The pile is expanding, and I'm heading towards bed. . . .

Tomorrow is pretty much a regular school day, with salsa in the afternoon!
Good night everyone, I hope you sleep well. I myself feel like I'm going to have horrible nightmares, just a feeling I'm having. . .
Home once again !
I am home once again with just one thing to say ! Heterosexual men should not be allowed to wrap christmas gifts in stores ! Hahaha I'm going to have to do this one all over.
- Is it a Christmas present? Would you like it wrapped?
- Yes and yes, I said
*he turns his back to me and starts wrapping*
- I threw one some red string since you said it was a christmas gift :) . . . .
-Oh, well thanks....... I say gob smacked and terrified of the wrinkled and taped all over package with 2 inches of red strings he hands me. . . .
Toodles !
Like I said I'm heading in to town to get some things done :) !

We'll see when I update next ;)
This is what I look like:

What a cheesy pose, haha!
17 days !
Today is just one of those days where you're in bed awake and all, but you really don't see a reason to why you should get up! I've been awake for more than 30 minutes, and my stomach is growling, but I'm just really enjoying not having to get up.

Sooner or later I will have to get up, I need to fly in to town for a quicke to buy some things I need for the coming days. Who knows I might even do some more christmas shopping! :)

I don't know why I like this picture...
I'll be up in a bit and update more then :)
Oh I know . . .
There's a boy I know, he's the one I dream of
Looks into my eyes, takes me to the clouds above
Oh, I lose control, can't seem to get enough
When I wake from dreamin' . . .

And we're off !
Finally home, well I have been home for a couple of hours but have been busy ;)

Linda and I got so much done in school today, that we don't have to come in tomorrow! :D Felt great, we're so close to being done now :) On our way home I had some things I had return and fix so we did that and then I did some Christmas shopping, woohoo, I've never started this early before, haha.
Since I got home I've wrapped the presents and jumped into my sweats and such.

Only Linda and I know what's inside and who they're for!!

I consider wrapping prezziez are the fun parts of x-mas ! :D
The Glamorous look of. . .
. . . project working !

Good night !
Good night everyone, I just climbed into bed, hoping to get a good nights sleep, God forbid anyone who tries to disturb me!

I have no regular classes tomorrow, only working with our project and then home. I don't know how long it is going to take though...

Greta Garbo had the same natural "bitch-eyebrow"
as me, it's just naturally up! ( and judging ;) haha kidding)
I hope you all sleep as well as I'm hoping to.
Until tomorrow,
Solo 19 dias !
It's only 19 days left until I go to Stockholm, and I can't freakin' wait !! Pre-christmas in Stockholm, not having to stress about anything at all, I'm going to try to do all my christmas shopping before as well and have everything done and just have a great relaxing time.

Stockholm's christmas can impossibly beat Gothenburg's so it feels good to be home for the real christmas :)
Right now it's snowing outside, once again. But tonight I don't mind it, there are lights lit in all the windows which makes me look at the snowflakes in a completely different way, today the count down towards Christmas Eve starts and I can't wait. I'm celebrating christmas with ALL my absolutely nearest and dearest this year (one way or another) and hopefully, by the way it's looking right now we'll have a white Christmas, for the first time in 10 years?

Hopefully you'll catch me under a mistletoe while I'm there ;)
Sleeping Sunday
I woke up way later than I had hoped today, well actually I woke up by 9 to wake up another MF but then I fell asleep again.

I was really supposed to go to church today, like I do every year on the First of Advent. Now I feel bad, but God intended that the Sunday should be the day of rest didn't he? At least I got one part right. Well well, there's nothing I can do now.
I just had breakfast, tea and some sandwiches with melted cheese, hehe. Now I don't know what to do, might go out and buy some sweets later and watch a movie, and just have an extreme chillnation day.
That is how it shall be, if anyone has any other proposals feel free to give me ring*ring !

Christmas in New York truly is unbeatable !
I am
Home once again on this, well now it's sunday, I was about to say freezing but nice saturday.... well well.

