Todays look
(Tried to update on my phone earlier apparently it didn't work so here it is....)

I just got home from foodtesting at work, we're getting a new menu tomorrow !
I wore the dress I made last summer and my favorite summer cardigan today :)

No such thing as perfect . . .
I just watched a real sob movie, a real sob story.
It brought tears to my eyes and makes me want to say all these beautiful thing about love
like, It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all,
you know that whole story and bullshit,
but I can't.
That's not my fault, it's yours.

You never know when to expect any of the three . . .
The weekend and today !
Sorry for terrible update, but we didn't get home until late last night and then I of course overslept this morning as well ! hehe

Here are a few pictures from this weekend :

The oh so normal Hellman family.... nooot

Me and my dear sister eating some really shitty d'oeuvres, hahaha

For the formal dinner my sister wore Ralph Lauren, I represented with
some true swedish desgins from Acne, of course ;) and my sisters boyfriend
Martin wore Hugo Boss, cause he thinks he's the Boss , hahaha.

Lovely appetizer! Skagen toast , yummi :) and of course I forgot to take
pictures of the other courses, haha.

Me during dinner
Today in school we had to decide on what project we want to for next year and Linda and I decided to do a Traveller's guide for students! We're going to travel to atleast one or two places in Europe and make a kind handbook for people our age :)
Didn't take any other pictures than what we had for lunch , haha , so here it is !

A shrimp and crayfishtail sallad, it was really good ! :)
Now I'm going to relax and enjoy that I don't have any school work to do for tomorrow :D
It's not as fun as it might sound though. I'm in the car with mom, dad and emma's (my sisters) boyfriend. we are on our way to halmstad where my sister lives, for her university graduation, tomorrow my little baby is a developing engineeron paper! :) oh well I don't know what more to say than I'm knackered from work and I'm going to try to sleep for a bit..... I'll try to update with outfits later on ! Congrats to my sister :)

Woopi f*cking doo

Being awake at this hour is no good for the mind, body or soul.

Raindrops are pecking on my window as well as the sun is shining through. This has already set up to be a f*cked up day.
It aint all just fun & jokes . . .
I'm going to sleep now dear readers, tomorrow I start at 8 A.M. and work at 5 P.M. you know the drill,

Good night

I'll be going out to our country place for a few days as soon as I have a chance . . .
What happened last night?

The tomorrow
I'm in bed rehearsing my opening speach for tomorrow, I'm representing India in UN security council. Everything is just a big blur right now. Good night!

It's all about finding the light in your everyday . . . .

Today's outfit and Miss World Sweden
Here's Today's outfit :

Also signed up for Miss World Sweden today so be a doll and vote for me will ya?
Thank you my angels :)
Look-book for tomorrow and bedtime . . .
I'm in bed and thought I'd show you kind of what I'm wearing tomorrow, since i start at 8.30 I don't think you'll get a morning update with my outfit, so here's a little hint for you all! It's not exact but this is what I had with in a arms reach.

I was thinking gray base with orange, pink and suede splashes, we'll see you it turns out tomorrow ! :)
My two dream bedrooms, one for summer and one for winter :

I love some peace and quiet during the summer . . .

. . . but during winter everything already is dull as it is, so something like this "big city"
apartment would suit me great :)
Enough of that, now good night !
The Colors of Summer

I feel all set for the Hot Orange&Pink summer that is on its way !
I feel all set for the Sailor-Chic summer as well but that I'll save for another day, if you want to see it?
Today's achievement
When I'm pissed I tidy, just like my dad !

This is what I've gotten done :

Hung my "summer-clothes"

... and moved all the knitted stuff to the guestroom, since it didn't all fit in the other wardrobe.

I also managed to sort some of my jewllery that has just been lying around, the ugly boxes
are just temporary . . .

I need some tea now . . .
Today's Outfit

well would you look at that !

tough times....

