I just got home !
Hey everyone !
I literally just got home, no I was not out all night I slept at Ninas :) Just like old times ! We slept in, and watch the re-run of Idol and had breakfast with her family + grandparents ! :) now I'm home alone though.... luckily I ate at Nina's, haha. I also got a bunch of stuff back that she's borrowed like the memory-card, a pair short, sweatpants and a few other things :) haha!
These are the only pictures taken of the night , sorry !
I'm off !
I'm off to meet up Nina who just ended work and then we'll see what the night has to offer for us ! :D
Saturday, day before Halloween
I've been up for almost a hour now. Mom woke me up before she and dad left to go out shopping and told me there is a bomb-threat in town (10 minutes from my house) so I'm not allowed to leave the house. . . Great. So for the latest hour I've had some tea and a breakfast bun, watched some sexy men on Deadliest Catch and now I'm watching some gay men on Project Runway.
Yesterday was a fun day, it was the last one before we went on half-term break, NICE ! We had presentations in Art & Design and then we got to start on our new project which was masks made out of plaster, so we got to plaster our friends faces, lord we had a lot of fun !
Here are some pictures from yesterday:
Linda and I started the day with sushi, deliCH !
yummi in my tummy !
Time to plaster Linda's face !
Linda looking like a mummy, seconds before we covered her nose
Linda standing and talking to my face
Raining cats, dogs & dinosaurs !
Todays look looks a little something like this !
The face-look
This is an old picture of todays outfit, back in the day when I still plucked my
eyebrows, and weighed a little more. . . on top I'll have a thick
knitted grey cardigan that you've seen before !
This weather is almost worse than the nightmares I dream about you !
txting should be prohibited
I recently woke up from two different people texting me. The content of texts had no importance what so ever so why they texted me I have no idea, all I know is that it woke me up. So I'm proposing that texting shouled be banned before noon, if you do not have any prior engagements with this person that is about to happen before noon.
Well well I should get up and get ready now, me and Linda are meeting for sushi around eleven, I've never tried sushi as the fist meal of the day. So this shall be a first. In my opinion you can never go wrong with sushi!
The weather today is about as grey as me in the picture. . .
Suck it !
Well well well would you look at this, if it isn't my bikini top on the shoot of America's Next Top Model cycle 15!
yeh you see the one in the red spuare, , mhmm I one just like it!
seeeee , shit my boobs look huge!
wow there has been a lot of Gran Canaries pictures today....
New theory
Exhaustion of the brain is what I'm suffering from right now. My brain feels like goo, I had trouble drawing a cube when I got home, which I need to do for an art project. . .
I also have a new theory; when you exercise a lot you burn calories, doesn't that mean that if you study a lot you burn braincells?
Excuse my thoughts, but it sure feels like I've burnt about 30 IQ points today. . .
Like I said in the previous post, me and Linda spent 5 hours at a cafe today. Studying nothing else..... In economy class we have project where we are supposed to make all the preparations you need to do to start up business (you will not believe how many times I've written that word today). We counted what we need as a start-capital, how big of a profit we need to make to pay our staff, cover production costs and for business-owners ourselves to make some money.
I seriously don't know what I'm writing anymore, this shall be all from me !
I'm so insanely jealous of Linda who is going back to this paradise the day after tomorrow!
hehe poor guy, he's going bald. . . .
Finally on my way home! Linda and I have b...
Finally on my way home! Linda and I have been sitting at a café making a business plan for the latest 5 hours! I like economy as a subject but damn it's a lot of work, haha. At least I'm satisifed with the progress we've made, nearly half done ! :D <3
In science
Damn I don't like this subject ! Today my teacher is wearing something that looks like ancient egyptian-art on her leggings, a moss green long sleeved turtle-neck with a brown tunic on top, that's in layers and some of it hangs almost all the way down to their feet. You just got to love the livings dead's fashion-sense.
She can't stop talking about sex cells, testis, penises or vagina's either. . . we've been doing the same thing for what feels like 4 classes or something. I still don't get it, kind of cause I'm not really listening. Now she said clitoris! That's a first . . .
Another thursday !
Today I was woken up by some great news! Linda has found my bikini bottoms!!! They have been lost ever since the last day in Gran Canaria ! Thank heavens, they were my favorite ones, they gave the absolute best tan ever !!!
Back in business by 2011 !
