Suck it !
Wow what to write in this post. . .
I got some pictures of Jorges tatoo today, shame he couldn't finish but just imagine it really colorfull!

I think it looks really good especially when imagining all the colors in it, I also love the placing of it, for those that can't see it it's on his upper thigh.
This is pretty much what it's going to look like eventually

Other things in my head right now:
I'm thinking of doing something with my hair I don't know what though. . . any suggestions? (no I'm not shaving it all off Emma and Linda)
Oooooh I want to go the Edinburgh noooow !

Old picture from Edinburgh, Alasdair and me, good times! and some serious roof hang!
What am I doing after high school? Am I go straight the university or am I going to do something else in between? In a way I just want to get it all done as fast as possible and get an other job, it's not like I'm planning to work in a restaurant all my life.
Woow there are three holes in these socks I'm wearing . . .
How old will I be when I die?
Why are bald men almost always bald on the top of their head?
Is facebook going to take over the world like people are saying?
What am I going to be for Halloween this year?

Me and my girls a couple of years ago, i was a pirate and last year I was
a ladybug at work :)
Time to sleep , peace out,
Aloha up & down
Hey guys, girls and gays.

When I got home today I had a pretty bad tummy ache , that's gone now thank god, I've just finished my science studying and before that I did my nails. I think I got contaminated by all the chemicals or something from the nail-polish because now I have a massive head-ache now, I'm going to dig into some old frenck books later because I feel like I'm loosing a bit of it and it's such a beautiful language !
I wish I was fluent !

Purple tips, with a gold trim :)
I'll update more later,
Todays outfit:

And to match the cold temperature

Just have to get sleven and fill the cup !
Rockin' my cornrows
After I finally finished my swedish assignment I jumped in the shower and now I'm sitting here looking like a blonde female version of Snoop Dogg with the middle parted type of cornrows. Believe I'm not doing it because I want to look like Snoop Dogg or because I like the way I look in them, I'm doing so that I'll have "angle hair" tomorrow. I'm also going to save you from a picture, I don't want y'all to see a white girl with cornrows, it just doesn't mix in my head.

The bed is calling me in a bit, another early morning coming up ! Let's all hope and pray for a better day tomorrow :)

The very cool Coco Channel
I'm a runner , you're a fighter. . .
taking 4ever
This swedish assignment is taking forever! I've been sitting here waaaaaaay too long and I'm not even half finnished! All I want to do is fix my nails, is that so much to ask? and then maybe watch some TV and eat my brownie I made yesterday , that turned out delicious by the way, maybe I'm not that hopeless in the kitchen afterall ! What do you think? :)

I said it was ok
What a day it's been ! Cancelled classes here and there, computers not working, I've been falling asleep, having no energy so laughing at everything that's being said, hick-ups all day giving me a stomach ache. That pretty much sums up my day so far. I have some work I need to do before tomorrow so I'm going to get to that, but first a powernap! :)

I can't wait until Thursday, I have to tell y'all, me and my mom has planned a shopping spree! I've got some money saved up that I'm feeling like spending :)
And thank you Mona ;) When you leave comments please link your email or own blog so I can reply, that goes for all of you!

Mmmm, the good times in Gran Canaria !
I'm off to mold my mind.

I wish it was all Balmain.
Bonne soir
I just had my dinner served to me in a white cardboard take-out box, now how glamorous isn't that? Haha, now I feel about as stuffed as a turkey on Thanksgiving. In the bath I managed to untangle my hair, after like three times of conditioning. I spent like two hours in the bath did a face mask, body scrub, super conditioning for the hair and oiled myself completely from top to toe. I was all shriveled up like a raisin when I got out.

When I got out I was still oily and said this to my mom, she felt my skin and said
"God have you been bathing in the Mexican Gulf or what?"
Hahahaha let me just tell you this, it's not often my mom makes jokes like this and it just made us truly laugh. Tomorrow I start at eight, so I don't know if I'll update before I leave since I have to leave the house at 7 !
Pictures by Linda from this friday:

Good times !
Good night my loved ones!
After getting some breakfast, coffee and daily news into my stomach I'm feeling much better, perkier and up to beat. I finished my economy assignment a while ago after that picked up some clothes in my room.

For the last hour I've been working super hard in the kitchen, I've made brownies from scratch ladies and gentlemen ! This might not be a big deal for some of you but for me it is, I haven't done it in years and back when I did it they never turned out the same or really any good. But I a have a really good feeling about this one ! :)

The worst part about baking is cleaning up after wards. . .