While I was in town earlier today I found a bunch of nice things, nothing I can show though.... since you all read my blog. I don't like Christmas shopping this early since you have to hide it for so long, I just love to see peoples faces when they open presents, it's the best part of it all ! Well well, but I also don't like doing last minute shopping so I guess it's all fair.

. . . now put it in a love song
We're going out
La familia + the new guy is going out to eat !

Hope of you all have a great night, anything special planned?

Added some locks, eyeshadow and changed to a blouse
I can't stand these four walls anymore, I'm leaving the house, I've got more important things to do. . .

Ralph Lauren and Acne on the body. . .

and Clinique in the face ofcourse
About that. . .
About my sisters boyfriend who I met for the first time. . . He seems like a nice guy, know what he wants and all that stuff, but then you'd probably be in trouble if you didn't and 30 years old. I don't know him too well though so can't say too much about him...

For all of you, once and for all, who think I'm topless when I show
naked shoulders in pictures. . .
Thank you and good night !
You make me speachless. . .
I don't really have much to say, at all, like pretty much nada. I'm bored I guess that's all I have to say, I want a warm bed, a warm latté and some l*ve . . .

That should probably do it for now,
good night to all you poor suckers reading this now on a friday night!

My feelings exactly . . .

I don't want to be without the love, it's time for me to spread my wings. . .
Good morning !
Here I am and now I'm off to school !

It's -6 degrees and sunshine, haha

It's still in me, the happiness, I hope it never leaves !
What've I Done ?
I bet you've been wondering where I've been all night, hahaha, well I've been cleaning my room. Almost all four corners are done now! Some finishing touches tomorrow and it'll be as tidy as when I cleaned it last, hehe.

Here's some pictures of my masterpiece :

My sitting area, oh how sophisticated looking !

Do you know, how hard it is to capture candle light?

Only my nearest and dearest knew how this counter looked before. . .

You can never go wrong with Clinique ! I have about 10 mascaras as well, haha!
What have you all been up to while I've been playing Cinderella?
My sister boyfriend better be damn nice, that's all I got to say!
Good night all readers,
My tickets are booked !
I'M GOING TO STOCKHOLM , again! :D hahahah

We booked the tickets just now, I flipped a couple of times because the internet sigh kept closing down but now it is all done and I can't effing wait ! :D
It's going to be the best way to start my break from school, pure relaxation, but still a lot of fun!
Here are two funny pictures from the happy times before going out yesterday! :)

it doesn't make sense !
You missed a spot !

I'm still thriving of the joy ! It's not just the shoes, it's everything in between as well,
Thank you with all my heart
What a great night !
You can read what we did in previous posts here are just some pictures, I'm exhausted. I have school, gym and cleaning to do tomorrow, talk to y'all laterz !

Now that is some serious fierceness ! :D

Yaaaaay ! :D


Two extremely stuffed girls ! Hahaha
Good night everyone, I hope you had almost as fun as me tonight! :D
You may call me HAPPY !!!
Lookilook what I got today ! :D

Hehehehehehe , I'm so happy !!!! Now I'm getting ready to get going with my very own Hiva La Diva Linda! :D

If I could smile bigger I would !

Woow my morning updates have really gotten bad, but what can I say sometimes I just rather sleep an extra ten minutes !

When I got up this morning both my parents were gone (!?) turned out they were both at work, at this hour! Over ambitious bastards I envy and dislike you. Well well time to get dressed now, I don't know how the updating is going to look today because of all my plans but I'll try to take as many pictures as possible!