I'm not sure of any details, but Linda probably found them since she is leaving for Gran Canaria once again on saturday! bur this time without me :(
I'm bringing the laptop to school today, so I might update laterzzz !
Todays outfit :
not the greatest picture ever taken of me but it shows the outfit !
I don't know what to write
For the first time in a very long time I have absolutely no idea what to write. . . I'm in bed, did some studying when I got home from school and had I shower. Later I ended up here !
Now it's sleep time, big time !
I dreamed about you last night. It was a good one. . .
I hope to do it tonight as well
(everyone won't understand the picture)
Salsa tiempo
I'm off to salsa in a bit, I'm getting a ride ! Lucky, since it's pouring down outside and there's some crazy wind as well! My umbrella hit me on my nose on my way home from school, not cool !
Well well I've popped a few painkillers since I got home and I'm feeling good (for my foot and "woman pains", and ready to get dancing like everyones been telling me to do all day!
I'm home! Don't really have a lot to say more than to show that I updated todays facelook before I went to school by slapping on some red lipstick :) I looove red lips, it doesn't suit everyone or everything, but with todays look I think it worked well :)
what do you think?
When I left for school, after spraying the mirror with hairspray , hehehe
ooooops !
Now I'm home and the lips are still red and going strong.
Better times. . .
I'm feeling much better today! Woke up on time and everything, haha. It's just this spanish test today and an other assignment in art I need to get done and then I'm off for a week! It's exactly what I need, some time off. Well well don't have time to stay and chat all day . . . .
Going pirate on all y'all asses !
Killed a fur snake and wrapped it around !
Dear readers it seems like I can't fall as...
Dear readers it seems like I can't fall asleep so for all you lucky ones that have my number text me a bedtime story, will you? Pleeease! <3
Naked Truth
Good night everyone, I hope to be better tomorrow!
The truth is, he was saying it to me all along.
Keeps on going . . .
they just called form work, I missed it with four minutes though and the filled my spot for saturday within those minutes !
Promises are to be kept.
I promised my number one reader today a long post so we'll see how long this one turns out out. . .
Today started with me not waking up in time as you probably already know. Then I went to the loo and realized I had visitor, "GREAT" was my thought. I went back to bed and tried to go back to sleep for more than an hour, since my next class wasn't until 11.35 and it was something like 8 A.M. at the time I think. But I couldn't fall asleep again which just made me even more pissed. I went on the laptop for a while, then got up and dressed and left the house. On my way to school I bought a chocolate muffin and coffee since I couldn't be assed to make any breakfast at home. Linda and Joel were sitting in the library, both of them are such sweethearts when you're having a bad day (thank you). The three of us sat there and studied some spanish, later on we had English.
We're working with World Culture Day in English class which is our big project of the year. Linda and I are working with Cuba, Johnny as well, when he gets better :(. We looked at some facts and I taught Linda some cuban salsa :). Our last class is everyones favorite class, LUNCH! At our school we eat lunch at a restaurant, that has a school menu for all the students. I'm not sure who it was but the person in front of me unknowingly (of course) took the last of the good food, some thai chicken thing, all that was left for me was the vegetarian stuff, for those of you who don't know me well enough: I can't eat vegetarian food. I need my meat! When I'm sitting and eating my veggies in sauce, the guys in my class always find it fun to bug me even more when I'm already agitated so they started making up some competition that involved me in some way, it wasn't very tested.....
Oh and believe me it didn't stop there! Walking out of the restaurant I missed a step in the stairs and my foot landed wrong so I halted my way home . . . It's a little better now not swollen or anything but still a little sore. Exactly at this moment I'm laying in the couch in great period cramps, it fucking feels like my vagina is going to fall out. For all you prude people, lay off! that's what it feels like.
I think that's it for now, I'm going take some strong painkillers take a nap and then study some spanish.
There you go John, hope you're happy!
Pictures of happy times to cheer me up:
New Years !
Laugh attack with Linda
Celebrating Linda's new watch , hahahhahaha good times, they whipped out the "champagne" and everything!
Eating some of the best lamb EVER! in London last year. . . not a very flattering picture of me I know but it was soooo good !
Back by the pool in Florida, sooo many hours spent there, blood, sweat, laughs,
barfs and tears of joy and sadness!
Not to be messed with
F*ck the planned outfit for today !
Don't mess with me on a day like this. . .
Watch it B*tch.
I want to do bad things . . .