I wanted to be like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City so
I did my baking in these killers. (joke) but I did wear them, mostly
since there fucking uncomfortable so I'm trying to make my feet get used
to them. What better way than paralyzing them?
I'm going to hit the bath now I think :)
I'm awake, siting in bed. Pissed, hungry, sad, alone everything at once, where is a boyfriend when you need him? It turned into a pretty late night last night, just me though. Couldn't sleep got woken up once and then it was just pretty much impossible to go back to sleep.
The fact that I have to study today doesn't make my mood that much better. I don't know what the weather looks like outside, but it's probably bad. I think I'm going to watch a movie in bed before I get up.

Sometimes people do things for others and then they realize their not making a benefit from it, this is where it goes bad and downwards. If you have something to say to me say to me and no one else please, I'm tired of hearing it from others.
As one of the great tragedians Euripides said:
Waste not fresh tears over old griefs
Which is what I'm trying to do, despite the nightmares.

Maybe you didn't think about it
The shopping
Here's what I bought today, wasn't supposed to buy anything but since what happened happened I thought it was ok. Ever since I got home I haven't done more than chilled and watched a movie .

This babypink body, but of course. . .

I'd where it with something like a skirt like this ;)
The body is also perfect to wear to dance class :)
Here are some pictures from yesterday, I'm pretty bummed right now. I was supposed to do something today, but they we're fully booked even they'd toled me before that I don't need to book a time :( So I did some cheer-me-up-shopping, that I will show you later today. First some photos from yesterday !

It was pretty crowded so we stayed to the side

One of the artists that performed, Erik Hassle with his awesome hair !

My sweethearts :) Linda , Joel and John

The very cool Knappen and Hakim, mmmm memories !

After the show Philip took advantage of Linda :)
(I slept at Lindas place last night, that's why I didn't update I hope you forgive me)
Concert times !
Tonights concert outfit !

The make-up
Have a great night everyone !
A good day
My day today has been unusually good. The history lesson today was a lot fun and we're going get to study our own history and make family trees. :) We also got to meet our new math teacher and she scared the living shit out of me and most others in our class. She's short and chinese but damn she has authority, could be the harsh chinese accent. She seems like a good teacher though :)

Since I got home I've done some house work and talked with Jorge on skype, he's scared off his ass since he's getting inked tonight ! Hahahaha I just fined it funny :), I'm not always the most sentimental person, especially not when you choose to put yourself in pain.
Tonight I'm going to NRJ in the park with a bunch of others there's going to be a bunch of good artists so I look forward to it :) I'm going to get ready in a bit so I'll update before I leave !

Love it or hate I don't care, I know what I think
You give me chillz
It's a bit chilly today :( but I've piled on some clothes and I'm now ready to go meet Linda :) and then head off for school ! Don't have much more to say so I'm off !

the fur is out again
Mucho Update
There's been a lot of updating today, hope you like that ;)

Well now it's time to hit the sack, my book is waiting!

Beautiful Doutzen Kroes
Bonne nuit,
Something new?
Can you see anything different?
I'm so excited!
. . . and I just can't hide it !

Guess what !? :D
I just signed up for 14 salsa lessons for this fall, wiiiiie :) I can't wait and it starts in two weeks. I've never done pure Latin dancing before, only Latin jazz and one single crash course in salsa.
But after spending time in Miami (I've lived there, for those who don't know) el rytmo comes naturally to mi cuerpo. It's couples salsa tambien, so no boring dancing with a broomstick looking in the mirror ;)
This is what I've danced before:
Latin jazz
Street jaxx
Classical jazz

Ay papi
Itchy & Scratchie
Hey, I'm home ! I've been home for a while actually :)

Today I had three back to back classes, not the most fun day, but at least it's over quicker ! Now that I'm home I've changed pants since there's a seam that's been scratching my ass all day, I've been doing my best not scratch but it feels like I've had my hand down my left back pocket all day scratching. . .
Now that I'm home my contacts started itching like crazy so I took them out. That's what's up with me, how are you all?
Especially you, how's España?
Oh yeah, I had my first business economy class today , the teacher was bald, mumbled like 95-year old and had the worst handwriting in the history of teaching ! But otherwise the class seems like fun :)

Me rocking the Prada's
I didn't sleep too well last night, but fortunately I'm not too tired today :) I'm going to school for a short day , and the sun is shining :)