This could be me right now, happy in the morning? why?
Because I know something that you don't :)!
Los planes para mañana
I want it to be the 24th of November 3.30 P.M. now!!! Because then me and Linda are sitting on the way here to my place get fixed and changed! :) Tomorrow is Linda's birthday, she didn't want to do anything big so I've planned the day for her ! Hahaha :) at 6P.M. we're going to the movies to watch Due Date , after that I've booked a table at Hard Rock where we'll be spending the rest of the night. I'll probably spend the night at Linda's place as well, haha god we sound like a couple! I really hope Linda will appreciate it, but when I think of it she probably will, thinking of the company she'll have and things ;)

My favorite pictures of us ! :D
I got to know some lovely plans tonight, it has to do with Christmas. Ask if you want to know :D hihi, I'm extatic !
Je t'aime !
These shoes from Lanvin for H&M are definitely on my christmas wish list !!! The collection was released today I really should go get a lookilook :)

The gym I went to yesterday just called and asked me if I wanted to come in again and try talking with a personal trainer and discuss different training methods that might suit me. I feel it's time for me to start working out again, it's been too long since I really trained my muscles. So I'll be going there after school on thursday! Should be good, but I'm not planning to by a membership until January since I'm going to have a lot of school work before school ends in december and during christmas I'm hopefully not going to be home that much so that feels like the smartest way to do it :)

Who knows in a years time I might have the body of one of these hot mamas from VS!
Wherever, whenever
I've had a pretty rough day since I did not sleep well at all and this weather has just been too intense. We mostly worked with our Cuba project though and that's pretty fun so it wasn't too bad in school. Just one of those days of the month that really suck, most chicks probably know what I'm talking about ;)
Well well I don't want to come forward as a downie so I'm going to try to sleep for a bit, later on I need to study and tidy my room since my sister is coming home on friday with her new mystery boyfriend! Hahaha,
this update has now taken me 15 minutes, I'm too tired for this so I'll update later !

Is this where you right blah, blah, blah . . . ?
Snowing !
It's snowing like crazy outside, I'm pretty much already late and it's going to be even worse with this weather, so adios !

Viva la Diva
I'm pms-ing at everything and no-one can seem to get off my back and leave me alone. I've made some fun plans today, I'll tell you about it tomorrow. . . Gym was fine btw.

Now I'm gonna go gooosfrabba for a bit I thinnk or something

Oh I would love to do this to you right now, and "you" are not who you think you are. . . .
Another one
Another Monday morning has arrived, another getting up too early, gray, boring Monday. . . .

Well well I'm off to the learning place and after that I'm going to try out a gym ! Tell you all about it laterzzz !

There will be none of this today. . . that's for sure!
I'm having an affair. . .

. . . with my economy book, I'm sorry my love but he offered to stay up late with me.
It's just me and him for tonight, good night
I'm studying just so y'all know and don't think I'm dissing you or anything. Things were fine at work yesterday, guess there's not much to say about it. I was given what I felt like a bit bigger responsibility than usual and it felt good since it must mean something positive.

I really should get back to my studying I have Swedish and Science that's supposed to be done by tomorrow !

This is what I look like when I study alone at home on a Sunday
with a cold. . . NOOOOT !
For you. . .

For you my Love, for always being my rock

I like to think this is making me stronger, so it better fucking be. . .
Hey everyone had no time to update yesterday. . .

After school like I said me and Linda bought take-out sushi and went here to my place. We ate, chilled, watched a movie and did our nails. It was really nice and relaxing, maybe a bit too relaxing since when I got to work I had some trouble getting started or well yeh getting my energy up. I worked later than usual and when I got home I pretty much fell I sleep directly.

This is what the table looked like when we were done, hehe!
Now I'm up and just about to get ready for a ten hour shift! Haven't completely woken up yet though. . . Should be good in a bit, I just need to think of all the money I'll get by Christmas! :)
Going to get ready now, hopefully I'll have time to upload today's look in one way or another.

This shit is making me stronger, you'll see. . .
Today !
I'm meeting Linda for breakfast in town in a bit after that we have one class. Later on we're going to have sushi here at home and tonight I'm working. . . . .

Quick update I know but I'm in a hurry since I didn't want to get out of bed.

The outfit !
You suck
Don't worry I'm just in one of my lovely morning moods. . .