Yes of course I ever overslept, for the one class this year that our teacher told us we're not allowed to be late to! Of course I did!, and it's not just that and the fact that I had set two alarms, and asked my dad to wake me up if I wasn't up by the time he was. Did he ? NOOO! He effing woke me up when he was about to leave home a hour and a half too late. It's another thing as well ! I'm beyond mad right now. . . . But going to keep it off you... and going to go back to sleep now.
The look of tomorrow
My head is better, so is the internet. Tomorrow I have an extremely early morning so I've fixed tomorrows outfit already and here it is:
I'm going to wear it with a bit more curves though ;)
I am definitely going to wear the booties, and if it's too cold I'll change the
blazer and fur color for this beauty ;)
Well well now I'm in bed and going to get some proper sleep (hopefully!)
Good night everyone!
Headache, internet problems, and a shitload of studying !
Buenos Dias y Adios !
Shortey !
I'm going to keep it pretty short, since my last update I've tidied my room and realized for real that I need a new closet, a bigger one! I can't separate the hangers from each other! Well at least my room is pretty neat now, I also sorted some school and bank papers :)
After that I had dinner with mom and dad like usual on Sundays, I had a shower and then we watched a movie. It's turning into a real sunday routine, I like it :) It's always nice with some family time once in a while.
During the movie my mom helped me put curlers in my hair, since I was too lazy to do it on my own. So now I'm in a bed hoping for a good nights sleep :)
Someday I'm going to rock curlers just like X-tina
and look as gorgeous as A.J
Sweet dreams everyone!
On of those days . . .
Today's one of those days when you just sit with the laptop do a little bit of studying and that's it. That's all you do for a whole day, it's kind of sad no that I think about it so I might start tidying my room or something.
Anyways so far today like I said I've just been sitting by the laptop but I've also done quite a bit of studying for my spanish test I have on wednesday. So I'm almost thinking in spanish now...
I can't stop longing for the my vacaciones ! Partly because I won't have to think about la escuela y todas las pruebas, but I also that I get to go away for a bit, pero solo con el tren, but still it's away.
Oh yeh and if you readers have something you want me share about myself or opinions on something, please do TELL ! :)
That would be me for now ,
I don't want to . . .
I don't want to get up, I'm too tired!
Listen & Learn
I'm tired, pissed, exhausted, tired... I was only supposed to work until 9 P.M. and I just got home a few minutes ago. . .
not a word
Good night I'll update more tomorrow!
Sorry guys I forgot the time and didn't ha...
Sorry guys I forgot the time and didn't have time to update. But I'm wearing my low cut Acne jeans, baby blue Ralph Lauren sweater, my Hunter wellies and Barbour jacket. That's all for now, we'll see when I have time to update next :) <3
Still is . . .
Raindrops are still falling outside, they have been all night for all I know. I'm up and alive, have a bit of a headache though, but that's probably just because I haven't eaten anything yet and because I've painted my nails and the smell of nail polish usually gives me a headache. I gave my nails an autumny purple color, why? because it was the first bottle I found.
I have also managed to book train tickets to Stockholm :), I'll be there from the 4-8th of November ! Looking forward to it alot, since I've never really seen Stockholm. I've been to the airport there loads of times, I've also been there on a swiming meet, but then all I saw was the hotel and the pool. The time after that I was there over a night to see Chris Brown live. :)
Me and Nina in our OWN hotel room after Chris Brown, we were so psyched!
Last time I was in Sthlm, coming home from Gran Canaries, hadn't slept
for about 30 hours, probably.....
This time I actually hope to see some of my capital (hrmmmm) city and maybe do some shopping :)
Well I'm going to get some food into my tummy and then update beofre I leave for work!
I'm in bed, listening to the raindrops fal...

I'm in bed, listening to the raindrops fall on my skylight. I've had a very calm night, a nice night. Tomorrow I'm working from two, before that I'll hopefully fix my nails and book a ticket to stockholm :). I'm going to continue on listening to the rain drops fall en read Bonjour Tristesse now. Good night everyone <3
This is what you get . . .
I'm going to update now before I get dressed. I've slept terribly! It's been storming and haling all night, I have a ski-light where I sleep and seriously thought the hale was going to brake the glass. I maybe fell asleep around seven when it was all starting to calm down. Which means I've gotten about 3 hours sleep !
Math test next! wich me luck, I think I'm going to need it.....
In my robe, now i'm getting dressed!
2010 year of break-ups?