Addiction . . .
I fell in love with this bag earlier and I'm still under its spell. Tomorrow the beauty is mine !

Now I'm going to sleep , another Monday coming up tomorrow ! :( lets get it all done so it's over though ! right ?!

found it, laughed, related, regreted that I related . . . now I'm laughing

Now lets end this post with this beautiful message. . .
Good night my little angles !
The last of the sh*t
Good afternoon everyone, I'd like to say good morning but I'm not going to ;) hahaha

Well whatever, Linda left like an hour ago and I'm trying to get started with some schoolwork. This week is pretty much the last week we have of real important schoolwork! So even though I'm already low on energy when it comes to schoolwork, I just have to push through this last week and then it's all flying by, prom , graduations, people moving away parties and all that which I'm really looking forward to :)
Yeah ok, time to work !

Found this picture on , thought I recognized her . . .
The ones that were supposed to happen but never did !
It's been a interesting couple of days I must say ! School has been absolutely exhausting, so I'm extremely glad I didn't work any week days this week. I was supposed to update yesterday but I didn't, I don't know what happend really....... I had a looong sleep in and went to school for one class and then straight to work, my plan was that after work I'd go out to this what's supposed to be really good gay club! But I couldn't het ahold of them, so I went home and partied at a neighbors house instead, think I was in bed around 6 A.M. .....

Hahahahah now I'm feeling just about fine and I'm waiting for Linda to come with my Burger King food , hahaha! :)
What aren't friends for?
Here are some pictures have been meant for the blogg:

Lovely gay club outfit in my opinion !

The shoes <3

At around 4 A.M. we were at my place and the outfits looked like this !

... and when I woke up this morning everything was neatly folded and
they were gone. That's the kind of guests I like in the morning ! ;) hahahaha

Yesterday I also bought a orangy lipstick, by FACE Stockholm the color is called Unexpected
I adore it, soooo summer fresh and chic !
Now I'm just waiting for Linda to arrive !
Walk and talk with my Nina!

Had enough . . .
I don't now what's next

The dress. . .
Here I am and here I go !

Brain f*ck !
Goooood the movie Shutter Island really f*cks with your mind, my head is all blank now !

Anyways I can't wait until tomorrow so I can wear my new dress and go to premier :)
Good night everyone ,

We're all in controll of our own destiny . . .

. . . so lets start controlling . . .

. . . what do you say?
Travel abstinence . . .
I'm suffering from serious travel abstinence, as most of you probably know there's nothing I love more than travelling and that I do it alot! It's my holiday, since mostly when I'm not in school I'm working and so on. So when I'm abroad it is my real time off when I can relax for real, otherwise I usually have all my days of the week planned long ahead, but when I'm abroad there's nothing I HAVE to do each day you can just do as you please.

As it is right now I have nothing book for this summer :( I AM going somewhere but not sure when, where and with who ! Any ideas? , hahahaha. I'll I know is that a want heat, beaches, skin and drinks ;)

The Caribbean in February

Florida in 2010

Greece 2010

Gran Canaria 2010 !
I should stop now. . . Dad wants me to watch Shutter Island with him now, and I never mind a bit of Mr. DiCaprio :)
That's how I do it !
Toodles !

Hey everyone, the test today went fine, I think. Afterwards Linda and I went for a coffee and later did some shopping! I bought a maxi dress, that I didn't think I'd like that much but when I put it on I just had to get it! Spoken like a true shopaholic, I know . . . I'll show you a picture tomorrow, since I'm ofcourse wearing a.s.a.p. , hahaha. After I got home I just gave myself some me time (badly needed I must say, after all the stress in school) watched some of my favorite tv-shows and napped. Now I've had dinner and about to jump into the shower and untangle my hair.
Tomorrow it's time for rehersal of a play we're doing in spanish class, some math and science. There is also a motivational speaker coming to schoool that we're going to listen to, why she's coming the last month in school I can't understand, oh well.
When all that is done it is time for the premier of Pirates of the Caribbean !! :D I'm super excited I must say!