Closing time
Well this is me saying good night for today! Don't have much to say more than I have a plan, hehehe, for tomorrow and ahead :)

I'll tell you about my plans for tomorrow tomorrow, since I can't really be bothered right now.

Buena sera,
Answers & better pixels
Answer to Lotta's Question:

I bought the bustier at Bik Bok, the original price was 299;-. but they had a special offer for just today! Short and quick answer, haha. Oh and yeh everything is good with me, thank you for asking :)

A better picture, I think. Hehe
Chillnation !
Oboy oboy oboy, how have my day been so far?

Weeeeell I totally flipped in science and thought the whole day was going to be shit! But no :) we went to lunch and had some tasty curry. On our way home Linda needed to top up her phone and I couldn't help myself from buying a Harpers Bazaar, just that made me happy :) the thing is the closest way for us to get from the Central Station is by walking through a huge shopping center and we passed a store with pretty nice offers. . . . . .
It all ended with us walking around in there for like 30 minutes and I walked out with a bustier and a pair or panties, hehehehehe. Oooooooops! It didn't end there when I got home, I tried it all on with a pair of heels and felt hot as hell, hahahahaha ;). After that I jumped into my sweats, watched the latest Americas Next Top Model episode and ate Ben & Jerry's.
When mom came home from work she'd bought some thai take-out and we talked a bit about another Stockholm trip for moi :)
and I thought this day was going to suck, haha !

Not the greatest picture, I know. But what I like about it is
that it doesn't lift and push a lot, I don't look like
a hoochie-mama, it's really comfy as well :)
We'll see if I can upload with a better picture later :)
Insomniac Beauty
I'm tired as hell today, I couldn't sleep for money last night! well well short day in school today so I guess I'll manage. Here's today's outfit,

Couldn't decide on which picture so took both. . . .
See you when I come home from school!
Makes mama proud !
Hey todas las personas !

I've had a busy day as I can guess you've realized by this time. I'll tell you a bit about it. Went to school, nothing special really happend more than I got to hand in my history essay which felt great!, I must say. After school me and Linda went for a second lunch since the food that we got in the restaurant in school wasn't that great, haha, and I knew we didn't have anything at home. So well when I got home I only had tome to get changed and get my thing and then run to salsa.
When I got home Dad just got home from grocery shopping. He had bought two buckets of Ben&Jerry's! :D I asked what the occasion was and he said he had gotten promoted, woooohooo!! He is now manager of all employees in Sweden, pretty damn cool if you ask me :) ( He works for a Norweigan crew-ship/cargo boat companpy, he's an engineer...) well so we had some Ben&Jerry's and watched a movie. Tomorrow daddio is going to meet all the other bosses and stuff, I'm such a proud mama(daughter).
Now I'm going to get a some sleep since I'm feeling a fever creeping up on me I've already taken all the pills I can but it's always like this when the work load in school eases off. . .
It's not going to get me down :)

Good night everyone,
Hate to admit it . . .
. . . but it is time to do some laundry as this the basically the only tank top I have left.....

and for all you prudes, yes I will be wearing something over it !
I should get going I guess!
Hope you all have a nice day, any fun plans? I'm fully planned :)
Happy, Done & Tired !
I'm finally done for the day! :) Just got out of the shower and have been staring at beautiful images of Marilyn Monroe for the latest 15 minutes!

Going to sleep in a bit, god night everyone :)

I like it !

I wouldn't mind some of that before I fall asleep !
I'm passed 2000 words on my essay now, feels good! I can soon start finishing things off :) I was planning to sit all night with this, pfffft! Not a chance :D only a few more hours, like I said it feel good !