I'm in bed waiting for a movie to be finished, so in the meantime I've been reading some blogs here and there and just seeing how people are splitting up everywhere. It's un-real, two of Sweden's biggest bloggers even split with their boy-friends on the same day! My condolences goes out to Isabella who had to celebrate her birthday without her now ex-boyfriend. Christina Aguilera has declared the divorce with her soon to be ex-husband. Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are splitting as well (?), Courtney Cox and David Arquette after 11 years of marriage and Heidi Montage and Spencer Pratt. Their marriage on the other hand I've just been waiting to see it fall apart, it was just a matter of time.
What kind of a cursed year is this?!
Not that divorce is anything to celebrate with cake, but it's a funny cake!
I'm also about to watch a movie where they get divorced, omg.
Omg I just said omg..... Damn this is me punching out for tonight!
Buenas noches !
Winter Wonderland?
Hey everyone I fell asleep when I got home from school, haha :) but now I'm up and have done some studying for the math-test tomorrow and had dinner. Dad left in a taxi a while ago, I'm not sure where he's going but apparently he'll be drinking, hmmm. I gave myself the luxury of a oven-pizza since I wasn't in the mood for any of the take-out places we have around here.
I did go out to buy some pick&mix candy though, I can't remember the last time I did that, haha and some diet coke of course. So now I'm set for a night home alone (Mom is away on some business conference somewhere in Sweden)
Oh yeah like I said in my previous post it snowed here in Gothenburg today. Not for long, but still, nothing stayed on the ground in the city, but when I got home this is what met my eyes:
I love snow!
Okay yes it might be a little early for snow since all the leaves haven't even fallen yet, but november is a good month for the first snow, I'm such a baby when it comes to snow, winter and christmas! I want a proper white christmas this year :)
I should get back to my studying now,
It's effing snowing outside !
It's effing snowing outside !
Furring up !
I'm in a but of a hurry since I've been down in the basement searching for my fur-jacket that I finally found ! :) Yes I know october is a bit early for fur, but it's -4 degrees outside so I thought it's was ok anyays !
This is what I look like today ! :
It's a black silk half see-through top, the flash got the best of it ;)
They make the best jeans in the world !
I've missed my baby-jacket !
Going to bed
Hey everyone sorry for the lame update..... but I have a headache and nothing much has happened today really....
Now I'm going to bed to watch some Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock in Two Weeks Notice. Both of them are on my top lists of actors/actresses :)
One of the funniest scenes ever !
Opposite SEX day
Here's today's outfit I have to run to salsa now !
You will be punished !
I'm late as fuck so don't really have time..... but here's the inspiration for todays outfit !
Curious ? hahaha
Pregers. . . .
I think I might be pregnant. . . . (I can't be) but I have had bad mood swings all day, like extreme that's why there hasn't been any updating until now. My pregnant history teacher was the first one to say it and that's when I started to think of the side effects... like swollen boobs, hands and feet (I swell very easily), morning sickness (I have to watch what I eat in the mornings otherwise it comes up again), mood swings, hot flashes.......... They all fit in on me, kind of scary but yeah I can't be pregnant !
Pregnant women have such a glow coming from within, *jealous*
Well I'm in bed now after writing a two pages of spanish, I have to hand in an essay tomorrow.... Ay ay ay mi cabeza está llena de la gramática española!!
Buenas noches mis queridos !
4 eyes !
I'm off to school !
Why can't you behave while you're out of my sight?
Let's call it for the night
I'm going to bed or something. I don't know what I'm going to do yet, since I'm not that tired and I have too much on my mind. . . Well well this will probably be the last update of the night so sleep well everyone !
Nighty night !
Laziness makes half a dinner
Damn I'm lazy when it comes to making food . . . It's partly because I'm not good at it, which just makes it no fun at all. Where I'm wanting to come with this is that I just ate tuna, mini creme-fraiche and onion for dinner, that's all! It's supposed to go with pasta (that has cooled off) but I was just not in the mood for making it (and I'm no pasta chef) so I didn't and just ate the tuna..... Not a big hit I must say, but with pasta it's actually pretty good!
Now I'm in the couch wanting a cup of coffee. . . anyone in the mood to make me some? Pretty please...!
This is the back of me at prom... good times !
Dullness, I guess. . .
I just saw the coolest thing in a photo, that I haven't seen before
Photo #1:
Linda messing around with my bikini top by the pool in GC....