What sane girl doesn't a thing for this extremely charming Captain Jack Sparrow?! hahaha
I've also gotten an idea for a tattoo I really want to do, I'll tell you about it some other time! :)
Comfort before fashion . . .
. . . I can't believe I just said that but when doing a five hour test you have absolutley no time to be uncomfortable! So today I'm going to school looking a proper american soccer mom, oh god people are going to start calling me milf again (looong story)

So here it is me as comfortable as can be (but not naked)

Gotta prepp, adios. Wish me big time luck !
the must be done stuff
Hey hey hey !

I'm home and have been for couple of hours, had dinner and all that! I need to do that boring stuff that has to be done, like laundry, studying, touch up things in my living area and do something about my hair. . . The studying will be for the HUGE math test I have tomorrow, for five hours?!
Had a good but long day in school today, feels like I got atleast a little done even though my concentration wasn't the best.
Oh well better get started with the need to do stuff , see y'all later!

Let's start with the laudry, feel like joining? need anything washed?

and after that we'll do some studying, haha since this is all the studying I'll be doing if
I know myself right !
the look of monday

representing Heiniken Regatta 2011, bought in the Caribbean were it is
performed! and didn't feel like wearing make-up so clean face for today !
How to spend mornings . . .
People choose to spend there mornings in different ways. . .

I'm a mix of some of these, but lets just say the first hour I'm awake I don't talk or like people. All I like is coffee and my music and . . .
Time to go to school !
Men will be men . . . .
A man just saw me undress through my bedroom window. The whole thing is kind of amusing if you think of it now . . . I was just throwing my clothes off all ready to go to bed, all my lights in the room are on. I'm right in front of the mirror with my window behind and when I'm completely undressed I see something in the mirror so I turn around and look out the window and there's a man with a dog on leash staring right at me. I freeze and think is this man really staring at me or something else funny going on with the house? I stretch my arm out still exposing my whole upper body and finally reach the light switch and the room goes black. One second later the man is back to walking the dog like nothing happend, sometimes I wonder what goes on in men's brains, hombre I was staring right at you!

Oh well I got nothing to hide though, so I hope you got a good look! Same time tomorrow? ;)

Anybody who believes that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach flunked geography.
~Robert Byrne

A man's heart may have a secret sanctuary where only one woman may enter, but it is full of little anterooms which are seldom vacant.
~Helen Rowland
Good night and let's hope for better updating tomorrow!
Shame on me, shame on you
Sorry , bla blabla bla blaaaaa. . . .

The last two days have been insane! Exams in school and then going to straight to work after school. There's not much time to spend on my beloved laptop with that schedule. Now I'm home from a good night at work, the two previous night have been at least twice as intense and crazy!
Tomorrow I'm not working at Hard Rock and school is open for us to be able to study for our final exam in math, so Linda and I are going there for a few hours and later on we're going to work. It's just a one time thing I believe, but it should be fun working with Linda and the pay will be good ;) and then we're coming back here home and having a party for two since I the house to myself once again . . .
I should probably go to sleep as I am getting up at 9-ish tomorrow, but I'm hungry :( it suck being on a no-solid-food-after-5P.M.-diet and working late ;)

Damn it, good night !
Just got home from work, took a shower (needed) and now I'm in bed. AND HUNGRY! but I'm too lazy to eat. Work was f*cking insane! Worse than a payday friday/saturday, What was up with that?, and everyone ate ribs?! Come on their heavy, so big that they hang off the plates, and I got BBQ sauce everywhere . . . Haven't been in the best mood today either for some certain reasons.

Okay, enough complaing I think you get it . . . Tomorrow I have a National Exam and I start work at 3 P.M. so I don't know how the updating will look ¨/
Damn it I have to sleep now, night everyone sleep tight everyone !

today's outfit and lunch !
smudge face, i kNOW

Shut-eye time !
Good night everyone hope you sleep better than I do !