Just thought I'd say :)

The very smug Cupid, who I'm partly writing about, and one of his thousands of lovers. I really like this painting, it kind of has a modern twist it, the one-night stand sneaking out while the other is sleeping, haha ;)!
Sitting at Espresso House watching people ...
Sitting at Espresso House watching people pass by, just finished breakfast. Now I'm feeling like a good student brainstorming for my essay that is supposed to be done tomorrow. Linda will be here soon...
Breakfast at . . . . ?
I'm up and about to go into to town to get some breakfast, we barely have anything at home and I don't feel like being here much longer. After that I'll be going to school for some project work and student teacher conference. I don't know when I'll be home but I'll probably be isolating myself until I get my history essay done !

Didn't know what to wear so this is how it turned out.
It's late . . .
I should get up, but I don't want to !

this could help me get up . . .
When to puzzle pieces fit together . . .

When my pictures are gray and naked, that is when I feel gray and naked.

Good night dear and beloved readers, je t'aime !
My Sunday at the Health Spa
So I've promised to tell you all how my day at the health spa was. . . When my dad asked me what I thought, the first thing I said was interesting. That's exactly what is was! It was a little to "health-orientated" for my taste, when I think of spa's I think of relaxing and when I think of relaxation I think of chocolate and eating yummi sweets while sitting in a robe. I got the robe, but since they're a health spa they didn't have chocolate, coffee or coke (I later found out that you could buy coffee in the reception...)

You were supposed to wash yourself before entering the facilities, but not just however. You were supposed to wash yourself in a special japanese way, sitting in a shower room on a tiny stool, filling water into a bucket which you were later supposed to first poor over left shoulder, then the right and after that over your head. Fill the bucket up again and by using a wash cloth clean the body in circling motions inwards towards the heart, for the best effect they told us. Then my thought was if I clean myself standing up like normal people would I be less clean than the people using the japanese method?
After washing we had access to all facilities, indoor pool, outdoor pool, like 7 different saunas doing different things to the body and gym. Me and my sister worked out and relaxed for a bit. After lunch (sallad with shrimp, and vitamin juice) I fell asleep before my facial, hehe. The treatment was really nice until she started poking my eyeballs and pulling my eyebrows, I don't know what that was supposed to be good for. After the treatment I got some dried ginger and mango to nibble on, by that time it was already 7 P.M. and me and my sister were dieing to come home and eat some real food !
Would I do it again? yes but I would book earlier treatments and from being there before know what I like and don't like (I'd also sneek some chocolate and lattes in with me)
Here are some pictures of the spa:

The indoor pool

A scary ice cold tub

Some weird sauna only open certain hours, since you needed an instructor?

The outside, it really was beautiful, I can't say anything else about that
No longer hungry. . .
I'm suddenly not hungry anymore, I checked the mail and saw that I have got letter from the dentist! It's for my next appointment, I have the ultimate doctor fear, dentists are the worst! I always go to my appointments, but I'm terrified. I can't stand electronic things in my mouth or sharp items... I can't even brush my teeth with an electric toothbrush!!

We'll see when I have the courage to open the envelope

I've dreamed dreams similar to this. . .
Home and Hungry !
I'm home once again, I had some serious problems with the printer here at home so I had to go to moms office and fix things there. Then after that off to school since I'm the kind of person that likes to hand things in on paper and not through email. I also took a small de-tour past work and checked when I'm working and picked up my tips :)

Now I'm finally home and starved! Mom is making spaghetti and meatsauce, I'm not really the pasta kind but right now I'd eat anything, haha! :)
Going to write a bit on my history essay now!

I ran out looking like this. . .

my two favorites !

this was what my moms conference table in her office looked like after
I'd been there for 30 min, hehehe !
On the move !
Got to run into town, I'll tell why when I come back !

Waking Up
I'm just starting to wake up, later when I'm up and done I'm going to tell you about yesterdays visit to the health spa !

Thank you for waking me,
I dreamed about you, in a good way this time, Things are changing . . .
Good day everyone I've been up for a while making the market research for Linda's and my project. Now I'm just about to start and put it into our text! Soon to be done, watch out everyone, haha!