Zoom it in quite a bit, who's there?:
Mee , trying to be all slick while laying with no top on, haha !
That was all I guess, haha. I'm bored should really be studying...... or sleeping.... hmm... very tempting !
Aint no sunshine when he's gone. . .
Damn the weather is shitty, it's not just raining but it's windy as hell as well. I bought a "fika" on way home that I'll be enjoying to Americas Next Top Model cycle 15 in a minute just thought I'd update very quickly :)
I don't have too much to say though, more than I'm still in a good mood !
I miss the time when you could walk around in the rain with tanned bare legs!
Nothing special
Hey everyone I'm sitting here eating breakfast, today's outfit isn't going to be any special so I'm not going to update how I look before I leave at least... Damn I do not like these early monday mornings!
I better get finished my buss leaves in 30 minutes and I'm not dressed or anything yet !
Movie time !
Just about to watch a movie with la familia, just thought I'd throw a very quick update up here first, tomorrow theme week starts in our school, and tomorrow the theme is crazy hair day, last year I looked like this.... :
Me and Linda wandering the halls with some crazy hair, yes I love to dress up!
This year I don't have time to fix it that much so I'll be looking like this, or something close to it! I just made this and painted my nails !
It's a bit busted looking but I'll fix that tomorrow !
Got to go, see y'all laterzz,
What a weekend, pure happiness !
I've been terrible this weekend I KNOW ! But. . .
I got a text on saturday morning saying that my little sweetheart Jorgito was in town. He wanted to surprise me... What a surprise it was, haha, I got so pissed that he woke me up that I was pissed for most of the day. Later that night I worked, pretty hectic but it was all good :) Today Jorge came over and we just chilled for most of the day, now that he's gone I'm stuck with a bunch of schoolwork. . .
I've had a great weekend though and couldn't be much happier, no wait scratch... I'd be much happier if I had some food in my stomach..... but still I'm very happy :)
Dinner is ready got to run !
I didn't manage to click the update button before dinner, so now I'm back again and have had dinner. A really nice dinner ! :) For appetizers we had avocado with shrimp and creme fraiche, as a main course roasted beef, baked potato and funnel chanterelle sauce , YUM !
Now I'm off to do some more studying and than after that dessert, movie and family time !
Happy me !
Makeing me laugh
I wouldn't mind flying low budget if I had flight attendees like these:
Tonight's favorite in Idol:
Andreas Weise
The funniest and best singer in the competition in my opinion!
Really true to himself and does his thing and nobody else.
Siesta time !
Hola everyone, I'm home from school pretty exhausted but still had a pretty fun day (the pain-meds have done their job in other words ;) )
Just thought I'd update todays look and such, tonight I'm staying home with mom to have dinner and watch Idol, dad's going out to party or whatever they do when they're almost 50... Should be a nice night :)
I looove these heels ! You can't see but they zip in the back which is such a
nice detail :)
Me goofin off and haute cotoure posing in art, Linda thought it was funny,
haha ;)
Time for a well deserved siesta for a little sick girl!
You make my eyes sting
Good morning everyone! I'm up and alive once again ;) feeling better as well. My head feels like it's full of slime and all that but I'm much perkier than I was yesterday. I've got a small irritation in one of my eyes which easily get when I'm sick, so I'm not wearing any eye make-up today. Luckily it's sunny out so I can wear my sunnies, haha.
This is me right now, and now I'm off !
Time to say good night
I'm going to bed now , going to try to get a full long nights sleep. My mom came home from a business trip about a hour ago and she brought me a muffin, it was delicious! but now i kind of feel like throwing it up again :( which bugs me a lot.
Well well school tomorrow, no matter what !
This is how glamorous I looked when I slept at Linda's place this summer !
Good night my little angels,
Up and I alive !
Well I'm at least up now lying in the couch instead. Feeling a bit better the head is a bit lighter but still stuffy and tired. I should get something to eat but I don't get hungry when I'm sick, and all we have "finished" is chinese left-overs and as I've said before my stomach can't take fatty foods as first meal of the day. It just doesn't stay down and it makes me sick just thinking about it. My type of breakfast is wholegrain toast or some yogurt. The beauty of being sick is you loose a dress size, haha (joke but true)
Right now I actually believe I've made myself sick, from studying too long hours, not eating right and not sleeping enough. So I'm hoping I can make myself not sick even faster, haha. I have to be in school tomorrow so I'm going to be poppin' pills worse than Janice Joplin and Lindsay Lohan together today. Mine will be legal ones though and most of them are naturopathic drugs ;).