Q's & A's !
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Rocky Road, baby! Or something from my future husbands Ben & Jerry , preferably brownie !
What was the last thing you ate?
Some shitty piece of chocolate
What CD is in your CD player right now?
Not sure either Christina Aguilera or Absolute Love (yes, I still listen to CD's)
How many keys are on your key ring?
4, one for the house, garage, one for my stolen bike and the last for a padlock I lost
How much money do you have in your wallet?
10 kr, 2 euros and my card that I got my salary on today , wihoo ! :D
List two bad habits that you have.
Always having to send a text before I go to sleep and looking at my reflection in windows and mirrors in public, I don't fix myself or anything just look. . .
What spice or seasoning is your favorite?
Thai sweet chili I think (where did I find these weird questions?)
What's your birthstone? Would you change it?
Diamond ! Hell no it's only the best of the best :)
If you had one day to live, what would you do?
EAT ! Run around naked and maybe commit some kind of (small) crime just to have done it, but in some countries running around naked is one, hmmmm . . .
Do you know what your name means?
No, I don't think it has meaning. It's a nickname from Karin, thanks a lot parents !
What color is your room?
White and Lavender :)
Describe your morning ritual. . . . . . .
I snooze for half an hour always ! Otherwise you don't want to even talk to me during the day. Get up, put on a robe, go down to the kitchen put the kettle have a yogurt or some toast with tea. Sit down read the newspaper and then get myself fixed and dressed, update my dear blog, make some coffee to go and then run to the buss !
When you find a spider in your house do you kill it, ignore it, or shoo it?
I put a cup on top of it, and let somebody else take care of it.
Which do you prefer? The dentist or the eye doctor?
Eye doctor any time of the year !
If you could have any car in the world, what would it be?
The 2010 Mustang , no doubt !
Which is worse? Someone snoring right next to you on a plane or a baby
Someone snoring , I love babies even if they have poop in their diapers and scream.
Would you rather have seven older brothers or seven older sisters?
brothers I think. . .
Would you rather be lost at sea or in a desert?
Then I'd eventually drift a shore
Do you tend to date people younger or older than you?
I work at the Hard Rock Cafe here in Gothenburg, I do a lot of different things there which is fun. I'm a hostess, sometimes I work in the shop and I do some waitressing as well :)
I go to the International High School of the Gothenburg Region, which is an english speaking school :)

That's all for now !
I didn't have time to update before I went to school today since I missed counted the buss time, at least I didn't miss it :) So here's it is.

I'm getting kind of tired of the weather now, the fall is coming waaay too fast! Today we had the first "real" school day, but also the most boring lessons, Swedish and science, YUUUCK! I think I'll get a bite to eat now, I'm pretty tired my body still isn't used to school. I got some homework today so I might do that later on. I'll update later and try to come up with something fun! :)
Haunted house . . . ?
I just have to tell you guys quick I find it a little creepy, none of the alarms that me or my parents set yesterday went off today ! Luckily I'm not in a big rush though :) ....

I'll update !

Now I'm going to eat my breakfast !
Buenas noches everyone, I'm spending a whi...
Buenas noches everyone, I'm spending a while longer with this brick and then it's time to sleep :) <3
Exhausted . . .
Damn I'm really exhausted, my body just isn't used to getting up early and getting active right away! I've just had a shower and now I'm waiting for my favorite show to start :) I'll watch that tonight and have cup of tea. Think I'm going to go to bed early tonight and read my new book !!

Off for another day of hard learning !
I'm leaving for another day of school now, the told us to dress appropriate for weather. I hope my outfit fits the cut, haha. The weather here is completely f*cked so I don't know what to believe. I was told we were going to have some classes today which feels good cause I'm not in the mood for just playing around.

Got to make some coffee before the buss leaves !
Bye bye now,
stuck in my head
I just can't get over how good this song is !
Both of them are incredibly beautiful and strong women !
What you probably don't know about me
¤ I stopped counting how many pairs of shoes I own last year when I reached 45, so it's somewhere above there, and I have about 10 pairs
that have never been used!