My sister just got here as well, I wont have time to see her anything today though, since I have so much studying to do. . . Well well we'll get to chat tomorrow at the spa :)
This should probably be it for this post, need to get my shit done ;)

This is serious me in school. . .

. . . and not so serioius me ! Hahah you have make school fun !
It's getting worn out. . .
I know I've been a terrible worker bla bla bla. . . I just got home from work I was barely home between school and work either. We had some seriously questionable guests today, but the staff was all in a good mood! Some compliments really made my day and helped me smile towards the customers, thank you!

Yesterday (thursday) Linda and I got a bunch done on our economy project, we're really close now! It's to be handed in on monday. We have about another page to write and fix the layout and such. We also went to a University fair , it was really interesting and intriguing. Found a few interesting ones, one two year MBA (Master of Buisness Adminstration) course in central London and one 4 year course here in Sweden (in english) where you study political economy isssues and how they effect each other and such. I really like both of them. . . . Lucky I have some time to think about it ! One thing I'm almost sure I want to do when I graduate is become a bartender I can probably train at work which is perfect! It's such a good job since you work while studying !

Okay I really need to get some sleep now! Tomorrow I'll be studying like a smart person and working at night, I'll probably update sometime. . . Sunday me an my sister are going Spa-ing, some sister bonding time !
Good night my little angels,
Science/ Sex Ed.?
Women who are passed the age of 60 should not be allowed to use the word horny in their lectures. . . . It just sounds wrong and destroys it. As you probably can guess I'm in science class, yesterday our teacher gave us a lecture about menstruation, the whole 28 days shabang. Why give it to a class which is basically all girls? The girls have had it for at least a couple of years and the guys were just not interested and a bit disgusted....

She just said her husband hasn't lost his sexlust and is still horny!!! . . . . . god I have the chillz.

This is just when my teacher started teaching. . . .
Today's Study Look
Don't have time to show more than today's outfit , so here it is !

The face-look in my wardrobe mirror, that later fell down but didn't brake!
Must be my lucky day :)
This just makes me miss Miami. . .
This one is better but wasn't able to post directly.... :
27/7 ?
It feels like I'm busy 24/7 I need like at least an extra three hours a day. . .

That's how I fell right now. I got home from school, made some food, got changed and went to salsa, dad picked me we went to the super market since he needed razorblades and deodorant. It took him 15 minuttes to choose the "right" one, he's worse than a girl. After the supermarket we went to have something to eat and since I got home I've been fixing some things and such, I need to take a shower as well, god I need to get in bed in decent time as well. Tomorrw I have two lessons after school Linda and I are going to an University fair and then try to finish our business management project. Later on we're going to make dinner and I'm sleeping at her place.
Since tomorrow is going to be a very busy day, I don't know how the updating is going to look, but I'll do my best. I'll be bringing the laptop, damn my body is going to be soar, haha. I'm also working Friday and Saturday night just a little FYI for y'all.

And I have to book a spa treatment for Sunday, I don't even when I'm going to find the time for a simple phone-call....
Just gonna stand there and watch me cry

Overslept, big surprise..... Don't have time. My new earrings !
Bonne Nuit
Time to say good night I guess, I'm going to bed, tired as always. . . prepping for a hell week of school, hopefully next wednesday it'll be over, if we don't get new things to do.
That'll probably be all from me today !

Sucker for Beuaty
Something I've inherited from my grandmother is my love for dance. We're both such suckers for dance. Like for instance no I was just surfing around on youtube and I found this clip from "so you think you can dance" and it made me cry!
Their lines are extraordinarily beautiful and together they out-brave the law of gravity !
El dia
I'm home, don't really have too much to say I'll just let the picture speak pretty much for themselves!!

This is what I woke up to this morning :D

The outfit of the day :)

Linda and I took a "fika" during a long break we have on tuesday's,
I had a Manhattan brownie and a skimmed milk vanilla latte :) Linda
is so tanned since she just came home from Gran Canaria !