Things change . . .
I had a great dat today, until I got home that is, but before that it was great ! Linda and I pick-nicked in the park, my prom date and I decided n colors, just chilled in the amazing sun and got my tickets for Pirates of the Caribbean 4 :) went to the gym did some hardcore, ab work-out and then went home . . .

I don't even want to talk about when I got home . . . it all just upsets me !
Here are some plain pictures from today :

Key less . . .
came home exhausted from the gym only to find out I have no keys. No one with keys is answering and I've been sitting on the porch the last 2 hours reading my dad's yachting magazine that had come in the mail.... Here's a picture of a damned pissed off me and my todays outfit that I love especially the color mix! Sooo summer chic, I liked it better when I was in a better mood though..... the color are brighter in real life as well !

Dream man . . .
I believe I walked passed the man of my dreams today. He was absolutely gorgeous and had a smile that made angels sing, and well honestly my stomach tickle. I know where he works I should probably stop by there soon . . . I can not describe what he looked like but most certainly he had that extra Umhf!!

I got to go sleep now, and hopefully I'll dream about this man. . .

All girls have a little bit of this in them . . .

. . . this at times goes through all girls mind . . .
. . . and when we're like that. . .

. . . this is what we want.
Good night and see you tomorrow!
Monday = Sushi !
I overslept this morning, big surprise ?! I was just a few minutes late though, so no harm done. Linda and I ate lunch in the sun, we're having the best weather today! Absolutely fab, I'm walking around in shorts and a tubetop :)

It's dangerous having the best sushi place in town right by school. We
actually know the lady that works there now :) she's the cutest !

. . . it's great having a park right by school though! That's school straight up :)

faaab !
Oh well time to actually do some swedish in swedish class I gues . . .
Things that go through my mind before I fall asleep . . . .
It has never been this long before, and sure as hell won't be the first one once again !

Prezzies from the states and some me time shopping . . .
Hey everyone sorry for the lame updating, I did update earlier through my phone but dosen't seem like it worked :( So I haven't forgotten about you like some others tend to do... I'm in a weird mood today, that is why it's felt good to be just me.

My dad came home from a conference in Texas yesterday. He'd left a package for me in my room :) a pair of new Converse All Star and a cool T-shirt from a resturant he'd been to. He didn't make it to any Hooters so no new top for me :( but I like the T-shirt.
When I woke up this morning I realized that all my school tuff I needed to study was in my locker at work, since I'd left it there after school and then after work we went out to drink and I completely forgot about it. So I had to go there and on my way home I couldn't resist a bit of shopping! After getting I home went looking for our old sunloungers from miami in our garage. I found them and studied in it for like three hours :) The weather has been great today !
What daddy got me:

Great day for me to wear it , haha, the people at worked loved it.

back-up, the ones I have now are almost worn out !
My own shopping :

Finally a bikini with cup that fits like it should !

an upgrade from flip-flops which I absolutely love wearing !

Cute , right?

You should always be able to study like this !
life is so hard at times . . .

Bedtime. . .
Yes I did After Work it tonight as well, haha :) not as late though ! Now I'm going to watch my man Hugh Grant until I fall asleep , I'm having a " I want Hugh Grant period " I think . . . .

Nighty night, sleep tight !
Cinco de Mayo continues . . . !
I'm heading to work ! I woke up two hours ago , haha

You f*cked up and now you're missing out badly !
Words, Numbers, Money, Numbers, Names, Drink , Drinks, Drinks all around !
I was supposed to get off work at 23.00, I got off at 00.30 and I'm home now and it's passed 5.45. What does that tell you? We just did it how HardRockers do IT !
Fuck it is time to sleep maybe? I've only been awake 23,5 hours?!

you'd be shocked by my capacity of some things sometimes.... well at least I'm in
my own bed tonight !
Cinco de mayo weekend!