What girl would say no to Paula Abdul's walk in shoe closet? I
wouldn't! And I think we're the same size :)
¤ My shoe size is 36, I can sometimes shop in the children department :)
¤ My full name is Kajsa Ingrid Charlotta Hellman
¤ I used to compete in swimming, but got injured a few years back and had to have surgery. I haven't been able to recover completely
¤ My life long dream has always been to become a singer, as long as I can remember. I'm starting to realize now that I don't think it's going to work out.
¤ I'm terrified of the dentist, I always go to my appointments but then I havent't slept or relaxed for like a week.

Who'd want that job?
¤ I always sleep hugging something, a teddy bear preferably ;)
¤ I want to sail across the Atlantic Ocean before I'm 25
¤ I want to have a baby before I'm 25 as well

I want a bump like that !
¤ There are two words that I try never to use ; perfect and hate (perfect I never use to describe anything, hate might have slipped out of my mouth once or twice)
¤ I read at least 12 different blogs every day
¤ I've sailed to the Shetland Isles and spent 3 weeks there (way to long) now tell me do you even know where that is?

This is about as much of excitement you get in the Shetland Isles
I don't know why you'd be interested in all this, but it seems like you still read it ;)
(I'm feeling better once again)
My lunch is gone
this was probably the most unnecessary day ever, we spent 45 minutes in the class rooms where they gave us our schedules, that was it! It takes me 45 minutes just to get to school !
Anyways afterwards a few of us had lunch at Espresso House, but mine didn't stay that long it left the building as soon as I got home. What's up with my body?, I'm not in the mood for any incurable disease now that school has started! So since I got home I've just been lying in bed taking it easy. I don't want to sleep because then I won't be able to sleep tonight. I'm just going to chill for a while watch a movie probably.
If you don't here from me in the next 24 hours I'm probably dead.

Here's a picture of my school, it feels good
to be back !
First day of school
First day of school don't want to be late , that's why the outfit picture is kind of a blur....

no topic
Today I haven't done much, I've taken it easy tried to fill my stomach with small things went grocery shopping and had a looong shower, I scrubbed, exfoliated and all that :) Now me and my parents are trying to make dinner plans we'll see how it turns out :)

I love walking around looking like a soccer mom !

Great products, both Clinique. The big one is a body exfoliating scrub,
the small one is a facial mask that really helps to clear skin.
After a long nights sleep and a cup of vanilla tea I feel much better ! Well yeah, I feel better , but the way I feel about some others might have changed.

Anyway I don't have to much to say so I'll update more later on.

I just thought I'd tell you guys I'm feeling much better after ........ .. , I still haven't eaten anything but I don't have that sick feeling in my stomach anymore, which feels great ! Think I'm going to sleep now.

El naturelle
Empty house
Hey I'm home, I got to go home early today the place pretty much empty. I'm not complaining since I'm not feeling to well. My stomach hasn't been wanting to hold the food down at all today so I haven't eaten too much either. I'm just going to lye here in the couch for a while and see how I feel later on. I really hope I'm not getting sick, school starts on Monday. I'll update later if I fell better.
Money making place
I'm off to work , 10 hours here I come !

My new dress :)
Hard Rock emergency
Sorry for the terrible update today ! My boss called me at 4 and needed me to come ASAP since they had no host, so I've been working tonight. I was really supposed to go to a birthday party :(

Gustav and John I hope you had a great birthday party without me and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both, sorry I couldn't make it.
I need to go to sleep now, I'm working all day tomorrow... But this means I get more money to spend on my Edinburgh trip ! :D

This is me working on Halloween (it's not the normal uniforms, thank god)
ellen, ellen, ellen
Hey guys, I'm up and watching the ellen show, I'm really tired I just want to go back to bed but I guess that's not such a good idea. I've had a cup of coffee, I should probably get something else as well in a while.

Ok I'll just update later since I don't have anything else to say.

I look like someone can't figure out who though, hmmmm, fat noes,
fat lips and cheeks, help me?
Today's shopping
Here's what I bought today, I know wasn't supposed to any clothes or things like that but I just couldn't resist buying the floor-length dress it's just so perfect for dull fall days and then you just pop on some nice colors with it. :)

The big notebook has a plastic folder in the front where you can put
whatever you like in. The small white thing is a leather calender, the
rest I think you can guess :)
Hungry !
Hey everyone, I'm home, been for a while fixing and trixing with things, like my cellphone which is now full of rhinestones :) hehe. Right now I'm sitting waiting for dinner I'm hungry as a beast, I've barley eaten any solid food today, haha, I just haven't had the time or patience for it.