Doesn't look that nice, but we could see the snow falling

Lazer pocket lights are so hilarious, don't you think? hahaha. . .
I'm gonna do my nails now! Later I'll show a pair of earrings I bought today !
Adios !
History. . . .
I'm supposed to be working with ancient Greek and Roman myths, but google led me into to Italian fashion instead of ancient Italian folksagas. . . . .
No time !
Sorry guys I've lost my morning routines so I don't really have time to update with anything good right now, promise to be better when I come home from school!
Don't you worry !
I'm back and alive everyone!

Just extremely tired, exhausted and overwhelmed after a couple of days in heaven . . . I'm going to update more tomorrow I promise, today I've been sleeping pretty much since I got home from school. Didn't sleep too much last night and the train left 6.00 A.M. this morning!

Good night everyone,
Aaaand the outfit !
Well I'm off in half an hour, don't what more to write. Don't miss me too much!

Yes you've seen the outfit before, but it's cumfy for riding a train!

My dear and very close friend Chewbacca will be riding along with me. . .
I hit my toe that's why I'm holding the weird pose ! At least I kept my game face on
Yummzai !
I just made something delicious to eat (believe it or not!) I fried mushrooms in a pan with butter and black pepper, later I threw in some green herbs (don't know what there called) and last but not least I threw some cheese on when it was all finished and just let it melt before I threw it on a plate! I wasn't in the mood for making anything big seeing as I'm just going to be riding a train today anyways.

Doesn't it look kind of tasty?
A slight change of plans.... it seems as my mobile internet dongle's contract has expired and doesn't work, so I'm split on the topic if I should bring my laptop or not. . . Now I'm reading a text telling me that I should, so I probably will! I should probably put some clothes on as well. I'll try to update with todays outfit before I leave!
Up with sun !
Hey everyone I'm up and have been for more than a hour, I've slept terribly. I don't think I fell asleep until 3.30 and woke up 7 and couldn't go back to sleep, mostly because I was so hungry ! Well now I'm up and have had a cup of tea and I'm just about to jump into the shower :)

I'll update more later probably !

Doesn't look like she's slept very well for a while either. . .
Oh Lord what a day it's been ! My boss called me at 4 and asked if I could work and start at 6, I of course said sure not thinking that I'm still in my PJ's and haven't packed yet or eaten for that matter. Good thing i work in restaurant , haha ! So I got fixed as fast as I could and ate at work :) Now I'm home, I got to end at ten since it was pretty slow and all the guests were just watching champions league anyways.... I've finished my packing, I think ...... I always forget things and then my bag is overfull when I'm really done and have to get going. . . . . So far I've got one big bag, one hand bag and another bag, I'm hoping I can fit my laptop into the big bag somehow tomorrow ! We'll se how that works.

Now that I'm done with my first packing I'm painting my nails in a pearly-white color and later I'm going to put some rhinestones on that I bought :) don't what more to write now !

this is what I look like when I don't pose . . .
Rush Hour !

They just called from work I have to run? Can you pack while I'm gone?
Mornings or whatever I should call it
I woke up half a hour ago and got up right away since I feel bad when I sleep too long, feels like I've lost the whole day kind of. So now I'm really stressed for some dumb reason. I'm trying to make a list of what I need to get done before I start packing and what I need to pack. It's not going too well though as I haven't eaten for 18 hours..... So I'm thinking I should do that now

This is my type of breakfast, none of that english or american fatty stuff . . .
Somethings telling me to . . .
I'm thinking I should update like I normally do before I fall into the beautiful trans called sleeping, it's fascinating what sleep does to you. How addicted we are to it, it is crazy to see how peoples dreams fall apart when the haven't slept in a long while or how depressed they get. Maybe it's because they don't get enough sleep and forget their dreams. . . I mean you have to dream to be able to have dreams right?

Well anyways I have my dreams, but I'm not telling :) or maybe if you ask. . . depends on what you want to know !
For the last hour or so I've looking around on some high end Haute Couture fashion, all I can say is . . . Je T'amie !!

