what I mean . . .
This is my life
My focus today has ben to get better and feel better, I don't know if I've succeeded but I'm going to school tomorrow anyways because I have to. I can't miss another day, or another salsa class. I'm working friday as well so I really need to set my mind to that I'm not sick! haha I also miss my coffee , my daily morning cup at Seven Eleven, I truly thank heaven for Seven Eleven ! Haha

I think I should hop into the shower now. . . Catch ya later !

Picture from St. Barts !
I wish you were here, not you

Never know how much I love you
Never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that's so hard to bear
You give me fever , when you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
Fever ... in the mornin'
Fever all through the night
Never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that's so hard to bear
You give me fever , when you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
Fever ... in the mornin'
Fever all through the night
You've given me fever. . . now do something about it
Yawn . . . check out my sick lips
My whole body hurts, I've barely gotten out of bed today. My throat has swelled even more so now I can't talk.

So fun/weird facts about me when I'm sick:
- My lips dry up and swell to Pamela Anderson porportions
- The underside of my feet flake skin (like you know when you've gotten bad sunburn)
- I go through old photo albums from way back
- I think the world is going go under
- Certain people get on my nerves, usually always the same ones . . . .
- I crave French Fries

Philip, I promise I'm not doing anything !
Thank You for knowing me so well

Bitch, you give me Fever

I need some real medicine, going back to sleep now. No, school for me . . .
Small update
Before I turned off my laptop I just wanted to update my tripadvisor, having recently been abroad and all....and guess what I realized I've been in 36 different cities, 34 of them being outside of Sweden. Now that's kind of cool for a girl my age wouldn't you say? Hahaha

what can I say more than I love travelling?!

Sure it might not be south of the equator but just wait and see!
Someday soon I'm going to tell you my dream destinations !