Any whooo, while waiting I'm trying to finish a book I bought while I was out sailing because I bought a new one today that I desperately want to get started on ! :D I've only got 80 pages left or something like that so hopefully I'll finish it today :) I'm such a sucker for chic-lit books, especially books by Marian Keyes no matter how long they are finish them in like a week and I haven't read one that's less than 600 pages. So much for my dyslexia , haha ;) Well I'm desperate to get back to my reading I'll update later with the things I bought today :)

Scary picture but I'm actually reading the book, haha
Almost done shopping :D
Almost done shopping :D
School prepping
Ok guys I'm off, update later with the good's I bought ;)

It's a bit chilly today :/
Good morning everyone. I'm up, just finished a cup of tea and I'm watching TV shop, god the things they show. They're showing this multitasking hair-iron-curler thing and they're talking about how it doesn't burn the hair so you can keep it in for a long time, but I can see smoke coming out of it while they're using it. Now come on that's just poorly made !

From one TV-shop disaster to my plans for the day. I'm going to warm up yesterdays chinese leftovers in a bit and then get ready to go into town with Linda :)

I was cold when I got up so I put on my dad bath robe, it's the answers to
everything :)
I'll update before I leave !
Movie time, in my bed, who's coming?
I'm finally in bed I ended up watching this really weird documentary about cults. Those things just freak the hell out of me, in the end they ended up committing suicide all of them at once in the same house and all dressed in the same clothes, eeeeek!
Now that I'm in bed I'm going to cool off and watch something calming, like Life-Size with Tyra Banks and Lindsay Lohan :)

My natural eye-brows and severe curling iron injury on the cheek bone.
damn it
Ok, now I'm just bored... I don't know what to do, just think if I could be like most girls who can just pluck their eyebrows when ever they've got nothing to do. But if I pluck my eyebrows they disappear. . . It's good to the fact that don't have to pluck them once a week or how ever often you do it, but the boring part about it is that I'm stuck with the shape I have (in my header picture my eyebrows are filled in with a pencil). I can't do my nails either since they're brand new. My feet, let's just say dancers feet, there's not much you can do with them. . . I hope you're enjoying reading about my huge problems.
It feels a little too early to go to bed as well, especially since I'm kind of expecting a call so I can't go to bed just yet. . .

Old picture
Ni hao
Hey guys, when my dad come home today we decided to order in some chinese. I'm now stuffed and feeling like a chinese puff lying in the coach watching Agatha Christies Miss Marple. She's just the cutest little lady and she's just how I imagine my grandma in about 20 years :)

Tomorrow Linda and I are going school shopping, I love stocking up on new things like that at the beginning of the year. Well I'll update later when I havee something with importance to say ;)

Man arms. . .
Good morning , good day , good afternoon ?
I just wok up an hour ago. . . Which means I kind of skipped breakfast and got it in a take-out box ;)

Somehow I always manage to over sleep when the sun is out and then when I get up it disappears, it sucks. . .

just showing the goods
This update is only to show you what I got today, I'm to tired for anything else !

I bought these babies, perfect everyday heels :) buuuuut. . .

of course I had to give them my own touch, so I changed the dull
white shoe lace to a black silk lace instead :)

I also got my nails done, took forever, but now I have perfect
french manicure with a purple rhinestone, just to be special ;)
Buenas Noches queridos,
I'm back, kinda
Hey guys, I'm home and I've done some shopping :D

I can't show you right since a bomb of clothes exploded in my room earlier this morning, so I really need to sanitate my room from that first ;) but I'll be back !

The other day I showed you all a picture of my grandma here's my
grandpa , RIP ♥
This tells you when it's time. . .
When Kajsa Hellman walks out of the house for a coffee looking like this it tells you it's time for her to do some laundry !

I'm kinda going for a elegant hoboish look? One thing is for sure, I feel as gray as the sky outside, I had to put some red lipstick on to not to be mistaken as a rock.