You're too cute, exactly like a windup doll, I miss summer already
That's it for now I think,
Fever fierceness
Good morning everyone, my head feels like concrete, my nose is stuffed with slime, my lips are a bit swollen (don't know why) it feels like my whole body is sedated since I have no energy to move. . . Breakfast has been on my mind for quite some time now, but I really do not have the energy to get my naked ass out bed and two floors down to the kitchen to do something about my growling tummy.
Well I'm going to pop under the sheets some more and watch a movie I guess....
This is as fierce as I get feeling sick as a dog. . .
Creepy . . .
The fever I have felt creeping up on me all week has now hit ! Just like I thought when all my troubles are gone (almost) this is what I get. Well now I'm in bed hoping a cup of lemsip is going to save my life. I'm taking a sick-day off from school tomorrow. Partly cause I need it BADLY and partly because I only have two classes. I'm working saturday so I can't be sick then!
Now I'm going to watch the first few minutes of a movie and fall asleep..... (the lemsip does that to me, hehe)
Bonne nuit
Pretty cool in my opinion !
The person I ran into while going to salsa was one Sweden's biggest blogger (used to be the biggest) Isabella Löwengrip a.k.a Blondinbella! I think it's very cool, some of you might not, but then you probably don't know what she has achieved in her not even 20 years alive. I'm amazed, she is a real SuperWoman ! I'm lucky if I've achieved half of the things she's done so far, in a life time, haha.
I was a bit early on my way to salsa and I decided to walk around in the nice neighborhood that the dance-studio is in and outside one of the nice stores were huge posters hung up of Miss Blondinbella. I decided to walk in and there she was in living person! She was there to promote her new clothing-line Classified. She'd designed a lot beautiful clothes but I didn't have time to look too close. Since I had to go to salsa.
She's seriously probably the nicest person I've met in my life! Even though we only like talked for a minute.
She took time to speak with everyone that wanted to talk to her
Finally home from salsa the fever is taking over my body... Salsa went good but I think it would have gone better if I felt better. Now I need a shower, blankets and some Lemsip!
You have no idea who I just met !
You have no idea who I just met !
That day of the year
I was not feeling well at all this morning feverish, sick, felt like throwing up and so on... That's why I didn't update. I just wanted to get my myself together so I could look my best on the school-photos that were taken today... Hopefully I did, guess we'll have to wait and see.
Now I'm home eating some take-out and later I'll be off to salsa. I've taken some painkillers and stuff so I barely feel sick at all for the moment.
This is what I looked like today, with a gray cardigan and my Barbour jacket
on top. It was 0 degrees when I left home!
The day
My day has consisted of study, study, study !
I recently ate dinner and took a shower now I'm having some tea and then after that I'm going to bed to study some more !
(scary picture I know, spotlights from above, eeeeek)
Do you like me new foundation? (joke) it's a self-warming vanilla fudge face mask. It smelled like heaven, haha ! I tried to treat myself after too many nights of not enough sleep and too much studying. But I can't chill not until I've finished all my tests which is next week? It better be or I'm going to run into a wall I think. I also had some über-conditioner in my hair for 15 minutes so no it's silky smooth. Sorry but I've got to iron my clothes for tomorrow now!
something prettier to look at than me, Kate Winslet....
Layer up
Hey guys I just had one class today and decided not to update before I left since I started at 8.20. So here's todays slouchy outfit. I really didn't feel like going to school at all so didn't wear any make-up and just threw a bunch of layers on since its freezing outside, at least in the shadow....
Well now I'm home after a quick shopping (nothing fun) and going to take a nap since I slept horribly last night, and then study for the history test that's tomorrow I'm feeling unusually unprepared... not good! We're taking school-photo's tomorrow I think I've chosen my out-fit but I'm one of those that always change my mind in the last second. . .
How beautiful is the city I live in?
This is me...
. . . right now
Buenas noches queridos !
I'm loosing my patience . . .
. . .still I smile and kid like never before.
What I'm doing right now...
I'm still a bit fevery and cold so since I got home our new fireplace has been lit and I've been studying history and things in front :)
The place is on fire ;), nah but I'm liking the results of the renovations in
our basement :)
This history book is just too big and heavy !
That's all for now !
English was cancelled , I'm in a bit of loss of words right now. Not because english was cancelled....