Some Blake Lively for Versace and. . .

some John Galliano designing for Christian Dior ! Marvelous !
Waking Up & Lanvin Love
I just woke..... from napping though. I have been up today. And done a lot of boring shit like for instance laundry so I can pack for Stockholm tomorrow, made homemade pizza (can you believe it?!, dad was thrilled when he came home) emptied the dish-washer and pretty much filled it again. I was going to take-in a pair of pants since they seem to have grown (?!) but when I was half done the sewing machine decided to start messing with me after that I went into the central station to pick up my train tickets. The weather is insane today, my umbrella broke! When I got home the sewing-machine still didn't like me so I took a long nap

And here I am awake and alive for all you worried readers. . .
Btw I'm loving Lanvin's collection for H&M , here are some sneak peeks :

Some extravagant versions of the little black dress

I want to get my hands on that fur-coat and red shoes !

Pure eye-candy !!
I would update but I need to wake up more first !

Pure Clumsiness
If my name would've been spelled with a "C" it would've stood for clumsiness, without a doubt! I'm getting sick of being clumsy now, especially when I really hit myself and it really hurts not just slip on a newspaper in the street or wet leaves (both has really happened) Earlier today about an hour after my last post I hit my toes extremely bad ! Right before I had in mind to do a pedicure. . .

This is pretty much what I had in mind:

This is what I got, for all you sensitive readers and feet haters look away!!

I am not going to make picture any bigger than that!
I've ended up with four swollen toes, one bloody. My mom thinks the bloody one is broken since it's going blue, but I wouldn't go that far. Now I'm going to listen to some funky music with the same beat as my toes are throbbing to..... Painkillers and UGG's here I come ! :(
Today's Lookilook
Here's todays look, and the nails I just did ! Enjoy ;)

For inside

For shopping, my hair was still wet. . . .

The face-look

How the nails turned out :)
That'll be it !
Yo yo yo
I'm home everyone, didn't have time to update before I left since Nina decided to take an earlier bus. But now I'm home and I took outfit pictures before I left but I just painted my nails so you'll get them in a later post!

I bought three new nail polishes today, I just used one of them it's a fiiiiine latté/cappuccino color. Which is great for when you don't know what color to use since it's so neutral and goes with everything :) I might add some funky trim or something just not to be too boring ;)

I might not go that funky, but it's making me thirsty !
Can I get a WOOT WOOT !?
I just got out of the shower, that doesn't matter.....

Before I got into to the shower I weighed myself. And it turns out that I've reached my first goal to my goal weight without exercising more than usual or dieting! Looks like it's going to be a cheap and short trip into tiny waist and skinny thigh land!

Damn right!
Got to get ready now I'm meeting Nina in a bit to go shopping ! :D
Looking like the weather

Me right now, looking like the outside of my window. . . you wish you had'em
Now I really need to get up for a wee and then some breakfast making, or at least coffee !
Monday, no school , feeeeels good !
I was just woken up by a stressed little sweetheart who thought I had school today, I'd asked him to wake me up around 10 since I thought that was a good time to get up so I didn't sleep away the whole day. But no sir I did not wake up from any of the 8 texts, finally when he called (against the rules) I woke up but it was fine since I'd started waking up a bit by myself. If that call would have been what woke me up, oooh it would have been like waking el diablo !

Well well now I'm up and awake still sitting in bed though, my excuse for only updating once yesterday is pure laziness and when I tried late at night the internet was not working.
The plans for today are ambiguous, but some time before wednesday I need to go into to town to pick up my train tickets, buy a little something something and something else ;) for when I leave to Stockholm on thursday! I'm going to try to bring my own laptop and internet but we'll see how that works out !
One thing I know I'll be doing today is have a long waarm steam shower ! Since they weather is just gray gray gray ! This makes me miss Florida, it's the best season of the year over there right now !:(

I wasn't the happiest chica that day , but still happy to be there

Beautiful coastline

At Hollywood Beach