This is supposed to be the "elegant" part

and the sweater is for the hobo part, I think it completes the
look ;) HAHA
Slept like a baby !
Hey guys, I'm up and I really truly slept like a baby last night. Can't remember the last time I slept that good, I didn't wake up once :)

This is me sleeping like a baby, with a baby !
I just finished eating breakfast and I'm soon going to get ready to go meet up Linda after she's gotten her hair done. I might pop by work and see if they want me working this weekend :) and maybe pick up some tips.
I'll update later,
It's & you're Useless
I really haven't done a single important thing today I've watched both Bad Boys movies, had french toast for lunch, had an extremely long shower and painted my thumb nail (I gave up after one nail?) Now i'm in bed not really sure what to do, might close the window soon cause it kinda windy. . . .
I'll probably watch another movie or something, don't you worry ;)

Nighty night lovers,
Jetsets !
I don't know if you guys have realized yet, but I absolutely LOVE travelling ! And I thought I'd show you guys a picture from each city I've been in within the last year :)

Hyde Park, London in October 2009

Back home , Florida in April 2010

Läsö, Denmark in May 2010

Naxos, Greece in June 2010

Gran Canaria in July 2010
Trips I'm planning so far within the year: Edinburgh, Scotland ! :)
Top of the mornin'
Good morning everyone, I'm up waiting for a package to be delivered so I'm just waiting in the couch in my PJ's.
Update more later !
Early night
I'm hitting the bed early tonight I'm pretty tired. I'm going to go watch Bridget Jones Diary 2 now :)

Snuggly woggly
I'm off !
I'm off to eat lunch in town with Daniel from work !

See ya !
Why the hell . . . ?!
Why the hell am I already awake ? Last night I didn't go to sleep when I said I was going to in the latest update, I took a shower downloaded a movie ate some snacks and fell asleep watching Bridget Jones Diary probably around 3.30 A.M.

So was pretty much planning on sleeping all day today, but nope that didn't work out. . . I'll just finnish the movie in bed and then see if I fall asleep again , I hope so!

Unbeatable crazy happiness !
I'm home !
Wooow, what a day. I've been hosting which is basically seeting guests in the outside area. And the waiting list OH MY LORD ! You'd be surprised what people do to sit down and just have a drink. Some customers I've just wanted to stab with their own steak knifes (I'm not going to go further in on that), but we had some really nice guests towards the end that turned my mood around.

So still after a 10 hour shift I'm in a surprisingly good mood, and wouldn't mind working tomorrow even though I'm not (hehe).
What to do now, I'm not even tired. How weird is that? Ok I'll admit I was shit ass tired. . . But not anymore. Screw it I'll just try to go to sleep.

This is my beautiful grandmother in the 50's!
Bonne soir y'all.
I did it !
I'm all done and now I'm off to work, for a 10hour shift but at least the lunches are usually calm :) The money I'm making this weekend I'm doing something special with, I'll tell you more about it later on !

That would be me right now !
Adios !
I woke up
Wow, I woke up again I was seriously doubting it yesterday, I just didn't have any energy left. Work was completely insane yesterday I've never run with that many plates of food in one night, my arms felt like they were just going to fall off at one point, bought I fought through it.

Yesterday was Friday the 13th, we were constantly reminded not freak out about it but also not to fuck up. I can't say that I did any Friday the 13th related fuck ups at work, but before I left for work I burnt my cheek on my curling iron so no it looks like I have frost-bite all over again. I've got a purple mark on my right cheek bone. Lovely, well it's probably nothing a little concealer can't hide I hope ;)
Ok shit now I really need to get up have to go buy some breakfast, shower and get myself ready in 1h ten minutes wish me luck.

(Haha) this is me almost as happy as can be , swimming in the cold ocean
at my grandmas, there's just something about the ocean, it sooths me. . .
sleeping pills
Good night everyone I don't have any energy left so I'm just going to go to sleep, I'm working 10 hours tomorrow so I need it !

When I was at my grans, we borrowed her kayak :)
El stresso (I need an espresso)
Hey guys I'm home from gran's, had a great time ! :)

Buuuuut now I'm off to work so I don't have a alot of time to update! I'll do it as soon as I can , promise.

I'm off to grans!
I'm off to grandma out in the country ! :)

Levi's shorts, cashmere tee, and thick knitted sweater, perfect for where
I'm going ;)
Bedtime !
It's time for bed , I have to get up at 8.30 tomorrow waaay to early for my likings ! But it will probably be good for me, hehe.

Never ends. . .
Since the last update I've managed to unpack three suitcases and pack a weekend-bag, eat left over pizza for lunch, shower, moisturize and pick an outfit for tonight. We've got family friends coming over in a while, haven't met them in a really long time so it should be nice :)
The weekend-bag is for tomorrow when Linda and I are going to go visit my grandmother tomorrow. My parents thought it would be a good idea and she lives right by the ocean so I'm not complaining and of course I love my grandma :)

The Piké is from Henry Lloyd, shorts: YeansPlease, belt: secondhand
I've got to go now the guests should be here soon
Latest investments. . .
Here are some of my latest investments as Rebecka Bloomwood probably would have said.