But here's todays outfit and the economy test went fine :)
A bit too happy maybe, but I like my new shoes.
One thing I don't like is stretch jeans. The first minute they fit the next I could fit a four-month baby in my belly and an extra 10 kilos on my thighs......
Foggy times. . . .
Hey everyone , good morning I guess. I've taken outfit pictures but I don't have time to upload them so I'll do that later when I come home from el colegio!
Economy test first class. We'll see how it goes... Wish me luck !
I see a light.....
even during the night....
Bonne nuit mes anges
My Sunday
This is pretty much what my Sunday has looked like:
I read better when it's different colors and the heart shaped post-its were
the biggest ones I could find that's why I used them.
In bed all day, didn't get up until my parents came home a couple of hours ago the we had dinner and I had a shower after that. Now we're about to watch Indiana Jones !
The picture says it all....
this is exactly what i want right now....
Who did you speak with last on the phone? Mami
Who was your latest text message from? Jorgito
Latest song you listened to? Coco
Last thing you ate? Daim
Latest thing you drank? Tea
Latest movie you saw? Coco avant de Chanel
1 out of 2:
Long or short relationships? Long, what would be the point otherwise
Kiss or make-out? Depends on lacation
One nighter or relationship? Relationship, but depends on what guy it is we're talking about
Party or night home with the family? Depends on what parts of the family
Friends or boyfriend? Wouldn't a boyfriend be a friends? so technically both?
Computer of TV? Computer i guess
Finish the sentences:
Latest kiss... was unforgettable.
First time I was drunk... 14 I think, those naiv times.
I want... sushi, pain-meds, bubble-bath, champagne, you here....
Two days ago... I bought my booties !
Tonight I'm going to... treat myself somehow.
Tomorrow... I have a test in economics and I'm going to try to look into gym memberships.
Yes I like this picture, have you given up?
Morning routines
Hey everyone, guess what ?! I'm still in bed, haha surprise ! I'm eating breakfast though, in bed. I've come to realize that you can do so many things in bed that some people never even thought of. Like eating, sleeping, studying, fixing nails and so much more ! My economics books are right beside me so I'm going to pick them up as soon as I finish eating and study for the big test manaña !
Euck !
Damn TV-dinners are disgusting ! Especially when eaten as breakfast. We didn't have any breakfast food at home and I was too lazy to walk across the street to the bakery, so I threw a "TV-dinner" in the microwave in hope of filling my hungry tummy. But damn was that a mistake I've eaten almost half now and feel sick to my stomach.
I think I can feel a fever creeping up on me.
I'm cold......
I'm looking at some Chanel from Paris Fashion week to cheer me up....
Rise and shine
... even though I'mm still in bed. I on't want to get out because that means I have to study and make myself something to eat and all that kind of boring things. So I'd rather stay here with my laptop where I don't have to do much. Which concludes that I'm probably going to stay here for a while....
stop sleeping and go make me some breakfast mr. !
Heey, I'm from work !
It was a pretty good day :) had some weird guests but they didn't bother me. Feels like my ass is still vibrating though, we have these things called buzzers that we put in our back pockets and they buzz (vibrate) when there's food in the kitchen. And some of the kitchen staff think it's fun to bully me since I'm the youngest or something (I really don't know why) so as soon as I leave the kitchen they buzz me again and again and again. Feels like my right ass-cheek is sleeping or something.
I bought a pair of booties on my way to work, fell in love directly, haha. The impact shoes have on women is crazy!
Eye-candy !
My very glamorous after-work outfit ! Daddy's bathrobe,
my parents aren't home so I'm going to wear it all weekend!
Sleep well mes angles!
Nothing special
There's nothing special about today's outfit but I just thought I'd upload it since been a while. I'm not as tired today, thank god. I have two classes today, I end at four though. Then later tonight I'm working.
I had a shower earlier.... Acne jeans and Ralph Lauren top. I'll probably match
it with ugg's and leather jacket.
Surprise me.
Tiredness has taken over my body,
update tomorrow.
What's your excuse going to be this time?
The rain is clearing away
Morning everyone ! I don't have too much to say or time to take an outfit picture, but I'll try to take one in school. I'll throw one from Edinburgh up instead :)
After school me and Linda are going to the city library to study, after that I'm really supposed to go out on dinner with some family friends but I don't know if I'll have time or the energy for that. You'll find out later I suppose ;)
Jumping in the sack
Hey everyone I just had a shower and I'm about to head for bed. Salsa was great today, had a lot fun. There's the funniest guy, I laugh just by looking at him. Hahahaha, see now I'm laughing just thinking about him. Another thing that's funny is peoples short-term memory, they can do one step three times in a row and then 10 seconds later it's completely gone !