I'm up now Shut up

Truth be told
What I don't show and tell here, I do on twitter . . .

None of it was real . . . and now none of it is yours.
blood, sweat, tears & pain
It was the last salsa class for this term today and I ofcourse had to leave a mark. This time a left with a tripple spin and blood stained floors. Yes my big toe has done it again! I'm not sure how it happened though, all I know is my toes felt wet and you could see how I moved across the floor after following blood stains . . .

Right now it's throbbing and there's a piece of skin sticking out that I'm not sure what to do about... I'm wearing flip-flops tomorrow I guess?
Oh well I should really get some sleep I've been up trying to finish my sketches for art, I'm almost all done. . . I'll try to show you photos tomorrow !
Sleep it is, I have a english naional test tomorrow , the writing part. Yippie . . .

Good night !
Looks & Likes
Such an unnecissary day in school, well I'm home and ready for a nap. . . I overslept this morning again that's why I haven't updated until now . . .

Here's a picture of my new jacket and today's look! :)

The jacket, I'm kind of loving it :)

Today's I-overslept-so-I-took-the-first-thing-I-could-find-outfit , haha

Things don't always turn out as we've planned
Forgetting & Forgiving
The today, has been smacked!

School (overslept), lunch, school. Shopping with Linda, coffee and chilling. Come home make a whole news presentation for tomorrow and sketch a bunch for Art & Design.
That was a very quick re-cap of the day ! I bought a thin spring jacket, just what I need chilly mornings going to school and also wearing while having a glas of rosé after the sun has set. Also bought a black simple short booty-skirt great for summer very summer, simple and matches with anythingn colorfull :) I'm wearing the jacket tomorrow so hopefully I'll have time show you !
Now I'm in bed feeling like I can finally sigh of relief, but when I open my eyes it will be sun out again.

Je tiens à vous dire un secret. . .
Now, good night !
easy peazy

In school now. . .

Go to hell . . .

Momento mori . . .

Good night
Today . . .
I have the house to myself, which feels good in a way. After school I went to Lotta and got my nails, love them ! New start means new nails, hahaha ;) When I got home I made me some food, kind of.... Weeeeell I didn't buy it heated at least.

Dinner, the wings and fries were bought frozen, the tzatsiki I made from
scratch :D Not the healthiest meal of all but since I only eat 2-3 times a day
I feel I can sometimes indulge myself with my bad american food habits.

Now I'm going to have a glas of red wine, watch one of the most beautiful artforms in the world, Dance! and allow myself one last night to shed a tear about the past. . .
I'm starting over . . .
It has taken me today to realize that I need a new start. All of you might not understand, but I feel like I need to start a new chapter in my life.

This is what I'm going to do:
- Do school like it should be done, the last month of it
- Find a new man that appreciates me, doesn't use me, a man that doesn't feel he needs to prove himself or finds it "difficult" to date me
- Enjoy summer to the fullest and do exactly as I feel!
I need this for some closure of my "last chapter". . .
This might come a bit suddenly for some of you, but damn it's been messing with my mind waaay too long!
So this is me starting over, I guess.

Looking back at old pictures this is the last time I was genuinely happy . . .
I might be thicker and it aint a great picture, but the feeling inside sure is

Last day of school 2009 got enjoy half the summer before the misouri began...
It was a damn good half I must say!

Don't get me wrong all my loved ones I have still had good times with all
you just dealt with issues on the inside, that I feel it is now time to let go of!
CRAZY weekend. . .
Totally crazy weekend! Unbelievably crazy, I left the house at 4 P.M. saturday and came back about 24 hours later. . . Don't know how much I should tell you but I remembering the morning come before I'd fallen asleep, waking up in a hotell and stamps all over my wrist and veeery dry in the mouth, hahahaha!

Got to got to school now and after I'm finally getting my nails done !