Baby pink shirt blazer in viscose

Sailors dress from Holebrook
What do you think? :)
I still dream nightmares about you. . .
Now I really have to unpack and sort laundry, boring things like that ! :( I have guests coming over tonight.
Mini update from the latest days.
Today I woke up just in time for the Ellen show to start :) Perfect timing in my words. So I ate my toast and non-fat no-sugar passion fruit yogurt while watching it (the yogurt tasted like passion fruit pieces in milk!) That's pretty much what I've had time to do so far today.

Here are some pictures from Linda and my latest adventures:

Our floor pic-nic with nachos. Everything was good except the cheese that
tasted a little footy. That night ended with a bunch of CranLime-Jacks ! ;)

Nothing the in the fridge looked good enough the next morning so we went
for sushi ! Linda's got some major chop-stick skills :)

My sushi of choice, I don't know about but I can't fit more than 5 pieces.
After all this we did some shopping !
Chaos !
It wasn't enough with the flood in the basement this weekend. I don't really see a reason to involve you in all this stuff so I want.

I at least had a great beginning of the day with sushi and shopping with Linda. I'll upload some pictures from it tomorrow I think. I have to go deal with reality now. . .

I wouldn't mind going back now. . .
Home !
Hey guys I'm finally home in my own house ! I still have a cold but feeling much better, me and Linda are pic-nic-ing in front of the new flat screen tonight. We've been grocery shopping so the fridge is full of good stuff ! :)

Guess what a great surprise I got when I got home?!
Apparently it's been raining like crazy here in the city, so there'd been a leakage and two of our rooms in the basement had filled with water (a fem cm) it was rain water and dirt mostly, so I've been mopping and cleaning and stuff. Which isn't really what I had planned for when I got home ! But now there's not much more I can do for the moment, I've taken a few pictures for the insurance company and stuff as well.

I felt like one of those cleaning ladies in school. . .

That's how high the water apparently went, wonderful !
Future career?
Linda and I are going to start making some dinner a bit :)
Holla back at y'all laterz !
picture update
Hola !
Since yesterday to this morning my cold just exploded at dawn this morning I thought I was dying from some kind of snot disease! How much snot can fit in a nose?! I haven't been doing too much more than napping and taking a shower today. Every time I try to do something it feels like I'm trying to run a marathon on the top of Mt. Everest, I'm completely exhausted after just going to the bathroom. Around dinner though I decided to get my ass of the couch and made a brownie (pictures below)
(picture update)

we caught some fishies the other day that we cooked, i'll spare you the pictures of
my sister trying to kill them

In grebbestad we bought a bunch of different sea food, delicous !

My brownie making in three steps !

I'm starting to miss home now, which I rarely do. But it feel like I haven't slept in my own bed since Jesus walked on water, now I'm going to finish my Scottish miracle cold medicine (Lemsip) and then go to bed.
Hey everyone I'm in a little town called Grebbestad with a cold! Can you imagine?! First time this summer I'm out with the boat for real and I managed to get a cold on the second day !

Yesterday was pretty nice we went to a city called Lysekil and I did some shopping, I got a new bikini a book (since I've already finished the one on 400 pages that I brought with me, hehe) I'll try to get a good picture of the bikini some time soon to update :) It's really cute, I'm sitting in the the sun with it right now, pretending I'm not sick at all.

The colors are a litltle off but that's me right now
Time for some more painkillers and ice cream!
Hasta la vista ;)
hitting the sack
Good night everybody, we're not sailing too far tomorrow so I'll try to update for real. I need to get to a city and do some shopping so hopefully we'll do that :) I'lll try to inform you all about mañana !

A tired ass me. . . .
Don't hate me
Hey guys, I'm sorry don't really have a lot of time to update right now, so I'll just tell you that I'm great. Everything is pretty much back to normal now that I'm back in sweden except my hair is blonder, I'm more tanned, all my bikinis are worn out and completely bleached but it's nothing I'm complaining about because it's nothing I can't fix ;). But for all of you that have my facebook I've updated all the pictures up there ! :)

I'm back in Sweden but already out sailing...
I'm back in Sweden but already out sailing ! But I've got my laptop with me and I might have internet later on so I'll try to update then :) <3