Hahaha well well it sounds like I had a pretty good day after all, which I think I have even though there has been some mood swings from not sleeping well a couple of nights in a row. Anyways I'm going to try to sleep now !
Here's a drive-by-style photo John took of me today. Don't you just love
my Barbour jacket ant new hand-bag together? I sure do !
I'm thinking about hiring him as my personal blog photographer, since I suck at taking photos myself...
What do you think? especially you John! hahaha
Sushi time !
Hey just got home from school and I'm about to have some of the best sushi! It's from the best sushi place in town (in my opinion) they also have the best miso-soup !
Posing with food just doesn't feel right !
Well I'm off to my eating and the to salsa !
Cheerio !
Busy, busy, busy
Sorry for not update too well yesterday. Sadly though my schoolwork has to come before blogging and I was still studying at 11 P.M. it's just that time of the year I guess. My outfit isn't too special today so you're not getting a full picture.
I slept extremely bad last night.....
Today's going to be a busy day as well since I have salsa after school.
Have a great day everyone!
Doing it like Carrie Bradshaw
Hey gays and girls, I'm home but studying :(....
We've got an assignment in Swedish class where we're supposed to write a column/coverage about what ever we like but there has to be an interview in it. I won't bore you with details about just wanted to say that I feel like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City when she's writing her column. I've got the frizzy hair and I'm doing the talking to myself, all that's missing is the black coffee and Marlboro Lights ! hahaha
Good morning...
. . . or f*ck no it's not a good morning! We don't have any good breakfast at home so I've just had a cup of tea so far..... I need my breakfast, barely ate dinner last night either so my stomach is growling! Will have to swing by SelenEleven before school I guess. They do have good sandwiches....
15 minutes later
Dressed in my Filipa K's and random top
Damn right !
Got to run !
In bed time to sleep , think I'm going to watch Fame first though :)
Newly showered, in bed, hair moussed and up in bun for some (hopefully)
waves and volume tomorrow ! :)
Outfit: Duvet by Lexington
Celeb look alike?
I'm sure everyone has at some point in their life been told they look like celebrities.
Here are a few that people have told me I look like, I can't say I agree with them:
¤ Dakota Fanning (just yesterday)
¤ Blake Lively
She does look good . . .
¤ Marylin Monroe (don't agree)
¤ Angelina Jolie (haha I wish! but there is no way)
I wouldn't mind looking like that though....
¤ Cameron Diaz
¤ Swedish Princess Madeleine
She is gorgeous and royalty . . .
. . .that's just a few, can't remember any others right now though.
Do you agree or think like I look like anyone else? It's always fun to know :)
Have you ever been told you look like a celebrity?
The sky is the limit
Hey everyone, I'm home from school and have quite some studying to do, but I just thought I'd throw up two photos before I get to my studying.
The first one is of the beautiful sky I saw when I walked to the bus-stop this morning. I could say a lot of poetic things about it but I don't have time right now......
How enormously gorgeous isn't that?
A better picture of my outfit for today and my new baby ! :)
Back to reality !
I'm off to school with my newest baby ! What do you think? :D
(by baby I mean hand-bag, for all the stupid ones !)
Good night !
I'm in bed and going to watch a movie and try to catch up on a few hours of sleep !
Nighty night !
Makes you do crazy things
After spending too many hours at the airport I ended up scraping my fake-nails off. So now I'm all natural again but they're surprisingly long :) we'll see how long it lasts though, hehe. Anyways I'm just about to jump in the shower and then I'm off into bed!
What I wanted to get to is that I painted my nails red :)!
Shit I don't know where my head is. . .
Well see if I update before I crash !
Bitches, I'm back
I'm home in my coach with my laptop.... I'm tired as hell since I spent waaaaay too many hours at the airport and have maybe got 3 hours of sleep? Damn right, shit. I'll update more later on hopefully .
old boring picture but I miss my tan !
Love to all those that love me back....
It doesn't get much better than this in th...

It doesn't get much better than this in the mornings.... Mmmm I've missed charamel machiattos ! And to everyone at home it doesn't seem like my txting works....